Hybrid Aria 1-4

chapter 37

Aria’s POV

“Isn’t this great? We are gonna have a baby,” said Reid, kissing the side of my face. I was in shock. This was not the sort of news I was going to be excited about. Zoe wiped tears from her eyes as she excitedly congratulated us. I just zoned out and put my walls up, blocking Reid from invading my mind and my tumultuous thoughts. I didn’t want kids; I have been raising a kid since I was a kid myself. This was far from anything I wanted. I didn’t want a baby, to bring a baby into this chaotic world, let alone right now when we were about to go to war. A war I also didn’t want a part of. This was far from any future plan; I had come up with in my head. The worst part is the excitement on Reid’s face, how do I break it to him, that there won’t be any baby?

I watched as my newly found father and my mate spoke excitedly about kids and potential baby names. Zoe, noticing my silence, placed a hand on my shoulder and looked down at me, her eyes knowing. Zoe knew I didn’t want kids, and after seeing everyone’s excitement, how do I tell them I don’t want to be a mother. Zoe nodded her head in the direction of the kitchen, getting up I followed after her.

“That’s some big news,” she stated. While making up orders, I leant on the bench next to her. Keeping my voice low so Reid and my father didn’t overhear.

“I don’t want this, Zoe. You know this already.” She nodded in my direction, so I knew she heard what I said.

“I know the timing isn’t great with everything going on, but you will come around eventually dear, Babies are a miracle.”

I shook my head. This was no miracle; this was a disaster. How do I tell Reid? I looked up at the ceiling, things were going to get worse before they got better and chucking a baby in the mix is just ridiculous.

“I am not keeping it. I don’t want this, Zoe. He can’t make me.” Zoe put the egg flip down and glanced around paranoid someone overheard my words.

“You know Reid, even Ryder won’t allow that, Aria. You do anything to jeopardise this pregnancy and Reid is going to lose it. Even I know werewolf pregnancies are sacred, you will be shunned and forced to leave the Pack Aria, think of Lily.”

“I am thinking of Lily. I have enough on my plate without adding more to it. I need to focus on her, focus on keeping her safe, I can’t do that pregnant. Besides, it isn’t a real werewolf child. It will be a Hybrid so they can think what they want, it’s my body, my choice,” my voice coming out louder than I would have liked. Zoe stuck her head out, looking back into the diner, I did the same. My father and Reid were both happily bonding over baby news. I felt guilty for not wanting to keep this baby, but at the end of the day, it is my choice. Reid isn’t the one that has to birth it. I am.

Zoe pulled me back into the kitchen. “You know, you won’t get a say in this. You’re going against the Moon Goddess Aria, you do anything Reid will see it as a betrayal, shit he might even kill you himself. You don’t get a say in this, you know this.” I rolled my eyes; this was stupid.

“Here I was thinking since it’s my body I would get some say, what about all pro-choice, women have rights these days.”

“Yes, you’re right but not werewolf women or Hybrids like you. You don’t get that choice the Moon Goddess chooses for you.”

“Well in my case she chose wrong, I want no part of this.” I could hear Reid, walking over to see what I am doing. I quickly shut my mouth so he wouldn’t hear what we were speaking about. Zoe seemed to get the message and remained quiet.

“You ready to leave?” I nodded my head. My father walking in behind him, stepped past Reid and embraced me in a hug. I wrapped my arms around him too, it felt good finally knowing the truth and having everything out in the open, but at the same time, I wasn’t forgiving so easily that they lied to me.This belongs © NôvelDra/ma.Org.

“Congratulations sweetie this is awesome news, I can’t believe my daughter is giving me a grandbaby,” he said gripping my shoulders. It would look funny to outsiders seeing as my father looked not much older than me, I would have to remember to ask him at what age he stopped aging, and also more about my family history. My father turned to Reid, “Make sure she has plenty of blood on hand, even though her mother was a werewolf, she craved blood like crazy, sometimes even became crazed.”

He nodded, taking in the information. “This is such great news,” my father stated.

“If you think so,” I muttered, not feeling excited in the slightest. Zoe nudged me with her elbow warningly, and Reid raised an eyebrow at my comment but didn’t say anything. Instead, he grabbed my hand and led me back to the car. Can this day get any worse? I thought, as I sat in the passenger seat. Reid started the car and started driving back to the Pack house. I could see Reid’s reflection and seen him glance at me a few times, while I just stared vacantly out the window.

