Holding on to you

Chapter 36: Just another slut


“Damn it! Where is that stupid book?!”

It was my first day back at school since running away from Killian and I couldn’t find my stupid Trig book. I’ve never regretted running more than when I was presented with seven weeks’ worth of homework by my heartless jerk and was told that I had to do them all within two weeks.

Now, I’m twenty minutes late and I can’t find my stupid Trig book!

Pulling out every drawer and searching in every corner that a book can hide, and still I came up empty-handed. I knew I had it with me the day before, the entire house knew I had it with me because I was screaming how much I hated the stupid thing, and how I hated my heartless jerk even more for forcing me to do it.

After searching for a further ten minutes, I realised that my book decided to run away from me. Throwing myself on the bed, I grunted in frustration, giving up on my search.

“Ugh! I’m never gonna find the stupid thing!”

Just as I was about to kick off my shoes and forgo school, the door to my room opened and in walked my heartless jerk, looking like he just walked off the runway.

It’s so unfair that he always looks good

“You’re going to school, even if I have to drag your cute ass there.”

My heart skipped a beat at the sound of his voice, and I quickly jumped up from the bed. I let my hair that I took all morning to tame fall in front of my face, framing it.

He took a step closer to me and I flinched, the silliness of my behaviour made me curse myself, silently. However, what he did to me that day, tying me in the shower and leaving me to freeze has knocked my confidence back down to when I first met him.

“As much as I’d like nothing more than to strip you and worship your body, we’re graduating soon and you need to get your grades up.”

He was standing in front of me, his eyes boring into mine, almost daring and teasing me at the same time. Whatever he wanted or expected me to do I didn’t do it.

His lips quirked up into a smirk, and his hands found my body, pulling me close. On instinct, my eyes closed and I wasn’t disappointed when his lips lightly touched my neck.

Pulling me closer, until our bodies were plastered against each other, he moved his way up my neck to my lips, causing me to burn up inside like I always do. One of his hands circled me whilst the other squeezed my ass.

The kiss was heated and hot and I couldn’t get enough of it. Leaving my lips, he nibbled on my ear and I purred, melting into him.

“I love it when you’re like this, so soft, so obedient and all mine.”

I couldn’t deny it, I was all his and he never lets me forget it. My eyes opened up and I saw the lust swimming around his own. Leaning down, he gave my lips a quick kiss then pulled back.

“F**k Red, let’s go before I change my mind and give us what we both want.”

Putting some space between us, he ran his hand through his hair and tried to contain his urge to finish what we started.

Just when I thought that he was going to break, there was a knock on the door. We both turned to see who it was and I couldn’t help but frown, it was Crista, the daughter of the head housekeeper.

I met Crista’s mother, Philippa when I first moved into the Black estate, but I’ve never had much interaction with her other than a hello or goodbye. She always seemed nice, but I could tell that she didn’t quite like me, but it was only until I met Crista that I understood.

Philippa had her daughter joined the family business just around the time that I came back to the mansion. It was obvious that Crista had a thing for Killian and Philippa was encouraging it.

It was bad enough that I had to deal with Natasha and her not so subtle hints that she wanted my husband, so Crista coming into the picture didn’t make it any better.

Killian might be a heartless jerk, but he was my heartless jerk and I’d be damn if I let those two man-eaters try and take him away from me. I’ve been through too much hell with the bastard to have those two sluts come in and act like I don’t have a right to him.Têxt belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

He chose me! And even if I wanted to leave, he’d never let me. And besides, I doubt that they’d be able to keep up with his cruel and unusual form of sex, if I didn’t love him as much as I did, I’d probably be complaining more.

“Oh, I thought you left already.”

Her smile was sweet and all for Killian. She tossed her head to the side, causing her short dark hair to move seductively. The move was so obvious that I grunted and rolled my eyes.

Bitch, please!

“No, but we’re on our way out now.”

The silly idiot giggled and batted her eyes at Killian, to say that I was mad would have been an understatement. She came to my room under the false pretence of cleaning, but all it looked like to me was flirting.

I’m not usually the kind of girl to get jealous or go all alpha female on a bitch, but there’s only so much a girl can take.

I moved to Killian’s side, it was all I had to do because whenever I’m close to him he can’t help but touch me. He pulled me closer to him until my back was touching his chest. Circling his hands around my waist, he leaned down and place a tender kiss on my neck.

I smiled, my eyes never leaving Crista who was frowning and sending me death glares.

Yes, slut, this jackass belongs to me.

I don’t know if Killian caught on to what I was doing, but he lifted the hem of my shirt and placed his hands flat on my stomach. I was so caught off guard by it that it brought back memories of when I’d just came out of the hospital.


Killian was holding me close to him, I couldn’t seem to stop crying. I had a life growing inside of me and I didn’t know. I kept wondering whether it was a boy or a girl, but I knew that I’d never get the chance to know.

I felt like the worse woman in the world, I should have known that when I missed my period I could be pregnant, instead, I pushed it aside. I told myself that it had to be the stress I was in, or the pills were messing up my cycle.

