Hot Revenge Box Set 4

Chapter 19

Chapter 19


I hold her close, her semi-naked body against mine. She’s still quivering with the afterburn of climax and I cradle her. “Shhh…”

She’s still on some other planet, but her face pressing into my chest, she mumbles something then shifts to let me in closer, lying on her back, parting her legs. I roll over her, taking my weight on my elbows but still clasping her back. My shaft presses into the vee of her thighs, then the heat of her pussy. She’s wet, almost fluid, and very obviously, still fully sensitised. My cockhead kissing into her, she shivers.

“How are you doing, Babe? Alright? You good for this?”

“Mmmm…” She doesn’t seem to want to speak, but her arms slip around me, and she widens her thighs, inviting me in.

With my cockhead anchoring to her, barely penetrating, I hold. “Soft or hard, Charlotte? What do you want?”

“You choose.” She mumbles a bit, spaced-out, almost as if half-asleep, but I think it’s just the euphoria of orgasm after-burn.

Another one, Babe?

Let's see what we can do…

She's swollen and heated, her flesh still throbbing a little. I move gradually, barely thrusting, just a slow stroke in, then out; filling her, sheathing myself inside her, then withdrawing against the slight suction.

Another long slow stroke in, feeling the stretch of her flesh as I penetrate. She makes a sound; a stretched-out purring noise then shifts to rest her cheek against mine.

“My Golden Lover.” She whispers it, close by my ear, then presses her lips to me.

“Always, Babe. Always.” And I tighten my hold on her.

Twisting my hips, I wind myself inside her, aiming for her g-spot. It's not easy, but she groans deliciously, shuddering under me, her fingernails biting into my shoulders. “Like that?” I murmur.

“Ah-ha…” Then she chuckles, sounding livelier. “Two can play that game.”

She clamps around me, her pussy gripping at me…


… and I jolt. “Jeez, Charlotte…”

Laughter rumbles through her chest. “I thought I might have… um… stretched inside, with the baby, so I took precautions. I’ve been exercising…” And with the last word, she snatches at me again, her cunt gripping around my shaft, leaving me gasping. “You like that?” she chuckles.

Christ, yes…

“Yes, but take it easy…”

“What’s she doing?” It’s Beth, seating herself on the edge of the bed. In my peripheral vision, Richard moves to sit by her, cradling her, supporting her.

“Charlotte’s been doing her exercises.” I hiss though my teeth. “The result is… dramatic.” And I suck in air as my green-eyed mermaid clenches around me again.

“Enough of this.” Encircling her wrists with my hands, I press her arms up and over her head, then pin them there against the pillow. “You want to play rough, you’ve got it.” And I thrust, hard.

Charlotte yelps, and as I thrust again, moves under me, swinging her legs up and around me, locking her ankles around my waist.

I sheath myself inside her and she yelps. That internal quivering is building again. She never truly came out of her first climax, riding the plateau. Now, I’m going to drive her up and over the crest again.

Whatever it is she’s been doing, she still feels wonderful. She’s tight, her pussy squeezing me as I thrust into her, gripping as I withdraw. But she’s already twitching under me, arms quivering, pelvis quaking.

I thrust harder, spearing her, burying myself inside her with every stroke. Her tits bounce with my thrusts, the skin golden with candlelight, sheened with perspiration, the nipples proud.

The shuddering at her hips is growing…

She’s going to…

…. And she blows…

Arching back on herself, head flung back, straining against me as she bawls out.

Her nails bite into my shoulders. It doesn’t matter. Nothing matters when I can watch Charlotte’s beautiful face in orgasm.

Her breasts palpitate with the hammering of her heat. The vein at her neck throbs. Her pussy pulses and…


And with a wave of pressure from my balls that ripples through groin and shaft, I Come. Growling… I spill once, twice… a pause… and a final volley…

Releasing my hold on her, I drop onto my elbows resting my face between her breasts.

When I lift my head again, emerald eyes are locked with mine. “Good?” she grins.

“God, yes.”

She looks over my shoulder. “Was that okay, Beth?”

I roll over to see the equally grinning Beth resting back in Richard’s arms. “Oh, yes. Almost as good as if I’d been doing it myself. Thank you everyone.” She splashes her smile around the room. This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

Richard kisses her in the crook of the neck. “You’re welcome, my love.”

Charlotte sits up, looking down at herself. “Think I need a bath.”

We all laugh. Her hair is a bird’s nest, her lipstick is smeared and her eyes be-panda’d. Her outfit still looks great, but one stocking has rolled down to her ankle and the other is badly laddered.

Unrepentant, she grins. “You liked the corset then, Master?”

James flashes eyes at her. “Oh, yes. Excellent choice, Charlotte. It was a very pleasant surprise seeing you wearing it.”

She blinks. “A surprise? Oh, you mean you’d not realised I’d ordered it?”

His forehead wrinkles. “Why would I realise that, Charlotte?”

She blinks, head swinging. “But It's from that on-line company you sent me the email about. Didn't you recognize it from the photo?”

James tugs at an ear. “What email? I didn't send you any email, Charlotte. Although I'll admit I might have done if I'd seen the ad for that corset. It suited you perfectly.”

“But… but… you sent me an email, with the link to the site and that photo. I went right through it. They had some lovely things. But I knew you liked that corset, so I bought it.”

James sounds a little techy. “Charlotte, I sent you no email of that sort. If I’d had thoughts along those lines, I’d have simply bought the corset for you myself.”

“But the email came from you…” She scratches into her tangled hair. “Or it seemed to, anyway.”

James sucks at his teeth. “I’d say you’ve been click-baited, Charlotte…” She reddens… “… Usually, they're trying to sell me Viagra or penis extensions and I junk the lot. It's a clever marketing ploy but I think you'd better blacklist that site. There’s no harm done, but if that’s their marketing practice, I think you’re better not dealing with them.”

She turns away, shaking her head. “Yes, I’ll set them to junk.” She sounds increasingly irked. “I don’t usually fall for that kind of thing, but the email did seem to come from you.”

“No harm done,” says Richard, still with an arm around Beth. “I wouldn’t dwell on it if I were you.” He tugs a towel from a hook, mops his face. “God, I was ready for that…” He turns to James, brow creasing. “I hope it didn’t offend you? Elizabeth directing operations like that?”

James swallows a chuckle. “It’s a novel arrangement, I’ll grant you. The sub in charge. But I think we all enjoyed the result.” He watches Richard, mopping at the back of his pants. “Something wrong?”

Richard twists, trying to see behind himself, feeling at his backside. “Why am I wet?”

I burst out laughing. So does James. “Was it that good, Beth? We’ll do it again sometime.”

“No,” says Richard, standing up, examining his pants. “Not that kind of wet. I mean wet.” He points down. “The bed too.”

Beth raises a hand to her mouth. “Oh God. My waters must have broken!”

Richard strides for the door. “Michael, can you get her upstairs while I call the midwife.”

“On it now.”


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