Love for the Librarian

A New Roommate


When we arrive at the house days later it is nice to see, the car is no longer a place that I want to hang out, no matter how great it is. We lug ourselves inside and just drop our bags right there in the entrance hall. I am a little taken back. Katelyn had pictures of the house, but seeing it in person is a different story. You know when they take real estate pictures and they make all the rooms look bigger, well with this house I think they did the opposite. Everything seems huge. The stairs are like eight feet wide, with this grand banister. The entry way is massive. It is a lot like Katelyn’s house back home, but still bigger.

As I study the house, stuck in my spot by the door, a man appears at the top of the stairs. He is tall and dark, tanned skin and dark hair. He is wearing a pair of jeans and a dark blue shirt. He has a handsome smile on his face as he looks over at us. “Finally I thought you guys would never get here.”

Katelyn gives him a half smile. “Yeah, well we weren’t in a hurry to see you.”

He laughs as he comes off the stairs and grabs Katelyn into a hug. “Don’t lie, you missed me.”

“How could I miss you, stink breath?” She rolls her eyes. “This is Kevin and Riley. Be nice. Guys this is Alex, my cousin.”

Alex lets go of Katelyn and gives Kevin a handshake. Then his eyes fall on me, he takes my hand and kisses the palm. “You are so going to make it worth living here.”

“I said be nice. She isn’t for you.”

“Wait, what does he mean by living here?” I hear a little panic in my voice. I am not in the right mind frame to be pushing away Casanova night and day.

“She didn’t tell you. I am going to be living here. It was our parents’ idea, not mine. I tried to get my own place but it wasn’t working out. Since the family owns the house it is logical that we live here.” He still hasn’t let go of my hand. I pulled it away.

“Alex, please leave Riley alone. She just had a bad breakup and she doesn’t need you down her neck as soon as she gets here.” Katelyn pulls him away. Thank God I have a buffer. Then I almost stopped in my tracks by his next words.

“I can make her forget him.” God he is hot, if it wasn’t for a certain man who has been haunting my brain for the past month I would have fell for him in an instant.

“Not this girl. Back off or you’re sleeping in the garage.” Katelyn scolds him.

“Alright, alright, jeez I am just having a little fun. This is the girl you were always talking about. I take it.”

“Yes, she is my best friend and I will keep her away from the likes of you. Her heart has been hurt enough, she doesn’t need you and your games.”

Alex throws his hands up in a surrender position. “Alright I get it. I will give her space. As long as she knows that my personal bubble is a lot smaller than other people.”

Kevin steps in front of me. “She said space. Dude, respect that or we are going to have problems.”

Alex and Kevin stare at each other for a minute and then Alex shrugs. “Fine, I will give her space.”

I roll my eyes, “Guys I can take care of myself. As charming as Casanova is, he has no chance with me at the moment.”

His eyes light up with humor. “Oh, I could test that theory.”

“Go ahead Casanova. You will lose.”

“You think I am Casanova. I am honored.” This earns him an extra eye roll.

Kevin puts his hands up in surrender. “Alright I will let you go. I will be watching you though. You do anything I think is crossing the line. I will make sure you know it.”

Alex points his thumb at Kevin and turns to Katelyn, “Who is this guy? You never brought him up before.”

“That is because I don’t talk to you about my love life. Nor is it any of your business. He will be living here too. I invited him. It is big enough here.”

“Love life, is he your boyfriend?”

“Was. None of your business. Now go order some dinner while we unload this crap and pick our rooms.”

“How does your ex boyfriend rank in the housemate category?”

“Like I said, none of your business. He is my friend.”

I pick up my bag and head for the stairs. “Thanks guys, I have forgotten all about Dylan already. Let’s keep up the bickering and see how long it lasts.” I don’t even look back as I climb the stairs. I didn’t mean to be testy but I have been stuck in a car for a week, I am tired and depressed. The last thing I need is to spend my first night in my new place bickering.

I found a room that has a window seat. This looks nice. A desk to study at and a large bed. I am not sure where all of my stuff is but I will deal with that tomorrow. This is my room. I throw my bag in the closet and throw myself on the bed. Just as I make contact my phone rings.

I groan and look at it. It’s him, of course it is. “Hello,”

“Hey, how are you doing?”

“Alright I guess. You?”

“I miss you. I feel like you are too far away.”

Just then Alex decided he would enter my room. “Hey, I wanted to apologize. I don’t want you to hate me right out the gate.” I am not sure if he realizes that I am on the phone or not.

“Who is that? It doesn’t sound like Kevin.” Panic has risen in Dylan’s voice.

“Really? You want to go there with it. After everything. I can talk to who I want to when I want to. You have no say Dylan. I answer because you asked me too, do not put a wedge there.”

Alex has a shocked look on his face. I don’t think he expected me to talk like that to someone.

“Baby, I’m sorry. I just get jealous. I want you to be happy. I really do. I just want you back here already. I don’t want you to move on.”

“If I move on, I will. You don’t have a choice in that matter. Dylan I told you to date while I was gone. What makes you think I wouldn’t go on a date too? Maybe I want to make sure that you are the one for me. I am not stupid enough to think that you are going to stay with me. After all, you have Brittney sniffing around.”

“You know I want you, not her.”

