Living With The Bad Boy

Chapter 25

The day went by fast and i was now in my room studying for my upcoming test.

After about two hours of study, i was already exhausted. I got up with my brain filled up as i went into the bathroom to take a quick shower.

I changed into my dora the explorer purple nightgown and sprinted out of the room to the living room where Alex was seated with his eyes fixed on the Tv.

He seemed to notice my movement as his eyes follow the sound of my legs creaking down the stairs but immediately dart his eyes just as fast as they landed on me.

I had tons of questions to ask him, most especially about how in the damn world he got to school before me.

I sat down in the couch across him and pretended to show interest in his boring excuse of a movie…… Anime to be precise.

I hated animes, i just didn’t know what boys saw in it that amused them. It was some lame boring show to me.

“Can we talk?”I asked, unsurely.

“I’m busy”He said with a cold expression, not even taking his eyes off the Tv.

“Sure you are”I said and got up to switch off the Tv.

“Hey!”He yelled but i couldn’t care less as i stood in front of him with folded arms.

“We need to talk”I spat.

“What part of I’m busy didn’t you understand? You could see that i was watching that”He yelled standing up to face me.

If he is trying to show me how much of a dick he can be then I’ll have to pussy him out.

“Is there any where, I fucking care is written on my forehead?”I asked humorously.

“Get out of my sight Liv, I’m in no mood to speak to you right now”He said rather calmly this time.

“Does it seem like i care? what’s with you and the attitude since last night?”I asked.

“Give me the remote”He said ignoring me as he reached out to grab the remote from me but i took a step back.

“Not until you get your shits together and give me an answer!”I yelled.

“Look Liv, it’s better if we don’t discuss this any further, i really don’t have the strength right now”He said.

“Oh…. too bad because i do have the strength and i wanna talk about it”I spat.

“What’s wrong with you?”He asked, looking at me in disgust but i ignored his expression. They had no effect on me either way.

“I should be the one asking you that, what’s wrong with you?”I raised my voice a little more than I’d planned.

“Hand over the remote Liv”He said, avoiding eye contact with me.

“No, not until you tell me what’s wrong!”I yelled back.

“Fine then”He said and i let out a breath of relief “Keep the remote, I’ll be in my room”The words came out to my surprise and horror.


Before i can contemplate what’s happening, he’s already halfway through the stairs and i don’t even bother to go after him.

I slumped down on the chair, already exhausted and cool my head down for a few minutes before standing up and walking back to my room.


I woke up the following morning, the sunlight blazing through my windows and deflecting down on my half conscious body.

I got up lazily and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and then went back down, still in my nightgown since it was a saturday.

I planned on getting Alex to speak to me about his reaction to Cade and I kiss.

It was just a peck, a slight and friendly peck on the lips which had no meaning so i don’t know why Alex had to hit him so hard.

I went to the kitchen to see Alex making coffee and i walked past him to the fridge to get a can of yoghurt

Two can play at this game right?

I poured the almost frozen yoghurt  out in a glass cup and walked past him to the living room.

Half of the day was spent with the both of us avoiding each other. Alex was doing a better job at it than me because i occasionally tried to get him to talk but Alex being Alex was so…… grumpy?

I was now in my room, fully dressed in a light blue t-shirt and black extremely short shorts.

I packed my hair tidily in an extremely neat bun adding a few edges to make it a lot appealing. I applied a little bit of mascara, eye liner and lipgloss with a touch of powder.

I stared at my reflection at the mirror and when i was satisfied with my look, i grabbed my black purse and booted heels before leaving for the living room.

Alex was sitting down in the leaving room playing a video game all by himself which made no sense to me.

I thought video games comprises of two players.

Well that wasn’t my business.

I walked past him making loud noises with my booted heels as i walked towards the door.

“What the hell are you putting on and where the fuck are you going to?”He asked and i turned to face him, ignoring his use of dirty language.

“And since when does my activities concern you?”I asked and he looked quite amused.

“Oh, ok have a nice day then”He said and i groaned angrily as i stepped out of the house heading to God knows where.

