Lock You In My Heart

Lock You In My Heart By B. MADRON Chapter 58 Read Online

Lock You In My Heart By B. MADRON Chapter 58 Read Online

Chapter 58 The Midnight Call Up

Gabrielle had wanted to sincerely thank Westley for taking then the hospital to the car. He had everythi ng arranged for them. Gabrielle was very grateful, until Westley sprouted some harsh words in the car.

If Westley hadn‘t stepped in, Gabrielle and Sloane wouldn‘t have known what could have happened to t hem.

But, what Westley said about Bryce before he got out of the car was uncalled for. Gabrielle felt her grati tude towards Westley wane after what she heard Text © owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Since you‘re so grateful for Mr. Morris, Miss Jones, could you please bring him a coffee for later? Mr. Morris is currently reading some documents in the study. You can bring it to him there,” Neil said, interrupting Gabrielle‘s deep thoughts. Neil felt the tension building up between Westley and Gabrielle and only hoped that he could had done the right thi ng to bring them together.

‘Bring Westley a coffee? Why would I do that?

Gabrielle refused in her mind.

“Neil, Westley had asked you to make him a coffee. I don‘t think it would be appropriate

for me to bring it to him.” Approaching Westley was the last thing Gabrielle wanted to do, knowing very wel l that he would most likely drive her out.

“No problem, Miss Jones. If you really don‘t want to do that, I can send it to Mr. Morris.” Neil knew there was something going on between Westley and Gabrielle, but he couldn‘t seem to figure it out.

“Neil, I did something that made Mr. Morris unhappy. I‘m afraid that if I send the coffee to him personally , he‘s going to lose his temper,” Gabrielle said hesitantly

Westley‘s attitude had been very upsetting when Gabrielle spoke with him earlier. She understood that if she showed her face to him again, the outcome would be dire.

“Miss Jones, you cannot do any wrong in Mr. Morris eyes. He can‘t stay mad at you, despite whatever it is that you did to upset him. I am sure there must have been some sort of mi sunderstanding and he would be pleased to have you bring him the coffee instead. You can take the op portunity to clear the air with him.” Gabrielle couldn‘t help but be persuaded by Neil‘s suggestion.

Gabrielle thought for a while and decided to bring Westley the coffee to appease the man After all, he d id help her out in a time of need.

“Okay, Neil. I‘ll bring it up to him.” Gabrielle agreed and got up to stand by Neil

Neil was delighted to hear that Gabrielle obliged and quickly made the coffee for Gabrielle to take it upstairs to the study.

“Miss Jones, it‘s ready. Here you are.”

“Thank you, Neil.”

With the cup of coffee in hand, Gabrielle trudged up the stairs towards the study while she thought abo ut what she could say to Westley. As she approached, she realized that the door to the study was open . Peering around the corner, Gabrielle gasped as Watley suddenly appeared in front of the door. Gabrie lle was so startled that she almost spilled the coffee all over her hand,

“Why are you sheaking around my study. Gabrielle?” Gabrielle stared at Westley with fear in her eyes, which caused Westley discomfort knowing that Gabrielle was s


“We have already had some quarrels in the car, Is Gabrielle coming here to take the initiative to apologi ze?‘ Westley thought curiously

“Gabrielle, are you bringing this coffee to me to apologize to me? If you are, do you

sincerely believe that you were wrong?”

Westley took a look at the coffee in Gabrielle‘s hand and made the assumption that that Gabrielle was here because s he was

He was secretly pleased and tried to hide the smirk that was forming on his face and thought, “She is fi nally admitting that she was wrong.

However, a cold glance crossed Gabrielle‘s face instead

“Neil asked me to bring this to you. Although I agree that what I said in the car is a bit out of line. I don‘t believe that I said anything wrong.” Gabrielle bit her lips and looked intently up at Westley.

“Well, if you weren‘t here to apologize, why have you come up here?” Westley snapped. Westley‘s face darkened and he didn‘t even want to pick up the coffee in Gabrielle‘s hand

As Gabrielle was about to say something. Westley‘s phone rang. Westley gave Gabrielle a look of contempt and turned around to look at his phone and answer it. “Holly, what is it? What happen ed?”

