His Witchy Mate


Alicia’s POV:

As the relentless barrage of stones finally ceased, leaving me battered and bruised, I felt an overwhelming wave of exhaustion wash over me. The pain gnawed at every fiber of my being, rendering me incapable of even the simplest movements. Darkness enveloped my vision, a stark contrast to the harsh glare of the market square.

Back at the palace, I was unceremoniously deposited from the carriage, my weakened form crumpling to the ground. I tried to muster the strength to rise, but my limbs refused to obey, betraying my body’s exhaustion. The guards, their faces obscured by shadows, chided me impatiently, their harsh words falling on deaf ears.

Then, I heard his footsteps approaching, a familiar cadence that sent a shiver down my spine. Lucian stood before me, his gaze piercing yet unreadable. The guards dispersed at his command, leaving us alone in the dimly lit courtyard.

His words cut through the silence like a knife, each syllable laden with an unspoken weight. I wanted to protest, to rail against the injustice of it all, but my voice faltered, lost amidst the pain that consumed me. His assurances rang hollow in my ears, a stark reminder of the betrayal lurking beneath his facade of concern.

Our eyes met, and for a fleeting moment, I dared to hope that he could see the agony etched upon my face. Yet, the impassive mask he wore revealed nothing, leaving me to drown in the depths of my suffering alone.

As he knelt beside me, his presence only served to magnify the anguish tearing through my body. The world spun around me, the edges blurring into darkness as consciousness slipped away. In that fleeting moment before oblivion claimed me, I prayed for release, for respite from the torment that had become my reality.


I awoke feeling surprisingly refreshed, a stark contrast to the agony that had plagued me just the day before. As I examined my surroundings, I noticed the remarkable cleanliness of both my hand and the dungeon itself. It seemed that Lucian had taken it upon himself to ensure my comfort, a gesture that both surprised and puzzled me.

Gingerly touching the spot where blood had once marred my skin, I found it now covered and nearly healed. Even my attire had been replaced with fresh clothing, a stark departure from the tattered garments I had worn before. It was a small comfort, but one I appreciated nonetheless.

Before I could dwell further on the sudden change, the sound of the dungeon door creaking open drew my attention. An attendant entered, bearing a feast fit for royalty. I couldn’t help but marvel at the bounty laid before me, a stark contrast to the meager rations I had grown accustomed to.

Curiosity piqued, I questioned the servant about the unexpected turn of events. Her response confirmed my suspicions: Lucian had orchestrated it all. His gesture, though unexpected, filled me with a strange mixture of gratitude and apprehension.

With a murmured word of thanks, I watched as the servant departed, leaving me to savor the sumptuous meal in solitude. Each bite was a revelation, a testament to the kindness that still lingered within the walls of this fortress.

Yet, my respite was short-lived. The clatter of the door interrupted my reverie once more, signaling the arrival of yet another visitor. With a sigh, I braced myself for whatever news or task awaited me this time, steeling myself for whatever trials lay ahead.Belonging to NôvelDrama.Org.

“You are summoned to the courtroom,” one of the guards announced, his words cutting through my confusion like a sharp knife. Summoned? But for what reason? I hadn’t committed any crimes, at least none that I was aware of. Why would they call me there, again?

With a sense of unease settling in the pit of my stomach, I rose to my feet and followed the guard. This would be my first time stepping foot in the courtroom, an unfamiliar territory fraught with uncertainty. Lucian’s absence only added to my apprehension. If he wasn’t there, then who had called for me?

Upon arrival, I found myself face to face with a group of elderly men, their presence imposing and authoritative. The elders, I presumed. But why had they summoned me? What business could they possibly have with someone like me?

As their lecherous comments filled the room, my discomfort grew, their words reducing me to nothing more than an object of desire. I felt their eyes lingering on me, stripping away any semblance of dignity I had left.

Desperate to escape their leering gazes, I averted my eyes, focusing on anything but their words. Yet, their vile remarks continued, each one more degrading than the last.

Then, as if to add insult to injury, I felt a hand brush against my body, sending a shiver down my spine. I recoiled instinctively, my skin crawling at the unwanted touch.

Feeling exposed and vulnerable, I longed for the sanctuary of solitude, a place where I could shield myself from their prying eyes and lascivious remarks. But in that moment, trapped within the confines of the courtroom, I could do nothing but endure their unwanted attention, praying for a swift end to the ordeal.

It was very irritating at this point. His hand went to my chin while I caressed it with his hand. Lucian actually allowed them to do something like this to me? Is this part of my punishment?

“She has a nice body.” He told the rest, and then they all bursted into laughter.

Their face was so disgusting to me. I didn’t want to see that face of theirs. It was so another.

Lucian’s POV.

The knock on the door startled me from my slumber, my eyes reluctantly fluttering open to welcome the intrusion. As the guard entered, his presence a disruption to the tranquility of my morning, I struggled to shake off the remnants of sleep that clung to my consciousness.

“What is it? Why are you here this morning?” I managed to rasp out, my voice heavy with drowsiness.

“I arrived at the dungeon this morning, only to find that she isn’t there anymore,” he explained, his words slicing through the fog of sleep that clouded my mind.

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