His'(Crazy Erotica)



SOPHIA SLID INTO the back passenger’s seat and looked up at the guard that had opened the door for her. “Thanks”

He said nothing. His Don never allowed any of them to talk to her unless necessary and in times like that returning her good gesture was unnecessary and uncalled for. He only kept his stoic expression on and shut the door. He went around the car to sit in the front passenger’s seat while the driver roared the car engine to life.

Sophia looked beside her and found Chase seated there, staring at her. “Hey”

Chase nodded at her and plastered a grin on his face as he took in her whole appearance. “You look pretty as always,” She was dressed in a pink length summer dress with a round neck. Her hair was parked into a low ponytail, and she had no makeup on.

Sophia blushed and looked down on her lap. “Thanks”

“Come” Chase smiled at her, signaling to her to move closer with two of his fingers. “Come”

Shyly, Sophia moved a bit close to him, but Chase had other plans. He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her onto his lap.

Sophia placed her hands on his shoulders and peeked at him through her lashes. “They-they’ll see us,”

“They won’t dare” Chase pulled her in so her head was on his chest. “I’m their boss,”

Sophia breathed out. “Chase”


The vibration from his chest shot heat to her core, and Sophia clamped her thighs together for friction. “I-you didn’t say anything last night”

“About?” Chase caressed her locks with his fingers slowly. He knew very well what she was talking about. “What did you ask for that I didn’t give an answer to?”

“Uhh – the Church?” She then pulled away from his chest and looked up at him with an adorable pout. “You didn’t say anything last night when I asked you about it,” When she had asked him about going to church, he merely acknowledged her and told her to sleep before leaving the room.

Chase pulled her head back to his chest without giving her an answer.

That was enough to tell her he wasn’t letting her even go to the church, right?

Sophia let out a shaky breath and shut her eyes tight. A soundless sob left her lips, and that didn’t go unnoticed by Chase.

The silence enveloped them in the car till the car pulled up in front of a large building. The one Sophia recognized as the biggest hospital in Italy.

Gemelli Polyclinic.

The driver spoke up, breaking the silence. “Siamo qui, Don,”

{“We’re here, Don.”}Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.


“Voglio I risultati del test adesso, Matteo,” Chase said to the doctor that had conducted Sophia’s tests.

{“I want the test results now, Matteo”}

They were all seated in his office. Chase was seated on a couch in one corner of the large office with a sleeping Sophia in his arms while the doctor sat in his own chair behind his desk going through some files.

Matteo dropped the file on the table. “Certo, Don. Lo prendero subito,” The doctor stood up, adjusted his coat, and walked around the table.

{“Sure, Don. I’ll get it right away.”}

Chase nodded and jutted his chin at the doctor towards the door. “andare,”


The doctor walked out of the room, leaving Sophia and Chase alone.

Chase looked down at her sleeping face and leaned in, dropping a few kisses on her freckles, then nose before leaving a peck on her puckered lips. “Non meriti quello che e successo nella tua vita. Essere nato in un mondo peccaminoso e questo, tra le braccia di un fottuto gruppo di genitori di merda, vederteli portati via in cosi giovane eta, essere rapito e tenuto lontano da l’unica persona che ti ama e si prende cura di te da un altro insieme digente incasinata, torturata mentalmente e presa da qualcuno diabolico come me,”

{“You don’t deserve whatever has happened in your life. Being born into a sinful world and that, into the arms of a fucking set of shitty parents, having them taken away from you at such a young age, getting kidnapped and kept away from the only person that loves and cares for you by another set of fucked up people, tortured mentally and taken by someone as devilish as me”}

A small smile graced his lips, and he shook his head at her innocence. “Ma poi, allo stesso tempo, sono felice che tu sia qui con me. Sono felice che tu abbia assistito alla morte di Russo e che tu sia stato rapito dai tuoi stessi fratelli perche nel momento in cui le restanti persone del nostro mondo scopriranno che sei la figlia di Agosti, potresti non essere in grado di sopravvivere a quello che ti farebbero. E un beneti ho preso per primo. Nessuno tranne me sara in grado di tenerti al sicuro lontano da danni e pericoli,”

{But then, at the same time, I’m happy you’re here with me. I’m glad you witnessed Russo’s death and got kidnapped by your own siblings because the minute the remaining people of our world find out about you being Agosti’s daughter, you might not be able to survive what they would do to you. It’s good I got you first. No one but me will be able to keep you safe away from harm and danger”}

A light knock on the door came, and the doorknob turned before the doctor walked in. “I risultati del test sono pronti, Don,”

{“The test results are ready, Don”}

Chase nodded his head at the doctor. “andare avanti,”

{“Go ahead”}

The doctor peeked at Sophia to be sure she was still sleeping before opening his mouth to sleep. “Don, I suoi organi sessuali sono sani e a posto. Nessun danno e stato causato dal sesso violento,”

{“Don, her sex organs are healthy and okay. No damage has been caused by the rough sex.”}

Chase silently breathed out in relief. That was the first thing he wanted to be sure was okay with her before any other thing. “Allora perche cazzo sta dimagrendo? Sembra pallida e terribilmente malata,”

{“Why the fuck then is she thinning down? She looks pale and terribly ill”}

The doctor pinched the bridge of his nose. “Si, e malata. Ma non e niente di grave. Solo un po’ di febbre. Inoltre, il motivo per cui ha questo aspetto e lo stress, la mancanza di sonno e l’ansia. Inoltre mangia a malapena. Sarebbe consigliabile controllare le sue attivita quotidiane e assicurarsi che dorma. riposati e mangia per ritrovare il peso perso,”

{“Yes, she’s ill. But it’s nothing serious. Just a little fever. And also, the reason she looks like this is because of stress, lack of sleep and anxiety. She barely eats too. It would be advisable to watch her daily activities and ensure she gets sleep, rest and eat well to regain her lost weight”}

The crease between Chase’s brows deepened. Lack of sleep, lack of food, stress, and anxiety could lead to something worse. It was good he took her to the hospital before it got worse. “Farmaci allora? Prescrivigliene alcuni. Voglio che riceva il miglior trattamento,”

{“Drugs then? Prescribe some for her. I want her to get the best treatment. “}

The doctor passed him a small smile. “Certo, Don. Le prescrivero alcuni farmaci che possono aiutarla a mangiare e a dormire bene,”

{“Sure, Don. I’ll prescribe a few drugs that can help her eat and have a good sleep.”}

Chase nodded.

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