“I will get Mavis to come over so she can determine how far along you are,” he told me. I didn’t reply. The only thing I wanted to know is how to get rid of it. I didn’t say that out loud, though. Reid noticing my silence, tried to push through the link to me. I shoved him out.

“What has gotten into you, Aria?” I ignored him. “Is this about the baby? Don’t worry Hun, I won’t let anything happen to either of you. The Pack will keep you safe, I promise.” Great, the last thing I wanted to hear. I have no intention of keeping it, and I can see this is going to cause a huge argument. I just hoped he would hear me out. Surely though he wouldn’t force this on me. I wonder if Mavis would speak to me alone. I know I am meant to get patient privacy, but I also know she fears Reid and I don’t know if she would go against him even for her Luna.

When we got to the Pack house, everyone was waiting out the front.

“Can we not tell anyone yet? Please,” I pleaded. Reid looked at me funny, I could tell he was a little taken aback by my request.

“Fine we can wait until after Mavis has checked you over.” I nodded letting out a breath. It would be harder if he told the entire Pack I was expecting.

“I am going to lay down for a bit,” I told him, wanting to be left alone. I climbed out of the car. Lily came over to me, and I scooped her up. “Sorry I scared you this morning” I whispered, kissing her chubby cheeks and rubbing my nose on hers. She wrapped her arms around my neck. “Want to watch a movie in my room?” Lily nodded excitedly.

“Can we watch the one with the snowman?” she asked.

“Yes, go grab it and meet me upstairs,” I placed her on the ground, and she took off inside. I made my way upstairs and turned the TV on that hung on the wall across from the bed. Lily and Amber came running in and jumped on the bed, making themselves comfortable. I placed the DVD in and pressed play before laying down with them. I got lost in the movie being the first time I had actually watched it. When the movie was nearly over, Reid stuck his head in the door waving at me. Amber had fallen asleep, and Lily looked like she wasn’t far off. I climbed off the bed and made my way over to him.

“Mavis is here,” he said, pulling me from the room. I followed him down to the infirmary. Mavis was waiting there in her white hospital scrubs fiddling with a machine next to the bed.

“Luna.” she said excitedly coming over and kissing me on the cheek. “I will get you to lay down and lift up your shirt.” Great, Reid had already told her. I walked over to the bed and laid down. She squirted a cold jelly-like substance on my stomach, and using the device in her hand moved it around, she pointed to the screen. I didn’t look. But I could hear Reid trying to get me to look at the screen.

“Do you want to hear the heartbeat?” Mavis asked.

“No,” I said harsher than I meant for it to come out. Reid ignored me. I could feel his eyes boring into me.

“Yes, I want to hear the heartbeat,” he told Mavis. Mavis turned a dial on the ultrasound machine. I could hear the steady hum of a heartbeat. I tried to block it out, but it was now forever burned in my memory.

“You are four weeks and 3 days along. Baby should be due around another twenty weeks seeing as Hybrid pregnancies don’t last as long as human ones or werewolf ones,” she stated. I sat up wiping the jelly off with some paper towel. I can’t believe I have been here only one month; it feels so long ago that Reid found us, and it also means I got pregnant the first time we had sex.

“Any questions?” she asked.

“Can I speak with you alone?” I asked, looking at Mavis. She looked to Alpha Reid to see if it was alright.

“You can ask any question you like, Aria. Don’t be embarrassed because I am present,” he stated, denying my right to privacy. Mavis turned back to me. I suddenly felt like throwing up, nerves taking over. I knew Reid was going to flip his lid when I asked my question.

“So, what did you want to know?” I started sweating, both their eyes staring at me, I felt a bead of sweat run down my neck, and my throat went dry.

“How do I?” I tried to force the words out and glanced at Reid, who was watching expectantly, waiting to hear what I wanted to know. “How do I get rid of it?” My words came out so rushed, I didn’t think she heard me. My heart rate spiked. I could hear it pounding in my ears. Mavis looked nervously back at Reid who looked like he was about to explode in rage.

Mavis stood up when his claws extended, Reid trying to remain in control.

“Mavis, leave,” Reid commanded, his eyes blazing. I didn’t want her to go, she looked unsure as well.

“Mavis, get out now.” His voice booming echoing off the walls so loud the glass windows shook.

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