“Elena…” he began, unable to decide how to voice out what he wanted.

“Kiss me,” she blurted out, making it easier for him.

He was stunned for a second, so he remained still,

“I want you to kiss me, Chandler,” she repeated.

That did it for him, and he threw caution to the wind. A smile curved the corners of his incredibly sensual lips as his hand tightened on her waist, the hard muscles beneath his shirt pressing against her sensitive breasts as he loomed over her. She glimpsed the intent in his heavy-lidded dark eyes a second before he lowered his mouth to hers. His tongue slid effortlessly between her parted lips and she forgot about everything else except him.

It was how Elena imagined being swept up in a tornado must feel. The heat, the sensations like a primitive force of nature battering her, spiraling around her, sweeping her higher and higher until she was flung back in time, lost in the splendor of their passionate embrace.

The persuasive movement of his tongue, skilfully exploring the moist interior of her mouth, and the warmth of his hand, sliding up her body to tangle in her hair and deepen the kiss, were unleashing emotions she was helpless to control. Sensual longing raced like wildfire along Elena’s veins, melting away every thought and her body quivered in eager response. The movement of his other hand slipping to cup her bottom and urge her into the powerful strength of his thighs was so familiar and, oh, so right… He crushed her to him, his mouth never leaving hers. Her mind went blank to everything except him. It was as if all the power of her sexuality that she had kept suppressed for so long now surged into vibrant life. Of their own accord her hands on his chest swept up to clasp his broad shoulders, and she surrendered hungrily to the sensual delight of his kiss and kissed him back with equal fervor.

She whimpered as he drew his mouth back a little, then moaned as his teeth bit lightly on her swollen lower lip, wanting more.

“Do you have any idea how hard it’s been not to kiss you all these time, Elena? Everyday since I met you?

At your house? When we were alone at your store? It’s like fucking torture to see you, and touch you and not pull you into my arms and kiss you senseless.” His voice sounded tormented.

“It’s been hard for me, too.” The confession tumbled out of her without a second thought, and Chandler’s mouth slowly descended until she could feel the warmth of his breath on her lips.

“Not nearly as hard as it’s been for me,” he groaned, right before his mouth crushed over hers again.

Then, she couldn’t say another word, even if I wanted to speak. All she could do was feel. The longing was much sharper this time, and Elena tightened her arms around his neck and let the raw hunger throbbing through her body try to find satisfaction by just surrendering to the fierce embrace. She moaned against his mouth as he devoured hers and If anything, this kiss was more intense than the one before it. Hotter. More sensual. More overwhelming.

“Chandler,” she whispered when he finally pulled back to nibble on her bottom lip. She needed more. So much more. The liquid heat flooding between her thighs scorched her, and every part of her was taut with an unsatisfied craving that was pulling her apart, piece by piece.

“Relax, sweetheart,” he crooned beside her ear right before his mouth skimmed over the tender skin of her neck.

Relax? Oh, hell, no. That wasn’t going to happen. Elena moaned as his heated breath wafted over her ear, leaving her shaking with desperation.

She melted. She sighed. She moved into every single touch. Maybe she was terrified by the unchecked passion flowing between the two of them, but not enough to make her want to stop it.

She couldn’t bear to make this kind of pleasure come to an end too soon. She could feel Chandler’s chest heaving as his forehead rested on hers.

“Bloody hell, Elena!” he rasped. “I can’t do this without wanting to get you naked.”

She panted for a second before she answered. “I guess I’m finding out that I can’t, either.”

Her heart was racing, and her body was forcefully protesting the fact that Chandler had mellowed his sensual assault. As her rational mind started to function, she realized that she had her hands fisted in his hair; she’d been holding on for dear life.

“Sorry,” she mumbled as she relaxed her hands. “Did that hurt?”

“Oh, fuck, no,” he said huskily. “You could yank every hair from my head, and I wouldn’t complain as long as I could touch you. The way your body responds to me is hotter than hell, Elena. I can’t kiss you without wanting to fuck you. It’s just not possible.”

“I lose control when you kiss me,” she said, her voice slightly wary now that she was more coherent.

He plastered their bodies together like he couldn’t bear to let her go. “I want you to lose control, Elena. I want you to trust that I’ll be there to take care of you when you come apart.”

She buried her face in his shoulder as her body quaked with unsatisfied desire. “I need-” she began.

He interrupted. “I know what you need, Elena. Let me give it to you.”

She trembled as his long leg eased between hers and his strong hand exerted the slightest pressure on her hip to guide her heat towards his erection. The position sent the split in her robe apart and now she could feel his dick more, even though his shorts still separated them.

“You are so fucking hot,” Chandler whispered, and lightly brushed her lips with his own, before trailing a line of kisses down her throat.All content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

Elena sighed. She felt his palms cup her breasts, his fingers squeezing her straining nipples over the fabric of her robe, and, pliant, she curved against him. She was drowning in a stormy sea of exquisite sensations, and didn’t notice when his hands deftly untied her robe.

When he raised his dark head her thick lashes slowly fluttered upwards to see him looking down at her, molten desire swirling in the depths of his night-black eyes. She reached for him.

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