Was I suppose to run into him arm? Or maybe drop the towel? Fuck, the latter was unnecessary but it did come to my mind. We both stood there just staring at each other, Elijah, gasping with no words coming out of his mouth while I, holding my towel tight.

“You’re here” He finally breathed, leaving the door nob and moving towards me, and within a second, he scoops me in arms.

My hands was still holding the towel making the hug look kind of weird but that was OK by me. I was happy to be in his arms-right now I felt safe, I felt at home.

“You’re really here” he mumbled into my hair and I removed the hold I had on the towel and wrapped them around his waist.

“I missed you” I said to him and he pulls me closer to him, tightening his hold around my waist but I do not mind, it makes me feel all the more better, wanted.

We pulled away after a  minute or two, looking into each others eyes.

We pulled towards each other, our head resting together and his lips ghosted over mine. He swooped his head slightly down and kissed me, our mouths moving in ways that has my heart and head pounding.

The kiss felt like the ones in movies where you feel like the characters liked each other-scratch that, where you feel like the characters are in love. I could feel his need for me, his need to have me with him. His need to have me by his side.

The same need brought his other hand that was not wrapped around my waist and tilted my chin upward, gaining more access to my lips. Our kiss became greedier, filled with need and want but mostly the urge to be together.Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

We pulled away for air, both breathing heavily with our heads resting together. “I Can’t believe you’re here” He whispered against my lip.

“You’ve said that for the tenth time already” I chuckled and so did he, now smiling Brightly at me.

Elijah wouldn’t stop looking at me. I felt like he felt like I was going to disappear any minute. After I put on my Pjs, I sat down at the edge of the bed but was pulled to the middle by the king.

“Just stay here” he whispered in my ear, his hot breath fanning the back of my neck.

“I’m hungry” I mumbled with a pout putting my hand on top of Elijah’s that was wrapped around my tummy.

I turned around and placed my hand on his chest, gazing into his eyes to see that it was now a sliver color. He was staring at nothing and I knew he was communicating with someone.

“The food will be here soon” He mumbled turning to look at me with a smile and i nodded.

“I am not connected with the kingdom” I said just realizing that for the first time. “You haven’t marked me” He muttered and automatically, my thumb came to rub the mark that was on my neck.

He looked at me expectedly and I realized that he was waiting for a response. “Oh! You want me to do that now?” I asked him and he shook his head.

“When ever you are ready” he whispered, kissing the back of my palm.

I smiled when something popped in my head and I bite my lips as I rubbed the hair on his chest. “How about on our wedding night?” I asked him and his eyes widen.

“You still want to marry me? He answered with his own question and I nodded.

I brought the hand to his face to show him that I never took the ring of and he seems to have just noticed that. “I never took them off” I murmured while Elijah sat up right.

“Fuck, I love you” he whispered against my neck and right there, a nocked came on the door.

The door was pushed open by the maid Ruth and I detached from Elijah when the delicious smell of food invaded my nostril.

She dropped the food and I gave her a smile which she returned before hastily out of the room.

Within some minutes, I devour the food.




One Month Later

It’s been a whole month since I came back to the palace and everything was perfect. There was no rogue attacks on packs and coven, everything was just absolutely perfect.

My wedding and coronation is in two days and I am currently making sure that everything was going well.

Mom asked me to rest since I was pregnant but I just couldn’t. I was excited and nervous.

My baby bump was already appearing since i was two months in but it wasn’t that noticeable unless you take a close look at my stomach.

“Come on!” Josephine said giggling as she held my hand and led me down the hall to the room I was staying in- yes, I went back to my old room because… Well, we all know the rules. The groom must not see the bride before their wedding day… I think? Whatever but you get it right.

“Your dress has arrived” she whispered like it was a secret between us. I felt like she was more excited about the whole wedding thing than I am but still, I am grateful that she is here.

We arrived and I pushed the door open and gasped at the beautiful sight before me. Right in the middle of my room was the gown I wanted. Even though I had seen the picture before, seeing it right before me hit differently.

I ran my fingers across the material and was marveled aa it sparkled underneath my touch.

“It has been laced with magic making it sparkle under your touch” the seamstress who i also learned was a fairy said.

“This gown was specifically made for you making you glow under the light when you put it on” She muttered with a grin when she saw my smile.

“Wow” I murmured.

“Do you want to try it on?” The fairy asked but I shook my head in a “No”

“Are you sure?” Josephine asked beside me with a worried look. What if it doesn’t fit?” She said and the seamstress laughed with her hand around her stomach.

I and Josephine looked at each other and then shrugged. “Why are you laughing?” She asked the fairy.

“The gown was made to fit” she muttered twirling around the gown. “No matter the size or height, it will fit”

“Wow,” Josephine murmured and I nodded to that.

“Well, now I have to go” The fairy said removing a wand out of her bag. “I personally wanted to deliver this to the soon to be queen” She continued turning the wand over her head as a few dust fell on her body and she transformed into a little being with wings behind her back.

She was like the size of my palm and flew closer to my gown, tapped it on the diamonds that were at the chest side and they closed before returning to their normal color.

“Perfect” She mumbled and if not for my heightened hearing, I would have not heard what she said. “Happy coronation!” She yelled before flying out the opened window.

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