It’s Funny How Love Starts (IFHLS Book 1)

Chapter 20

Alexia’s POV

“Amos?” I said, surprised at the mention of his name. He was a close friend of my family and visited often.All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

“Yes, dear, I’m right here,” his deep voice said in my ear.

I laughed. He had a tendency to appear out of thin air. That was his special ability as a werewolf. Special abilities were passed down from the family of the original werewolves which consisted of five families but each of them had different abilities. That much I knew but I didn’t know in depth.

“Uncle Amos,” I greeted him with a hug. He hugged me back tightly, chuckling to himself. He wasn’t really my uncle but he was as close as family as anyone could get. He knew my parents way back before Zane was even born.

“You have grown a lot,” he observed, letting me go.

“Hardly,” I said, blushing by his compliment. I noticed Lucas, Jace, and Cynthia hung their heads low in respect and waited patiently. It was certainly different to see Lucas bow since people usually bowed to him.

“Ah, Zane, you’ve grown into a fine young man,” Amos said, greeting my brother with a firm handshake.

“Hi, Uncle Amos,” Zane grinned, eagerly taking his hand. We both had missed him a lot and it was great to see a familiar face.

Amos smiled at both of us and then turned to the other three in the room who looked like they were about to pee in their pants. Well, except Lucas, of course, whose face was hardened and emotionless. “Hello Lucas. Jace. Cynthia,” he said their names, giving them each a nod in turn.

“Elder Amos, it’s a welcome to have you although a shock to have you arrive so early,” Lucas said as politely as he could.

“Yes, but I had to see Zane and Alexia beforehand and see how they were. And actually I need to talk to Alexia in private if I am entrusted with her. It’s been a while since I have seen them,” Amos said simply.

“And you’re their uncle?” Jace asked curiously but kept the politeness in his voice.

“He’s not really our uncle,” Zane explained vaguely.

Amos appeared right next to Zane and grabbed him with his arms around his neck playfully. “Ow, that hurts Zane. After all those times I’ve helped you diaper train and ride that bike, you’d at least want to consider me your uncle,” Amos sighed but kept the amused look on his face.

Lucas sighed in what? Relief?

“No need to sigh in relief Lucas. You’re still my favorite cousin,” Amos winked.

“Cousin?” I choked. Was it even possible with the age gap between them? I knew Amos was in his late thirties but he looked extremely young since werewolves slowed down their aging process by the time they were in their mid-twenties.

One benefit of being a werewolf.

Amos still had his charms though which probably made him look even younger. He was very tall and had a graceful build with prominent cheekbones. His hair was thick with slight curls that reminded me of a cascading waterfall. They were better fit to be called uncle and nephew even if they looked like they were the same age.

“Yes cousins,” Amos repeated, entertained by my reaction. Apparently he found it amusing when people where utterly confused. “I’m not that old,” Amos countered, acting like he was offended.

“Aren’t you in your forties, old man?” I smirked.

“Don’t speak like that to an Elder!” Jace said, surprised at how informally I talked to Amos.

“Elder?” I asked in surprise. I could never imagine Amos of all people to be one of the top werewolf leaders in the whole society.

“Yes, I’m part of the Council of Elders,” he replied casually as if it wasn’t a big deal. “And Jace, it is absolutely fine for my dear Alexia to speak to me however she wishes.” He winked at me and I smiled. It was really nice to see him again. He was like a second father.

“My goodness, why aren’t any of you dressed up? It’s only a while until the rest of the Elders come and you, Lucas, want to leave a good impression on them for the sake of your recently enlarged pack and for a seat on the Council of Elders for the future. Your gift, your special ability is magnificent and can be very beneficial to the Elders. Now go on up and then come back here. I’d like a few words with you on certain matters,” Amos said, giving Lucas a knowing look.

Huh, I didn’t know Lucas had a special ability. That meant he was part of the original family.

“Yes, Amos. We’ll get ready. Make yourself at home while I go ahead and get ready,” Lucas bowed politely and everyone left.

“Alpha, should I help the lady now?” Cynthia asked when we left the room. I looked at him begging through my eyes, hoping he’d understand.

“No, Cynthia. We can get ready ourselves but I want you to recheck that everything is in order for this evening,” he said. She bowed once more and left us to do her task.

“Thanks,” I mumbled, grabbing a plain black dress that seemed suitable enough for the occasion.

“No, wear this one,” he suggested, holding out the teal dress he had me wear in the store.

