LOVE AND SEX (the mafia’s slutty wife)


Serena felt blood rush to her ears at the word “ex” and the only thing she could hear was the thumping of her own heart, she had almost being slapped by her husband’s ex just one day into the marriage. She watched the cameras click and Damon push the woman in question aside as he grabbed her hand and ushered her into his father’s house. All of these were going on without her being fully aware of it, she was seeing stars and the slap did not even land.

She was ushered into the room where his father sat watching the commotion below and his son’s ex trying to gain entry into the mansion only to be stopped and held back by the guards.

“What is this supposed to mean Damon? What is all of these drama in front of my house.”

“I have no idea how she knew I was coming here father”

“You have to do something about her, I don’t need this stain on me or my company, the media is already all over us because of the public embarrassment she gave you.”

“I will handle it.”

“Better do, now can I finally meet my daughter in law?”

“Father meet Serena, Serena meet my father” Damon ground out.

Serena stood up, walked over to where the man stood and curtsied.

“You do not look bad at all although I was expecting someone more breathtaking as your mother is one beautiful woman. A pity she had to stay with a chronic debtor like your father, you shall have to do.”

Serena was shocked by his words and it took all of her willpower to not respond to his accusations, she did not like her father much but nobody had the right to insult him like this man just did. Only Damon noticed the fire light in her eyes at his father’s word and he smiled, he could see that she was holding herself from giving him a piece of her mind and he wondered how she would be when totally as angry as he had seen at the wedding.

He followed his father into the den to talk about the company and the party that would be organized to announce his handing over to him. It was his father’s plan for him to marry immediately after his ex Cassandra had broken off their engagement in public after he had caught her in bed with his best friend. The media had had a field day with it and had called him and his father all sort of names and that was what had pushed him into becoming a playboy, sort after by all women and owned by none.

When his ex had seen that he had gotten over her so fast, she had tried coming back to him, calling him incessantly with him ignoring her most of the time and now this scene in front of his father’s house? He was going to have a talk with her sooner rather than later.

“Have you briefed the girl on what she is to do and how she is to behave?”

“Not yet, the wedding was yesterday and we haven’t had the chance to talk properly.”Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

“We’ll do so, I want her to host the party and I want it to go without hiccup.”

“It will, I just brought her by for a formal introduction.”

“Have her sign the contract I have drafted out immediately. If she chooses to divorce you, she gets no penny at all and she is not to discuss anything that goes on in this family to the outside world and even her parents, she is to visit them once every month and must not sleep over.”

“I know all of these father. Can I go now? I have something to attend to.”

“You mean you have someone to attend to, make sure to keep your mistress away from public glare. Have all the fun you want but do not allow the media catch a whiff of it. I have prided myself in always keeping pleasure away from business and you should do the same.”

“That is very well understood.”

“I believe in you Damon, you will make me proud.” His father said patting him on the am.

Damon exited the Den and met his wife observing a painting by the hall, she looked enraptured by it and from that angle he could see that it was the painting of his mother in her prime. He stood where he was for some time watching her, she looked so small in the big hall and he had this sudden urge in his chest to protect and shield her from the harsh realities of his world. He cleared his throat uncomfortably which caused her to turn

“We are leaving?” She asked

“Yes, I need to brief you on what you must do”

“Last night was not brief enough?”

“It was the beginning. Now let’s go, I will ask the driver to drop you at my place and would join you later. I have somewhere to be.”

“The lady who called angry this morning?”

“That is not your business, place your focus on being a good wife Serena.”

She did not reply but instead squared her shoulders and walked in front of him, he watched her again very sure he had hurt her feelings but happy because it was for the better that they do not form any bond in this partnership of theirs.

They came out of the house again and were swarmed by cameras, Damon watched Serena raise her head high and flash a beaming smile before grabbing him and planting a peck on his cheek, he almost laughed out loud at how ridiculous it seemed.

When they had gotten into the car he turned to her

“What was that?” He asked

“You asked me to get used to the cameras and paparazzi always following us around, so I gave them something to talk about and something for your ex to scream over.” She said smiling again at what she had done.

Damon laughed this time, shaking his head from side to side

“You are a very funny little minx”

“And you are welcome. Thank you for protecting me by the way.”

“Oh don’t kid yourself, I was protecting myself.”

Serena thought hard about this and saw that he was right, he would have been attacked if his ex had succeeded in slapping her. He was the one the media would face and not her, to them she was just a lucky girl who had married one of the richest and most handsome man alive. She felt the tears well in her eyes and brushed them off immediately, she was not going to give him the satisfaction of seeing her cry.

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