Westley quickly turned around and started briskly away from the study. “Okay… Wait a

minute, I am coming now. Don‘t be afraid.” Westley picked up his pace and quickly ran down the stairs

“Holly?” Gabrielle repeated in her mind.

“Who is this woman Weatley is speaking to?”

“Gabrielle, there were no sincerity in you bringing me this cup of coffee. Don‘t come back to me unless you‘re ready to apologize, Westley barked as he went back into his study to grab his car keys so he could head out.

“It‘s so early in the morning, why is Westley leaving at this awful hour?‘ Gabrielle stared at Westley, foll owing him back down the

“Westley. where are you going at this ungodly hour?” Gabrielle asked out of habit, even though she did not have a care in the world about what he did,

“That‘s none of your business, Westley barked at Gabrielle as he strade out of the room.

Neil was about to head back to sleep when Westley rushed past him into the garage and drove away fr om Vineyard Villa in a hurry. Neil quickly looked for Gabrielle to see what had happened.

“Miss Jones, what happened? Didn‘t you bring Mr. Morris the coffee he asked for? Why did he go out at this hour? Did yo u two have another fight?” Neil asked anxiously

Neil was saddened to see his efforts go to waste and remembered Miley telling him to do his very best t o make sure that Westley and Gabrielle gotilong “Westley and Gabrielle will need to deepen their relationship quickly. Do what you can to help them cultivate their relationship.

Neil worried

“Oh, he had something ugent to come up just now. I guess he had to deal with it and it seems that som eone asked him to go out immediately.”

Gabrielle replied nonchalantly. “Neil, do you know who Holly is?” Gabrielle looked at Neil apprehensivel y.

‘Why would a woman call Westley to go out in the middle of the night? And, why would he hurry to her? She must be someone that‘s very important to Westley!

Gabrielle was reminded of the beautiful woman at the restaurant while they had dinner the other night.

Westley had never been pictured with another woman in the media since no one dared to make any re ports of him dating

did finally fall asleep, her rest was plagued by nightmares of Westley holding another woman !

When Gabrielle finally opened her eyes, she looked out of the window and found that it was already da wn. She rolled over thinking about the dream she just had and felt herself in a trance

After quickly brushing her teeth, Gabrielle went downstairs to find Neil preparing breakfast.

“Good morning, Neil.”

“Miss Jones, why are you up so carly? You had a late night, so you should be resting some more.

“I feel fine. By the way, did Westley return at all last night?” Gabrielle asked hesitantly.

“I‘m afraid Mr. Morris did not retumn last night, but he did call this morning. He informed me that Holly ha

Gabrielle felt a slight twist in her heart as the feeling of mixed emotions tapped at her heart.

“Miss Jones… Don‘t worry. Mr. Morris and



different Women Bul. Gabrielle was uncertain whether Westley was as straight and narrow as he may ha

“Holly? Neil looked seriously at Gabrielle and frowned.

“Holly is an heir and socialite from the Edwards. She is also the cousin of Nellie. From what I know. Holly is a good friend of Mr. Moms,” Neil explained to Gabrielle.

Gabrielle heard of Holly before and knew that she was Nellie‘s cousin and a friend of Westley‘s. But, tha

“Forget about it. It‘s Westley‘s affairs, and I shouldn‘t meddle in it.‘

“It‘s late, Neil. You should head to bed and get some rest. I‘ll drink this cup of coffee instead, Gabrielle said as she started towards the guest quarters. With the cup of coffee in hand, Gabrielle walked up, lost

The next morning. Gabrielle woke up feeling tired and groggy. She didn‘t sleep well at all because of the drank before going to bed. She also couldn‘t close her eyes without thinking about everything that happened the night before. When she

Holly are just friends…” Neil tried to explain after seeing Gabrielle‘s somber face.

You won‘t need to explain anything to me, Neil. This is Mr. Morris‘ private affairs and he and I have made a deal that we would not interfere with each other‘s lives.” Gabrielle‘s lips twitched, trying to face. “More importantly, I don‘t have the ability to interfere with Westley‘s private affairs, Gabrielle though

After hearing what Gabrielle said. Neil did not broach the subject any more.

Helena was Holly‘s cousin. When Westley dated Helena, she had introduced her to Westley. So, naturally Westley became a good friend of Holly‘s as well.

However, Holly never saw Westley as a good friend. She always wanted more.

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