“Um, OK,” I shrugged, taking out the teal one instead. I stood there awkwardly with my dress in hand wondering if I should excuse myself to the bathroom. It was until he started to strip in front of me that I looked away. He took his shirt off and finally noticed me and my horrified face.

He laughed. “I’m sorry if you feel uncomfortable.” He didn’t seem sorry at all. He just stood there without his shirt. Damn, his stomach and arms were defined into fine, toned muscles and showed very obviously. He pulled on a dress shirt and started to button up, still a smirk on his face.

“I think I’ll use the bathroom,” I said, taking the dress in tow with me. He chuckled, flashing his pants, striping them too. Bi-polar.

I heard that, Lucas’ voice said in my head. I rolled my eyes in exaggeration but deep inside, it felt nice that we got along at times like these.

I locked myself in the bathroom and put on the beautiful dress which I felt imposturous for wearing. I reached for the zipper but it only went halfway before I couldn’t pull it up anymore. I tied my hair back to give me a better visual in the mirror but no matter how hard I tried I couldn’t pull it up.

It was just my luck.

“Are you done, Alexia?” Lucas called out, knocking on the door.

“Can you help me with something?” I asked, hating how I was dependent on him.

“Yes, come out,” he said already knowing what I was going to ask. That stupid mind link between us made it easier for him to access my thoughts.

I opened the door of the bathroom and couldn’t help but gasp. He looked fresh and neat with his suit and I had to admit, he looked hot.

Although there wasn’t much change in him, his suit looked perfect on him as if they were made just for him which knowing Lucas, it probably was. His hair was hastily brushed but it didn’t matter, he still looked good and there was a touch of mischief especially with those gray eyes of his. “What can I do for you?” he asked playfully.

“Can you help me with my zipper?” I asked forcefully.

He smirked. “Of course I can but can you say ‘please?'” he mused, giving me a devil smile that made my heart skip a beat. Damn, I’m officially crazy.

“Please,” I gritted my teeth in defeat. I had to swallow my pride. He kept on smirking but zipped my dress slowly. He bent down and nuzzled my neck, placing a soft kiss on the place where he marked me. I stood still, mesmerized and frightened what would happen next.

I snapped out of the trance. No, there would be no waiting. I backed off, leaving him stunned but only for a millisecond.

“Hmmm, sorry,” he mumbled, confused by his own actions. “We should get down there.”

I nodded, hoping that the weird moment had passed. There was a knock on the door but the person let himself in before an answer replied.

“Lucas, the guests are here and Amos wants to talk to you. He’s still in the same room,” Jace said in a huff. He was in his own suit and he too looked like the suit was made to fit him.

“It’s only been ten minutes and people have already arrived? Geez, what’s with the early attendance?” he said mostly to himself. “We should hurry.” He took my hand and went down the stairs where the guests were waiting for their host. “Jace, will they be OK and entertained while I go talk with Amos?” he asked.

“Of course, bro. Just make it quick. You don’t want to deal with Elders by arguing with them,” Jace warned as if he knew what the topic of the discussion would be.

“OK, thanks,” he said to his friend. “And Alexia, be on a good behavior especially when Zane gets down here.”

“Why would you say that?” I smiled sweetly but he gave me a warning look and left it at that.

“Come on Alexia,” Jace smiled, taking my hand. “Just look straight ahead and smile,” he instructed before leading me to the ballroom. It was magnificent. The whole area was large and spacious but it was already filled with anxious guests. Lots of heads turned as I entered and quickly grouped themselves into whispers. It was intimidating but I tried to ignore them.

“Don’t worry much about the gossipers, they won’t cause any harm,” Jace reassured me.

“Hello, Alexia,” an unfamiliar voice said behind me. I turned around and was sucked into a pair of intense brown eyes. When I looked away from his eyes in embarrassment, I saw able to get a glimpse of his full stature. He was as tall as Lucas with high cheekbones and sun-kissed skin. A guy probably around Lucas’ age.

“Get a life Damon,” Jace sneered at the guy.

“I’m just being friendly unlike someone,” Damon said innocently, flashing me a smile. “I’m Damon,” he winked.

“Yeah, I think I got it,” I nodded, uninterested but tried to be polite which made Jace laugh.

“The girl has no interest and if you didn’t know, she’s taken,” Jace grinned, loving Damon’s disappointed face.

“By whom may I ask?” Damon smirked.

“By me, Damon,” Lucas interrupted, sliding his hands around my waist. I had to force myself not to flinch and keep a neutral face. I still wasn’t used to his touch but it did the trick because Damon instantly frowned, staring at where Lucas’ arms were.