Lifting the hem of my shirt, he placed his hands flat on my stomach. His lips were at my ears and he whispered.

“There’ll be others, Red, I promise you. It’s not your fault, baby, I should have made sure that you were protected. I’m sorry baby.”

I didn’t say anything, I just let him comfort me while grieving the loss of our baby.

Flashback end

“… and I can start as soon as tomorrow.”

It seemed like while I was daydreaming I missed the conversation going on between Killian and Crista.

“No need to wait until tomorrow, why don’t you change and come with us now. Red and I are going to be late anyway, so ten more minutes wouldn’t make a difference.”

What in the name of bigfoot did I miss?

It must have been something life-changing because Crista was smiling like she just won the lottery.

“Ohmygod, really? It’ll only take me like five minutes to change out of these clothes and then I’ll be ready.”

In an instant she was out of the door, squealing all the way to the servant part of the house.

Killian chuckled, and I was still lost as to what just went down.

“Uh, what the hell just happened?”

I never got an answer, instead, he took my hand and led me out of the room. We made a quick stop in the kitchen so that I could grab an apple and a bottle of water, then out to the car.

Killian opened the door for me and I got in, when he was seated, I expected him to drive off, but he just sat there waiting.

“Aren’t we going to be late?”

He took my hand off of my lap and kissed it, but instead of letting go, he kept on holding it.

“Baby, Crista’s coming with us, today is going to be her first day at McKinney High.”

My mouth fell open as I stared at him, dumbfounded. There’s no way in hell he could be serious.

“She’s coming with us?”

He chuckled like I said something funny.

“Baby, you have nothing to be jealous of, I was the one who let her go, but I’d have to be dead before I ever let you go.”

I don’t know if that was supposed to make me feel better or scare the shit out of me. But the something he said registered in my mind and I just stared harder at him.

“You slept with her?!”


Is there a girl alive that he hasn’t f**ked? I was so upset that I yanked my hand away from him and turned to look out the window. Just then Crista came in the car, wearing a short black skirt and a white tank top. She couldn’t dress anymore like a hooker if she tried.

I waited for Killian to start the car and drive, but when he didn’t I turned to look at him. He was exiting the car when I turned, the hard bang of the door slamming shook every bone in my body.

However, I didn’t get a chance to recover from it because my door was yanked opened and an angry Killian was yelling at me.

“Get the f**k out, now!!”

He didn’t give me a chance to exit the car on my own, instead, he leaned in and pulled me out. Shutting the door with the same force as before, he pushed me up against it.

Hard cold eyes stared down into my defiant ones, I titled my head up at him, showing him that I wasn’t going to back down. Grabbing my face, he brought his lips down on mine in a forceful kiss. I cried out when his teeth sunk into my lip, drawing blood.

I tasted the metallic taste of my own blood as he deepened the kiss, after what seemed like days, he pulled back.

“You get me so f**king mad that I want nothing more than to wrap my hands around your pretty little neck, and strangle the life out of you, whilst f**king your sexy body senseless.”

What a bastard thing to say.

I got so mad that I did the unthinkable… I raised my hand, intending to slap his heartless face. However, he caught my hand before it could make contact. His eyes got stormy and he glared at me. I could see that he was fighting to control his anger.


I tried to push him away from me, but it was no use because he had no intention of moving anywhere.

“Let me go, Killian.”

If he could be pissed off, then so can I!

He grabbed my face again and held it firmly, forcing me to look in his eyes. His pale green was considerably darker as they bore into my soul.

“Stop acting like a jealous bitch! Yes, I f**ked her, a lot, but I’m f**king you know.”

The way he said it, it was like he expected me to feel honoured for being chosen as his next whore.

“Way to make a girl feel special, Killian.”

All the fight died inside of me, and I just give up on pissing him off. I don’t know why I always expect goodness from him, it was clear that his heart was made of nothing but the blackest stone from the pits of hell.

Needless to say, I loved him regardless, and although I knew that he’ll never be able to love me, I took pleasure in knowing that he craved me enough to never let me go.

He dropped his hand from my face, and I wrapped my hands around his waist then rest my head on his chest. I felt like an idiot for giving in to him, but I couldn’t help it, the more days that pass, the more I fall in love with him.

His hands came around me and he hugged me back.

“You are special to me, baby, you’re the only person I’d die for.”

I smiled against his chest and said,

“Let’s go to school, please.”

He pulled away then opened the door for me to get in, just as I sat down and buckled myself in, he grabbed my face and kissed me.

“You’re my obsession, the reason I breathe, never forget that.”

I smiled up at him, feeling my heart skip a beat with happiness. However, it was short-lived because as soon as the door was closed, the bitch in the back seat spoke.

“Trust me, you’re not the first girl he’s said those exact words too.”

And there goes my good mood, shot down by a backseat bitch. Killian entered the car and started driving, and the bitch started talking again.

“Is everything alright?”

I could hear the fake concern in her voice and it pissed me off.

“Just f**king peachy.”

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