Love Contract

Chapter 395 Extra Story Being Separated (Part One)

Chapter 395 Extra Story Being Separated (Part One)

Inside Archer's apartment, Aisha hanged up the phone, shrugged, and told Archer, "They said that they'll bring my certificates over.” "That's great.” Archer nodded and held her hand.

"Are you really going to marry me? Why does it feel so surreal? I barely even know you!" Her palms were starting to sweat. Standing before the gates of the city hall was more nerve-wracking than catching a criminal.

"We should get married first. We'll have a lifetime to get to know each other," said Archer.

Aisha felt a warm sensation in her heart when she heard what he said. Then, she held his hands more intimately. Loud sirens could be heard from the distance.

While the pair was waiting for their certificates, they heard the police sirens getting nearer by the second.

"I think that there are at least ten police cars coming. What are they going to do?” Aisha smiled.

"Are you bothered by the sound of the sirens? Do you want to follow them? No way! I won't let you go." Archer smiled and emphasized, "Today's our big day.”

Aisha crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow. "Who said I wanted to leave?”

While they were conversing, the police cars were getting even closer. They all pulled up in front of the city hall all of a sudden. Soon, more than a dozen cars had surrounded Aisha and Archer.

Aisha grimaced and said, "It seems that even if I'm unwilling to go, someone wants me to leave."

Archer was puzzled. Did they come to fetch her because of what happened last night? While he was pondering, he felt an icy gaze looking at him from across the road. His eyes glinted and suddenly focused. It was his father!


The door of the last police car opened, and a Caucasian man stepped out. Aisha was surprised to see who it was and immediately saluted. "General Director!" What kind of heinous crime did she commit for the General Director of the Interpol to show up all of a sudden?

"Inspector Aisha, you're coming back to the headquarters with me,” the Caucasian man said straightforwardly. "I need to discuss something with you." "May we please talk about this once I get out of the city hall? It won't take long." Aisha shrugged.

"I'm afraid I can't grant that request."

"Why not?" Archer asked with a cold voice.

"Mr. Song... Perhaps you should ask your father about it." The Caucasian man turned back to Aisha. "You're coming with me."

Archer glared at the man sitting in the car on the other side of the road and said, "We're going to get our marriage license today."

"That's not gaing to happen.” With one snap of the Caucasian man's fingers, more than ten guns were pointed at Archer and Aisha

Aisha closed her eyes hesitantly and said to Archer, "I'll go with them. Don't worry, they're not going to do anything to me. We can register for marriage in the future, Archer." "It's not the same!" Archer coldly replied. "I'm scared that I might not get another chance in the future."

"Then what do you suggest we do? Should we attack the police?” Aisha smiled, pretending to be calm. "You should listen to your father and go back. We have more than enough time.”

"This kind of strategy won't work against him.” The General Director was watching the two of them talk in Mandarin. Annoyed, he commanded, "Fire at will!” “Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Aisha was startled. She immediately grabbed Archer's hand and was about to evade the bullets, but her body suddenly froze. Then, she felt a stinging pain across her body. When she turned around, she noticed the dozens of tranquilizers plunged into her back and Archer's. They almost looked like hedgehogs!

"Damn!" Aisha said through gritted teeth before she collapsed.

Archer scowled at them and almost fell down at the same time.

"Aisha, Mr. Song, I'm sorry!" The General Director shrugged and gestured at his men. "Take her back to the headquarters," he said. In the car across the road, Archer's father ordered his men as well. "Go and fetch Archer."

"Understood, master!"

When Lucas and Jazlyn arrived at the city hall, the scene had been cleared up, and order had been restored

"Where are they?” They looked everywhere but they couldn't manage to find Aisha and Archer.

‘I don't know either. I can't seem to reach them \ through their phones." Lucas was Starting to get anxious -> that he put his hands on his waist’ and said, ' ‘ls it April Fools’ Day. — today? Are Aisha and Archermaking furrof us?" 4

"Fuck off!" Jazlyn glared at Lucas. Noticing a woman coming out of the city hall, she immediately caught the woman’s attention. "Excuse me, ma'am.” After the woman narrated what had happened earlier, the pair knew that something was amiss. "I'm going back to the headquarters to see what's going on." Jazlyn looked agitated.

"I'm coming with you.” Lucas followed her. "I can’t get in touch with Archer. His family background is too complex. I don't think I can meet him in person."

"Fine." ‘I wish William was here...” At the Interpol headquarters.

When Jazlyn arrived at the office, she saw Aisha sitting on a chair and arguing with the General Director. She could only make out a few words through the glass. "Why? Why?"

She pushed the door open and saluted. "General Director! Inspector Aisha!" "I'm not the inspector anymore." Aisha rolled her eyes at the white man. "Why not?" Jazlyn sat beside them in surprise.

"Aisha, Jazlyn, I apologize, but this is an order from above. Aisha can no longer work here.” The General Director raised his hands and said, "Aisha messed with the wrong person. Alas, this annoying love!”

"Is Archer planning te kill you?" Jazlyn was puzzled. "Aren't you supposed to get a marriage license today? Is he insane?"

"No, it's not hirg, It's his family." Aisha lookecealm on the surface, but in reality; her heart was about to. burst frotn bitterness. "His familys has cofnections I in the government and the underworld. Commornfolk likeus should never do anything to véx them."

"You've encountered such a bloody plot!" Jazlyn scratched her head. "What should we do now?"

“You should ask the General Director." Aisha lifted her chin.

"My superiors.wanted to fire you, but I'm aware that'you're an excellent police officer, soldidmybestto ™ help youc The General Director a continded, "You can either go to™ another state or leave the US-You're allowed to go anywhere else; except NYC. You are still one of is, after all."

"I want to leave America,” Aisha declared firmly and clearly.

"I'm going to follow Aisha!" Jazlyn said with clenched fists.Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

A couple of hours later, the two girls walked out of the building. Jazlyn was dejected, but Aisha was surprisingly expressionless. "What happened?” Lucas was leaning against the car and he approached the girls as soon as he saw them.

"We're going to be relocated." Aisha shrugged. "Jazlyn and I are going back to A City."

"How could this happen? " Lucas was dumbfounded

"Let's talk about it on the drive home." Jazlyn waved her hand in dismissal. The three of them stepped into the car and drove back to the apartment on Fifth Avenue.

As soon as they opened the door, the three of them were completely astonished. They found that the apartment had been cleaned and everything was in order.

"What happened here? Did a fairy show up to clean up our apartment?" Aisha looked at Jazlyn and Lucas.

"It's not a fairy. It's just my mother.” Lucas shook his head in disbelief. Then, he picked up the note on the sofa.

"My beloved son, please make me a grandchild as soon as possible! Love — Mom."

"Okay, somebody tell me what happened.” Aisha narrowed her eyes at Jazlyn and snickered. "Did you meet his parents already?" "It's a long story!" Jazlyn sighed. "Boss, you're our top priority right now. Don’t change the subject!”

"She's right." Lucas nodded along with his hands on his hips. He asked, "When will you depart for A City? Are you just going to leave like this? Don't you want to see Archer again?”

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