I only pulled up this charade to get something out of Alex.

I don’t know what.

I felt like crap as i got into my car and rested my head on the steering for God knows how long.

“All that just to sleep in your car?”Alex’s voice rang beside me and i jolted immediately to see Alex by the door and then i realized i hadn’t locked the car.

I cleared my throat and stared blankly at him.

“W…… what are you doing here?”I asked.

“I can also ask you the same”He said.

His choice of words always baffles and annoys me.

“Um…. well…. i was…… um”I start off but he bursts into a fit of laughter.

What’s so funny?

“Why are you laughing?”I asked, feeling disgusted suddenly as there is a sly smirk on his face.

“Olivia…. Olivia…… Olivia”He called, the annoying smirk still present on his annoying face.

“What? why are you calling my name?”I’m shocked at how easily my temper rises around this jerk of an animal.

“Oh Olivia Henderson, how much fun i had since, the look on your face was priceless”He kept laughing.

“What in the name of fuck are you talking about?”I asked.

“You’ve been Pranked”He kept laughing stupidly.Belonging © NôvelDram/a.Org.

Whatever was making him laugh was something i definitely wasn’t finding funny.

“Pranked? I don’t understand”I furrowed my eyebrows.

“Ok…. let me put it in more simpler terms to your brains capacity”He started.

Did he just call me dumb?

“I fooled you”He smirked.

“Fooled me? How?”I asked.

“Well, i was bored and needed to have some fun so i plotted with your so called friend Cade to play a prank on you”He said, his smirking widening.

“You mean, the kiss was a prank?”I asked unsurely.

“Yup”He said, popping the ‘p’

“What about the fight? was that also a prank?”I asked, my face scrunched up.

“Yeah, that was all part of the plan but i went a little overboard with it and punched him a little too hard, script gone wrong i guess”He smirked.

“So the whole attitude and ignoring thing was also a prank?”I asked.

“Yeah, everything was a prank”He smiled simply.

“And what did you gain out of this if i may ask?”I asked curiously.

“Pleasure, i was very pleased to see you dying to talk to me, you were so persistent and it was really a turn on”He said.

“Why do you always have to give idiot a new name everytime i see you?”I asked and he kept laughing louder till it turned to a cough, making me to laugh at his expense.


“Come on Liv, I’m sorry, i just did it to please him”Cade said running after me.

“And why if i may ask? I thought you guys didn’t like each other”I asked, looking confused.

“Yeah but he sort of….”

“Sort of what?”I asked, demanding.

“He gave me back my post in the basketball team”He said.

Cade and Alex used to be friends once upon a time, good friends until Alex as much of a bastard as he is had to sleep with Cade’s girlfriend. Though no one except Alex and Cade knew the full story which they kept secret but ever since, they hated each other and Cade got kicked out of the basketball team.

I thought it was Alex who deserved to be kicked out, given that he was the culprit in the situation but i still couldn’t sum up the mystery of the victim being kicked out.

Or maybe there was more to the story?

I knew that Cade loved playing basketball more than anything, maybe that’s why he had agreed to help me with my little plan of revenging Alex during one of his game and i couldn’t sum up the possibility of them being friends after that kind of fight and to such an extent that they plotted together against me and Alex game him his old post back.

This all made me nauseous as i had a sicky feeling down in my stomach.

“So you agreed to gang up against me just for basketball?”I asked.

“You know how much it means to me Liv, I’m really sorry” He apologized and for some reason, i seemed to calm down.

“It’s okay”I said.

“Do you forgive me?”He asked and i gave him a quick nod.

We had lunch together and after that he dropped me back home since i had a flat tire and had to drop my car at the mechanic.

After saying our goodbyes to each other i went into my house to see Alex on the couch with a brunette half naked over him.

I cleared my throat and walked past them. I don’t know how much more of this I’d have to tolerate till my parents return but i sure hope it ends soon or else there will be murder in this house and I’ll be the culprit.

I went to my room to take a quick shower and changed into something lighter.

I lied down on my bed with thoughts on how to repay Alex the favour of pranking me before sleep enveloped me.

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