It will be always you Mrs.Henry

Hard background that he can’t forget.

All the maids refused but Adriana stubbornly sat in the kitchen and ate with them.

One thing she didn’t noticed was, from far away a person is watching her.

It was not anyone else other than her dad Jason.

Some how he felt the satisfaction. He glared at the scarf in his hand.

He closed his eyes and went back inside.

After Adriana finish eating she went back to her room.

Suddenly there was a knock on the room. She got up and opened the room door and saw her dad standing there.

“Dad, why are you here at such a time”, she asked.

He didn’t say anything and still stood there while tighten the grip of the scarf in his hand.

“Dad, you need to talk to me about something?”, she added.

“Urm… Yes, I want to talk to you Rina. About everything”, as he said, he entered into her room.

He sat on the edge o the bed and took out a photo album.

He flipped the first page and it was the pictures of her parents holding their hands together like all the romantic couples do. A tear slipped from her dad’s eye.

“I and your mom, really were too happy. We know each and another since we were born. Your mom’s parents and my parents are family friend, so when we were little, we always used to play together. We will go to the farm to pluck fruits or to the beach to collect seashells. She is three years younger than be, but always act bold and strong in front of me. We studied in a same school, so pratically she is my junior. Even in the mid school or in high school, we always hangout together. Actually in our high school, there is a rule. You should tutor you juniors in your free time. So, I and your mom ill be always partner up. Instead of studying, we will sneak out o the school and chill out in the beach or in our public library. That time, we just be best friends that time, until one day, I asked your mom to be my prom date. She wore a long red gown and here it is”, he pointed out a picture of her mom in a long red umbrella cutting gown and her dad in a black suit.

Both young couple look too good. They are too romantic, holding each and others hand and smiling like living in heaven. They should be the prom King and the Queen.

“Look how beautiful your mom is. She is she woman who I cherish and loved in my life. Every time whenever I am sad, your mom will sit beside me and let me lean on her shoulder. We really loved each other, we even got married and had you”. Then he pointed out another picture of her parents holding her in their arm in the labor. It was the same picture that in the chain the other day.Content protected by Nôv/el(D)rama.Org.

Adriana held her chain she is wearing thighter in her palm. She missed it. she missed every single of it.

Not forget to mention that, in one afternoon, three of them went to a park. She still remembered it, her mother was angry at her father for not taking her to the beach, instead, brought her to the park. Her dad rushed to the ice cream stall and bought her mom’s favorite chocolate chip mint ice cream for he mom. Her mom was still mad at her dad, so he plucked the rose flower beside him and gave it to her mom. He even talked something to make her mom’s heart melt.

She knows that he is really tricking her, so she still pretended to be angry.

Jason didn’t know what to do, at last Adriana was the only option he left.

He asked her to play along with him to please her mom.

She want her dad to suffer a little bit with her mom, but she still helped him to play along with him.

Both of them played ball and did some cheap tricks that no one will fall for.

Her mom couldn’t bare with their craziness, so in the end, she gave up and talk to her father.

The whole park was filled with their laughter.

She wished, she could go back to her 6 years life, where there was no fight, no burden, no pressure and only love and caring.

Tears swelled up in her eyes, but she still played it cool and listen to her dad’s story.

“Everything was really went so smooth and well, until, one day…. Your mom’s brother, who is your uncle, got into a huge fight. They asked money to solve this problem and we also willing to pay them. But the amount was really high. We couldn’t even ask your grandparents, because, if this news got out, their image will drop. Your grandparents were popular in state for doing all the charity events and helping people out. So to keep this matter in secret, I and your mother spent our money to solve this problem, but one thing that I didn’t expected was, it was all a trap. Your uncle don’t like us getting more care from your grandparents. So, he framed us for dealing drugs and take all of our money. Hearing this news, your grandparents, cut relation and aboden us. We really tried our best to state the truth, but they choose to believe your uncle over us. After everything was ruined, we moved to a new city. We really faced many things together. We didn’t have money, we didn’t have food or any freedom. Day by day, we were full of debt. So, in order to protect you I transfered to another work and it was none other than Claudia’s parents company. They were rich and I did my best there. That time, I didn’t know that Claudia secretely falling in love with me. Every time we talk she will get closer and closer to me. That time I don’t have any felling for her but still have to be nice, because after all she is my boss’s precious daughter. Unfortunately, this news reached your mom. She thought I am cheating on her and confront me about this. I explain everything but she didn’t trust me at all. Every time, when I am in house, she will go out and come home late. The money tightness and the no trust relationship started to fall apart. We even applied for divorce. One day she got pregnant and she went to hospital, but the next thing I heard was the hospital was burned down. I looked for you guys everywhere but you guys are not there. I even look for you in this whole city and even in the village near your grandparents house, but I couldn’t find you. I was truly heartbroken and addicted to alchohol and accidentally slept with Claudia and then she got pregnant with your sister, I have no way but to marry her. And then I still looked for you but didn’t find you guys”, as he said, he cried and leaned on Adriana’s shoulder.

“It is still hurt”, he cried even more and closed his eyes and slept.

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