Kidnapped by my mate (Belle and Grayson)

Chapter 46

Chapter 46



It felt like my life ended in that moment.

Sitting on the edge of his bed was Grayson in only a pair of boxer shorts.

And sitting on top of him was a n*ked girl, pressing herself against him and k*ssing his l*ps.

Grayson was cupping her bare breast and moaning, grinding himself erotically against her.

Scalding hot pain coursed through my b*dy, begging me to get out of there, to look away but I was incapable of moving, frozen in my absolute worst nightmare.

I couldn’t tear my eyes away from horrific view of my soulmate with someone else.

I could barely comprehend what was happening when Kyle grabbed my waist and harshly pulled me behind him, blocking my view of Grayson and the shewolf.

Kyle was grabbing my face, trying to force me to look at him, screaming my name along with some other things that I didn’t comprehend.

I couldn’t hear him.

I couldn’t hear anything through my shock.

Even as the blinding pain I was feeling intensified tenfold by being in the same room as Grayson, I couldn’t move. I was in a daze, stuck in my own hell.

“Luna!” Kyle screamed in my face, still trying to get my attention. “Luna! Look at me!”

Still in a trance, my eyes slowly drifted to his.

“You need to get out of here,” Kyle said, determination and worry clear in his tone. He was pushing my shoulders back, causing me to stumble backward toward the door.

I could feel the tears rolling down my face. I stared at Kyle, trying to open my mouth to say something. But nothing came out.

He was wiping one of the tears from my cheek but still trying to push me away, saying, “I know. I know, Luna.” He nodded his head frantically. “I know you’re feeling horrible right now. I know you feel like you can’t move but you need to get as far away from here as possible. You need to leave right f**king now. Go. Now.” He pushed me back again, now shoving me with harsh force into the hall.

Again, I couldn’t say or do anything.

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14:21 Mon, 19 Feb

Again, I couldn’t say or do anything.

I no longer felt like I had control over my b*dy.



My mind just kept replaying the image of Grayson and that girl in my mind like a bad movie that wouldn’t stop.

So this is what it felt like to lose your mate completely and fully.

I was sure that the only other feeling that could compare was death.

“I’m sorry, Luna,” Kyle said. “Elijah is going to meet you downstairs and get you as far away from here as possible. You need to move.”

He turned my b*dy around and shoved me down the hall with enough force to have me almost falling on my face. I wasn’t completely sure what I was doing, but my feet kept moving. Kyle was right, I needed to get away from here.

I staggered down the stairs in a rush, only stopping when someone grabbed my arm and pulled me to their b*dy.

They lifted me up with ease.

For a second, I panicked, thinking it was Grayson.

But it wasn’t.

It couldn’t be.

I looked up at who was carrying me and saw the worried, sad eyes of Elijah looking down at me. “I’ve got you, Luna,” he said in a soft voice. “Come on, we’re getting you out of here.”

He didn’t wait for me to reply when he started moving.

His determined, quick feet ran through the packhouse in a blur, not stopping to acknowledge the confused looks of those we were passing. It didn’t take us long to reach the front door of the packhouse.

Elijah flung it open without hesitation and brought us out into the woods.

The freezing cold of winter hit me like a ton of bricks, seemingly snapping me out of my daze with force. It was then, as Elijah carried me through the woods by the packhouse, sprinting at full speed, that the agony of my situation truly began to sink in.

Grayson was mating with someone else. He had chosen some other girl to be his mate. He didn’t want me. He didn’t want me. He didn’t want me.

I tried to remind myself that I shouldn’t care. I was already in the process of leaving him when found him about to sleep with someone else.

But before that, when Kyle had been holding me on the staircase, before the pain of my mate

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14:21 Mon, 19 Feb



giving me up had started, I’d still had hope. I still believed that everything would work itself out and Grayson would somehow decide that he actually did want me.

But now I knew. It was over. I had lost him for good.

At this agonizing realization, uncontrollable sobs began to wrack through my b*dy. The sound of my pain frightened even myself, as loud cries left my mouth, echoing through the silence of Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

the forest.

I was grateful that Elijah didn’t stop running.

I was grateful that he was carrying me instead of forcing me to run on my own.

I didn’t know where we were going and I didn’t care.

All I knew was that the further we were from the packhouse, from Grayson, the more numb my pain became. After a few more minutes like this, my stomach began to churn, feeling like acid was rising in my throat. I grabbed Elijah’s shoulder.

“Elijah, put me down. Put me down please. I’m going to be sick,” I said frantically.

Elijah immediately stopped, dropping to his knees in the snow.

He placed me down in front of him and pulled my hair away from my face as burning liquid immediately came spewing from my mouth, landing on the forest floor.

It went on like that for a while. I alternated between vomiting, hyperventilating, and just sobbing uncontrollably nonstop. Elijah stayed with me through it all, never leaving my side.

I finally stopped puking when all the contents of my stomach were emptied and only bile was left. I tried my best to calm my breathing but it felt like my throat was closing in on itself, like my entire b*dy was breaking down.

I was vaguely aware of Elijah doing his best to calm me. He had one hand rubbing up and down his back while the other was squeezing my hand tightly.

“I’m so sorry,” he kept whispering. “I’m so sorry this is happening to you.”

It felt like ages before I was finally able to form a coherent thought that wasn’t immediately taken over by pain or sickness.

I allowed Elijah to pull me into his arms, laying my head down on his chest while I cried.

There was a very subtle burning sensation that came from touching Elijah that I knew was there because he wasn’t my mate.

That’s what my b*dy needed right now to calm it down. It needed Grayson. But I didn’t care.

I needed the comfort more than I cared about the pain.

After a few minutes, or maybe it was hours, I wasn’t sure, I whispered, “Why does it hurt so

Chapter 46 of 61: Chapter 46




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Elijah’s hand paused its movement on my back. He looked down at me. I was shocked to see that he had tears in his eyes as well. “Your bond with the alpha was the strongest I ever witnessed,” he said. “I could feel it the moment I met you. Your souls were interlocked as one, meant to be together forever. But because he has…” he hesitated, whispering his next word, “rejected you, you’re losing part of your soul right now. The fact that he had already marked you is only worse. Your b*dy is breaking down.”

I sucked in a breath. “Am–am I going to die?”

Elijah’s sad expression deepened. He shook his head in defeat. “I don’t know,” he whispered.

More tears fell from my eyes at this revelation. So this was what it felt like to die.

And yet, I couldn’t bring myself to be scared of my death.

It already felt like I was dead.

Maybe if that were truly dead, the pain would stop.

Elijah suddenly grabbed my chin and forced my teary gaze back on his. “I don’t know what the hell you are thinking right now but whatever it is, it needs to stop. It’s not true. You are strong. You will not let the mate bond defeat you and tear you apart. You will get through this. And you will do it with your head held high like the powerful luna you are.”

I stared at him.

I didn’t feel powerful or strong.

I felt broken.


Used and forgotten.

But I knew he was right.

This couldn’t be my end.

I couldn’t let Grayson win.

Not after all that he had done to me.

I nodded my head. “Okay,” I said.

Elijah nodded back. “Okay,” he repeated.

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