“This week. Maybe next week the baby will really be yours and then you will be clinging to her like a life raft. How should I know? I have to go Dylan before I say something I will really regret.”

“I love you.” I hung up.

The tears fell. I think I completely forgot about Alex being there. He places his arm around my shoulder and I continue to cry. “Hey, it’s alright. It’s going to get better I promise.” His hand is rubbing circles on my back. It is oddly comforting. Then I realize that I really don’t know this guy and here he is comforting me.

I rub the tears from my face. “Sorry, you didn’t need to see that.”

He gives me a comforting smile. “Hey, it happens. Look, I know I came off kind of strong down there. I really don’t want to push you. I will cool it. You just be you, ok.”

I nod to him. “Thanks. You are being cool. I don’t know how many guys would sit here and comfort a girl that they don’t belong to.”

“That’s me, shoulder to cry on guy. Just remember I will be here for you too. I won’t push you. You obviously had a bad break up. He still calls huh?”

“Everyday. My dumb ass told him that I would always pick up. I really don’t know what I was thinking. I guess I really just want him to actually say something that will make it all better. He made me feel used and second rate. Somehow I want him to take it back. I want to be his everything, like he was for me.”

Alex puts his finger under my chin and makes me look at him. “If you weren’t his everything then he missed out. I can see you really care about that guy. He missed out on an amazing woman. You are not the one to blame. If he didn’t make you feel that way then he doesn’t deserve you.”

I give him a weak smile. That is like the sweetest thing. “Thank you.” I take a deep breath. “That actually helps a bit.”

He pats my leg and then stands. “Now that pizza should be here soon, let’s go eat.”

“I think I need a drink too.”

He nods then gives me a smile. “I think that can be arranged. Let’s get down there, before your friends think I am accosting you up here.”

I laugh. “Yeah right. You’re smooth but not that smooth.”

He holds his hand to his chest. “You wound me.” Then he laughs too. “You have a nice laugh. You should do it all the time.”

“If I laughed all the time I am sure it would be annoying. Grating on the ears.”


“I’ll be right behind you. I have to call my mom and let her know that I made it here.” He just nods then leaves. He is going to be nice to live with. He could be a real friend. And maybe something more when I get over Dylan. I mean how could I keep doing this with someone who really didn’t want me to begin with.

I look at my phone just when I am about to call my mom, a text dings through.

Dylan: I’m sorry. Please baby. I love you.

Me: I just need you to know that. I am not second fiddle. I am a person who deserves to be recognized.

Dylan: Baby you are everything. I don’t want anyone else. If I had a choice then I would be there in a second. I want to hold you close. I feel this void with you gone.

Me: Four years really isn’t that long. If you still feel that way then we’ll talk about it.

Dylan: Don’t go away from me please. I still need the door open.

Me: You have no idea how beat up I am over this.

Dylan: Baby don’t be upset.

Me: How can I not be? Do you think I want this?

Dylan: All I can say is I love you. I know I brought this on. I will do whatever it takes to make it better.

Me: Just have a life, if you still want me in four years we can revisit this.Content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

Dylan: I’m scared.

Me: Why?

Dylan: You are so great I am going to lose you. I don’t want to. I need you.

Me: If you do it is because we are meant to be.

Dylan: I still am scared.

Me: I have to go Dylan.

Dylan: I love you.

I click over to the call feature. I dial up my mom. “Hey sweety, did you make it?”

“Yeah. We are getting ready to have dinner and then I think I am going to hit this bed. It is so nice to be out of that car.”

“Next time take a train. It will be fun. You don’t have to worry about anything. It is like a hotel that moves.”

“I’ll think about it mom. Is everything going well there?”

“Yeah, that boy keeps coming by. He knows you aren’t here, but I don’t know he seems to be comforted by coming for breakfast. He has been here three days in a row. We talk about you.”

“Dylan shouldn’t be bothering you. I’m sorry mom.”

“It isn’t a bother. I think he really misses you. I don’t know what happened with you two but he is hurt by it. I just thought that you should know.”

“Thanks mom. I got to go, everyone is waiting for me. We are eating dinner now.”

“Alright hun. Call me when you can. I love you.”

“I love you too mom.”

I head down to dinner. The pizza had arrived while I was on the phone.

“There she is. Mom must have talked your ear off.” Alex laughed.

“Yeah, she’s a talker. Apparently she has been having morning chats with Dylan.”

Everyone became a bit somber. “Is that the guy’s name?” Alex asks.

“Yes. He has been having breakfast with my mother. She says they talk about me. And that he is pretty torn up. I want to say he deserves it, but I just can’t bring myself to think that way.”

Alex smiles, “Well I can. He deserves it.”

“You don’t even know what he did.” I roll my eyes at him.

“I don’t care, anyone who would hurt a girl deserves to suffer.” Alex says.

Katelyn rolls her eyes. “As much as it pains me to agree with him. Dylan does deserve it. He made you feel second rate. No one should feel that way. Dylan should suffer a little. No matter how much he cares about you. He needs to treat you better.”

Kevin nods. “I agree. I mean Dylan is my friend too, but he needs to treat you better. I know he is sorry, but he has some time to mull it over.”

“Thanks, you guys. Pizza now. I need to unwind and then go to bed.”

“What about your drink?” Alex asks.

“I changed my mind. I just need to have a break. A good night’s sleep will be good for me.”

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