“Aw, cuz, you got yourself a cute mate,” Damon winked. Another cousin? This day just had so many surprises.

“Back off Damon and go find yourself another girl,” Lucas threatened, his eyes narrowing.

“Why don’t you join me since you’re so good at it,” Damon smirked. What did he mean by that?

“Don’t go there Damon,” Lucas warned.

“Don’t you want to get drunk and end up sleeping with a hot girl? Come on, don’t you remember those days?” Damon mused.

“What?” I scoffed, very much surprised.

“I’m going to excuse myself. This is not my battle nor do I want to be in the middle of it,” Jace mumbled quickly and left.

“Lucas,” I said. I didn’t know why I was cornering him. It was his past and I shouldn’t be all obsessive over his past relationships but it didn’t mean it didn’t leave a scar and I felt my defensive side come up.

“It’s all the past and I’m not proud of it so don’t bring it up again Damon or else you’re really going to get it,” Lucas threatened, making his point straight by stepping closer to him and looking him in the eye. Anyone would’ve flinched or cowered back in fear but Damon held on to his eyes.

“You’re pathetic Lucas,” Damon smirked. “Don’t worry Alexia, you’ll be seeing me more in the future,” he winked and left.

“That bastard,” Lucas said under his breath.

“Manners, Lucas,” Amos said appearing out of thin air. I flinched by his quick appearance.

“You frightened me Uncle Amos,” I breathed, my heart beating irregularly.

“I’m sorry sweetheart,” Amos said sweetly and turned to Lucas, “Lucas you must know how to calm yourself and control those emotions of yours. It was well in control the last time we saw you and I’m sorry to say, some of the Elders have been watching you,” Amos chided.

“Shit,” Lucas sighed, rummaging his finger through his hair.

“Language, Lucas. Hell, I sound like a parent. Am I really getting to be that old?” Amos sighed.

“Yes, Amos, you are getting old,” a deep voice mused.

“Ah, Elder Grayson Whitlock,” Amos nodded in acknowledgement and I saw Lucas bow low. I mimicked him when I recognized how Amos called him by the title ‘Elder.’

“Hmm, hello to you to, Amos,” the Elder said. His deep voice made me tremble with fear and his broad, muscled body seemed like he was a body builder. “You may rise Lucas and Alexia,” he said in a commanding voice that I looked up involuntarily. “No need to be afraid young Alexia, I won’t bite.”

“Ah, yes sir,” I said hastily and nervously.

He laughed at my politeness. “Such a kind, beautiful soul. You’re a lucky fellow, Lucas, to have her mated and marked with you,” Elder Grayson said but it sounded like it had a double meaning, as if he wasn’t enough for me. It was more like the opposite way. I knew Lucas was way too good for someone like me.

“I agree completely,” Lucas said smiling amiably, “although she has a stubborn nature.”

“A stubborn nature in a woman shows their independence and strong character,” Elder Grayson chided but Lucas nodded along. “I’d also like to speak with you about some business stuff along with the other three Elders so if we could move right along,” Elder Grayson motioned.

“I’ll be right there Grayson. I just need to talk to Alexia for a moment,” Amos said and a look of understanding passed through their eyes.

Elder Grayson nodded. “I see. Go do as you will,” he said simply. Lucas gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before he left with Elder Grayson. What a weird guy, I thought, now amused by Lucas’ bi-polar issue.

“Where’s Zane?” Amos asked. “I actually need to speak with the two of you.”

“I see him right over there,” I pointed out through the huge crowd of girls were flocking around Zane but he seemed to ignore them. Typical.

He was talking with Phoebe instead who wore a long silver gown that made her eyes shine brighter and her hair fairer. I didn’t know Zane was going for older girls and I smirked at the sudden thought but I caught the look of his face and it was all business and grim. I didn’t know exactly what they were talking about but I knew it was serious.

“I have to go,” I said quickly to Amos and shoved through the crowd towards Zane. I didn’t like his expression and it bothered me. I knew something was going wrong and Amos’ urge to speak to the two of us was the least of my worries.

“Wait, Alexia. I need to talk to you,” Amos shouted out through the mist of all the people.

Then, out of nowhere, a crackling sound bellowed through the walls, the same time something whizzed passed through the crowd. Zane’s face became rigid and tormented, his lips parted to the shape of my name, looking straight at me with an urgent look right before he hit the ground.

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