I Kissed My Professor And He Liked It

Chapter 102

Chapter 102

Third Person POV Not far from Bethany and Enzo’s table, the waiter was returning with their water when he saw that Miss Bethany was sprinkling something in Alpha Enzo’s drink. The waiter nearly dropped the tray of water when he saw her doing this. Enzo was nowhere in sight; he didn’t even have guards with him. Why was Miss Bethany doing such a cruel thing? The waiter went over to the table and gently placed Enzo’s glass of water beside his wine cup. Bethany was typing something into her phone as if she didn’t just drug the Alpha’s cup moments ago. Just as the waiter was about to place Bethany’s cup down, he pretended to accidentally trip and knocked her water over. It landed on the table, and on her lap. She shot to her feet quickly; fury radiating in her eyes. “You stupid buffoon!” she growled. “Look what you did?! How can you be so clumsy!? Weren’t you properly trained??” “I’m so sorry, Miss Bethany. I don’t know what happened,” the waiter said as he quickly grabbed some napkins. She snatched the napkins angrily from his hands and began to wipe the water off her lap, muttering something of profanity under her breath. While she was distracted the waiter took the opportunity to switch the wine glasses. Once Bethany recovered from the spill and the water was dry, the waiter received an alert through his earpiece that their meals were ready in the kitchen. “I’m going to grab your meals. Again, I am so sorry. I’ll bring you some more wine, on the house.” She snarled at him; her eyes glowing as her wolf was resisting the urge to tear his throat out. He swallowed the lump in his throat and bowed his head to her as he hurried to the kitchen.

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Enzo finished washing his hands and left the bathroom. As he walked back to the table, he passed by the waiter who looked seemingly stressed out. It was like he had seen a ghost. He wondered what was wrong, but he didn’t stop long enough to ask. He hurriedly rushed past Enzo and toward the kitchen. Enzo thought that was strange until he got closer to his table and saw a very pissed-off Bethany. She This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

was snarling something under her breath, and it seemed like she was trying to keep her wolf under control. As soon as he made himself known to her, her attitude seemed to lift, and a smile was plastered on her face. “Oh, good; you’ve returned. Our meals will be here shortly,” she told him, placing her silk napkin over her lap. “I just walked by the waiter. Do you have any idea why he seems upset?” Enzo’s voice wasn’t accusing, but it wasn’t pleased either. She frowned. “Not in the slightest. He accidentally spilled my water on my lap. But I told him it was all right. Maybe he was just embarrassed,” she lied. Bethany grabbed her wine glass and lifted it in the air. “Enough about the waiter. Let’s make a toast!” She suggested, batting her lashes at him. He sighed, but he didn’t argue with her. He just wanted to get through this dinner. “To new beginnings,” she said, clinking her cup against his. He said nothing, but he wasn’t going to say no to a sip of wine. He took a long and steady drink of his wine, and she did the same. She placed her cup down and gave him a faint smile, but there was still something about her that seemed off. Her demeanor had changed, and he couldn’t tell what it was that caused it. Soon, the waiter returned with their food.

They ate, mainly silently. There wasn’t much more for them to discuss and frankly, he didn’t want to talk anymore. However, Bethany kept glancing at him and then at his wine glass with a timid frown. Then, she kept clearing her throat and focusing her eyes on her food. She soon stopped eating altogether. “Is everything okay?” He found himself asking, eyeing her carefully. She looked dizzy; like she was about to pass out any moment. “Yes…” she said, but her voice sounded strained and distant. “I just suddenly feel a little unwell.” She placed her fork down and then glanced at her glass; soon, she was bursting into giggles. Enzo narrowed his eyes, confused as to what was going on. Bethany had no idea that she drank the spiked wine and now she was beginning to grow incredibly drunk from that drug that was in the wine. Enzo, clueless to this information, quickly asked the waiter for the check. Bethany was now slouching in her seat and rambling about something that Enzo didn’t understand. She also couldn’t stop laughing. “Are you drunk?” Enzo asked her, annoyance in his tone. “I only had one glass of wine,” Bethany laughed. “But maybe…” She began to spin around in her seat, nearly falling off. Once Enzo paid for the meal, Bethany grew angry. “I was supposed to pay! This was my treat!! She whined. “Don’t worry about it,” Enzo muttered as he stood to his feet. He wrapped Bethany in his arms and began to carry her from the restaurant. … Lila’s POV I returned to campus with Bri beside me; she was planning on sleeping over because it was a long drive

back to Elysium. Brody was outside when we got to the dorms, and he frowned when he saw my face. “Goddess, Lila. What’s wrong?” “It’s just been a long night,” I told him. “I don’t like it when you frown like that,” he said, stepping closer to me. “Is there anything I can do to help you?” “I think I just need to get some rest,” I told him. “How about dinner? I was just about to head to the diner,” he explained. “Did you eat anything?” Brianna shook her head, which resulted in an angry look from me. “You have to eat. Let’s get something to eat,” he said, reaching for my hand. “I’m not that hungry,” I told him. “I won’t take no for an answer,” he said, folding his arms across his chest. He glanced at Bri. “You can come too.” I sighed; my stomach growling gave away my hunger. With all the excitement of the day, I had completely forgotten to eat. I looked over at Brianna who gave me a small smile and nudged me toward Brody. “You two go ahead; I’m going to get some rest. I had a big lunch,” she said, waving us away. I didn’t want to leave Bri behind, but I knew I wasn’t going to convince her to come with us. So, I went with Brody alone to a small and casual diner where we ordered some food. I tried to keep a smile on my face, but I knew the sorrow was seeping into my eyes. “Did you not have fun shopping today?” He asked with a timid frown once it was clear I wasn’t going to say anything. I looked at him, surprised, which caused him to laugh. “Becca told me,” he said with a shrug. That made sense: I let myself laugh lightly. “I did. It’s just been a long day,” I told him. It didn’t seem like he bought that though.

“Regardless, you should always remember to eat,” he said, eyeing my face carefully. “But lucky for you, I’m here to remind you.” I couldn’t help but smile; he was incredibly sweet, and I liked that he cared about me. He’s proved that in more ways than I could count. But my mind and my wolf couldn’t stop thinking about Enzo. “You know I’m always here when you need to talk… right?” Brody asked. I smiled at him and nodded. “Thank you,” I said in return. We finished our meals, and we headed back to campus. It was late in the evening and Bri would be waiting for me in my dorm. As I reached campus, I sensed Enzo nearby. He must be back from his date. Val groaned at the very thought and rolled over in defeat and agony. Just as we got to the dorms, Brody paused for a moment. “I’m glad you came out with me tonight,” he said. “Thank you for letting me feed you.” I laughed. “You act like I’m a charity case,” I said, peering up at him. “You are certainly no charity case, Lila. But I’ll take any opportunity to spend time with you… friend or not. I’m glad to get to know you.” I smiled up at him, unsure of what to say. Soon, he leaned down and kissed me gently on the cheek. Just as he parted from me, I looked over his shoulder and saw Enzo staring at me.

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