Keeping his bride



AFTER I FINISH explaining everything that happened at The Island to Ignacio, my number one and my enforcer, he sighs deeply and then asks, “So, what are you going to do with her?”

“The seven-million-dollar question,” I say with a smirk. “I have no idea. I really don’t know what to do. I didn’t plan this far ahead.” And maybe that’s what pisses me off more than anything. I never make a decision without first mulling over about a billion different scenarios that could happen. But when I saw this young woman standing there, I made a rash, split-second decision that ultimately could change my life. If I let it, I suppose. And therein lies the dilemma.

I take my lucky coin out of my pocket and roll it across my knuckles; a nervous habit I’ve had since I was a boy. The coin is an old aluminum-bronze peso that my father gave to me shortly before he was murdered. I never sold it, never got rid of it. It’s the only thing I have left of him, so the sentimental value alone makes it priceless in my eyes. The coin has been with me through the years, all the ups and downs; never changing, the only constant thing in my life.

“I can make it quick,” Ignacio suggests, getting my attention. He’s giving me an easy out on this whole situation. “She won’t even feel a thing.”

But the thought of him dragging Aria out back and putting her down like an animal doesn’t sit well with me.

I dismiss his idea with a wave of my hand. “I just need some time to think,” I explain. The girl hasn’t made it easy on herself so far. She’s making me lean more towards a swift death every time she runs or opens her smart mouth. But I should have known she would be a challenge based on how she acted when she was facing the most terrible point of her life on that stage. She knew she was being auctioned off to the highest bidder, and there she was, putting her middle fingers up and screaming, facing her fears and not giving a single fuck.

A smile forms on my lips when I think about the first moment I saw her. And then I notice Ignacio staring at me like I’ve grown two fucking heads. Quickly, I school my features and get back to the matter at hand. “I’ll handle her when the time comes. Until then, I’m just going to enjoy her.”

That causes my number one to grin this time. He likes the idea of me using my newest acquisition like a common whore. Little does he know that I have no plans to do such a thing. I’m going to keep my distance from the girl as much as I can until I can figure out what to do with her.

“What are we going to do about Thiago’s men?” Ignacio questions.

Sighing, with a shake of my head, I say, “Call his number two to take his place. Tell him Thiago had an unfortunate accident this morning and won’t be returning to the job.”

Ignacio cracks his knuckles. “Consider it handled.”

My cell phone rings, and I glance at the caller ID before grumbling under my breath. “I have to take this,” I tell Ignacio, who simply nods and leaves my office without another word.

“Uncle,” I answer.

“Nephew,” Domingo says from the other end of the call. “How are you this fine day?”

I rub my chin with my hand, hating the small talk. My uncle only calls when something bad or important occurs, so I decide to cut him off before he continues on with his charades. “Don’t blow smoke up my ass. What happened?” I demand.

He chuckles, and it irritates me. To say I have a tumultuous relationship with my uncle, the only surviving family member I have left, would be an understatement of the fucking century. After all these years, I still don’t trust him. How could I trust the only man who made it out of the massacre of my family alive? I still question in my mind his whereabouts that day, and I’ve been trying to prove his involvement for years, but to no avail. Until I have solid, concrete proof that he was involved with the murder of my family, I have to pretend as if blood is thicker than water between us and that I would do anything for him. Some days are harder than most, considering he can be a real thorn in my side when he wants to be.

“I heard through the grapevine that you shot someone on the tarmac of the airport this morning just before chasing a woman and holding a gun to her head.”

My hand stills, the coin resting over my middle knuckle as I grit my teeth. Even though my uncle is currently living and running his side of the family business in California, he still has connections here. And my reputation around this city isn’t exactly stellar. I can’t even take a shit without someone running their goddamn mouth about it.

“Word travels fast,” I tell him, trying to keep myself calm and my voice steady.

“It does,” he agrees. “Did the man you shot do something to offend you?” he asks.

“Yeah. He couldn’t keep his fucking mouth shut. I got tired of hearing it.” At least that isn’t too much of a stretch from the truth.

“I see,” he says with a sigh. “And what about the girl? Who is she?”

The fact that my uncle wants to know about Aria sets my nerves on edge. I don’t want anyone to know about her, least of all him. The longer I keep her a secret, the better.

“We met on a dating app,” I joke, lying through my fucking teeth.

That earns me a loud chuckle from the other end of the line. “I don’t believe that for a second, nephew, but I’m not going to push you for information.” And then he adds, “Yet.”

The most important thing I’ve learned in my lifetime is that you can’t appear weak, and caring for someone is the biggest vulnerability of them all. At any given moment, someone is willing to take what’s yours and use it against you. I’ve gone through life like a lone wolf, not letting anyone in or getting too close. It’s done well for me so far, and I intend to keep it that way.

“She’s just some whore I picked up during a trip,” I tell him nonchalantly, hoping that he’ll buy it.

“I see. Must have been some party on the plane for her to run away from you like that.”

“She likes it when I chase her,” I say, keeping my tone light.

He laughs. “Well, maybe I’ll fly down there and have a turn with her myself. I could use the exercise,” he offers.

I flip the coin into my palm and squeeze so hard I swear blood is going to start dripping from it. “She’ll be gone soon,” I tell him, not knowing if it’s a lie or not. I haven’t decided what I’m going to do with the girl yet.

“That’s a shame.”

“Did you want anything else, Uncle?” I ask, barely holding myself together. I don’t know why my newest acquisition brings me so many emotions – emotions I can’t remember ever feeling before. Just the thought of someone violating her makes my stomach churn with acid. That’s what caused me to shoot Thiago, even though the bastard deserved it for assaulting a woman in front of me.

In some fucked-up way, saving Aria from that island and her horrible fate with the man bidding against me felt almost cathartic for me. If only I had been able to save my own family…

“We’re having a problem with one of our suppliers down your way,” my uncle says, interrupting my terrible thoughts.

Now we’re at the real reason why he called. He just wanted to gossip and waste my time before, like usual. Being head of the familia, I could easily put my uncle in his place. But out of respect for my father, I never do, even when he deserves it.

“I need you to remind him who he works for,” he tells me. “Can you handle that, or have you gone soft over your new whore?”

“Give me the name,” I grit out, completely over his bullshit.

“Harold Cortez.”NôvelDrama.Org © content.

I end the call without another word. Harold will be dealt with, most likely beginning with my fists and ending with my knife or gun. Unfortunately, for him, he’s going to take the brunt of all my pent-up frustration and anger that has built up over the past twenty-four hours.

“I’m afraid you caught me on a bad day, Harold,” I say out loud before grabbing my special black bag from the bottom drawer of my desk and heading out the door.

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