It’s Funny How Love Starts (IFHLS Book 1)

Chapter 6

There was no time for any questions because the explosion set everyone screaming and running. I didn’t think much of it then, thinking that it was some stupid teens that usually pulled pranks but I was wrong.

The ceiling started to collapse and that was when the smell hit me. The smell of smoke snaked in first and then the hungry flames rolled in, eating everything in its path. I must’ve been standing there like an idiot because Alpha Slade pulled me.

“What are you doing? We need to get out of here,” he yelled through the loud noise of everyone in the room. Our bodies tingled again when he grabbed me and I couldn’t help but shudder despite the hot flames.

“Mom! Dad! Zane!” I yelled as I was being dragged out by the crowd and Alpha Slade. I had forgotten about them and tried to push my way back to see if I could find them.

“They’re probably out by now,” he said loud enough for me to hear and this time I agreed with him because I was unable to spot them in the crowd. I let him pull me safely out of the burning house and into the dark streets which was now full of people trying to find their families. I desperately looked around, trying to find where my parents and Zane were but I didn’t see them anywhere.

“I can’t find them!” I panicked. “They’re probably stuck in the house. I’ve got to go find them!” I said and ran towards the house. I didn’t get much further because Alpha Slade had me by the waist, pulling me away.

“It’s too dangerous,” he said flatly.

“No, let go of me. I have to find them,” I gasped from the stupid tingly sensation. Everything was all too overwhelming and happening too fast.

“I’ll have a better chance to find them…but on one condition.” I hated him but he probably did have a better chance of finding them than me.

“What do you want?” I hissed and stared at his grey, smoky eyes. Big mistake. His eyes were so alluring, no thanks to the mysterious sparkle that were added by the reflection of the flames.

Flames. I shook my head coming back to reality. “Save them now,” I said again, stubbornly, before I could get even more mesmerized by his stupid eyes.

“You will become my mate no matter how much you hate me,” he said so simply that I almost laughed. He had to be kidding. I didn’t want to be mated to a guy like him but I had to make sure my family was OK, and then dad would take care of this mess that we got ourselves tangled in.

“Fine, just go!” I yelled, pushing him.

“The bite will have to come later,” he said so seriously without any emotions that it sent shivers down my spine. What was with him? He rarely smiled and had no emotions but anger. Nevertheless, I saw him keep his promise and disappear into the flames.

“Hey, where’s Lucas?” Jace’s voice said behind me. He was slightly sweating but otherwise he didn’t seem hurt.

“He went back inside to find my family,” I explained.

“Ugh, that idiot,” he mumbled under his breath. I turned my attention back at the burning house. It held lots of great memories and I was saddened by it burning but the only thing I’ve been dying to know was any news of my family. “I called 911 so they should be here soon,” Jace said.

“Yeah,” I said absentmindedly, too focused on the house. I was tempted more than once to run inside and find them on my own but my instincts told me it was better to stay.

 Suddenly, I noticed two figures from coming out of the house. One was limping and holding onto the other one. It was Alpha Slade and Zane.

I immediately ran up to them and hugged Zane who was the one limping. The smell of the smoke on him was intoxicating and made me cough but I was glad he was OK. His face was black from smoke and he looked like an awful mess from head to toe.

“Where’s mom and dad?” I asked Alpha Slade but he looked at me sadly with pity. No. This couldn’t be happening. “I SAID WHERE ARE THEY?”

“I’m sorry Alexia, I tried but it was too late,” he said quietly.

“No no no,” I sobbed. I thought if I went back that maybe they would come back just for me. The only thing in my mind was that I had to go find them. I ran for the house but the firefighters came, pulling me away from the burning house. I tried fighting the firefighters, scratching, screaming, yelling, but it was no use. They held me back as they started to hose the house, attempting to tame the flames. I sobbed the whole time, fighting my way but it was no use. To anyone I would’ve looked like a crazy maniac but I didn’t care.

“Alexia,” I heard Alpha Slade’s voice behind me and he held me, ordering the firefighter who was keeping me from running back inside to do his job. The firefighter gladly stepped back and left me to him. “I’m sorry, I tried,” he said again. Ugh, the sound of his voice sickened me.

“No you didn’t! You promised and you let them die!” I said punching him with all the anger I had. He stood still, allowing me to punch him until I couldn’t take it anymore and broke down, sobbing. He wrapped his arms around me, stroking my hair.

“Where’s Zane?” I croaked, after I had the chance to breathe.

“He’s in one of the ambulance,” Alpha Slade replied.

“The medics can’t find out that he’s-”

“We have a specialist who knows about us,” he explained.

“I need to see Zane.” Only he would understand what I was going through since he was also involved in this tragedy. I needed Zane’s comforting arms around me, not Alpha Slade. Alpha Slade led me to the back of the ambulance where Zane was being evaluated by a medic.

“He’s all patched up, Lucas,” the medic said. She was a tall woman in her thirties with beautiful platinum blonde hair that brought out her light blue eyes.

“Thank you, Phoebe,” Alpha Slade said gratefully.

“Zane,” I said jumping onto the back of the ambulance when I saw him and hugged him which made him lose his balance.

“Woah, easy there,” Phoebe warned, helping Zane gain back his balance.

“Are you okay Zane?” I asked but he didn’t respond. His eyes were puffed red and his lips were caked with blood. “Zane?” I said again.

“Mom and dad,” he whispered quietly and then we sobbed all over again in each other’s arms. He held me close, his arms around me and we cried for our parents, our salty tears mixing together. When we stopped crying, I felt him go slump so I laid him back down on the bed. He must’ve been knocked out by the painkillers so I sat next to the makeshift bed in the ambulance when I heard voices from outside.

“It was no accident, Lucas,” I heard a voice, near the ambulance. Phoebe.

“How do they know for sure? It was probably some stupid kids pulling a prank,” Alpha Slade’s voice whispered.

“They found ten gallons of gasoline. This wasn’t a pathetic prank,” Phoebe said. “We think the ‘accident’ was planned to murder Alaric and Marie Maxilum. We found their bodies incinerated and locked in their rooms upstairs. Someone murdered them and almost murdered Zane.”

“Who and why would they have done it?” Alpha Slade growled. “Were they trying to frame me?”

“No, you couldn’t be the culprit because you were dancing with Alexia. Everyone saw that,” Phoebe pointed out.This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“I want you to find out more and then get back to me as soon as possible,” Alpha Slade said.

“Of course,” Phoebe said quietly. Then I heard quiet footsteps come back towards the ambulance.

Someone had killed my parents. I had no idea why they would want to kill my parents but I promised that when I found the culprit, I would make them pay.

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