What do you mean , Beauty , you are Beauty, you…”

She interrupted and started telling me unbelievable things that are in-fact the reality.

I was thinking she was sad about yesterday, and maybe think I love her old self better but I was wrong.

She proved me wrong.

“I am so sorry Bruno, that’s the true story”

She concluded.

I was shocked to the extent that I forgot how to breathe.

“Please forgive me Bruno, I was just trying to make you feel better, and help you move on,… i thought, but..”

I Chuckled loudly , with tears clouding my eyes, I don’t even care about the words that she was saying.

“Beauty is aware of this switch?”I asked hopefully, she will say No and looked at her with my wet eyes.

She nodded slowly.

I was the stupid one afterall, Beauty, she moved on and forgot about me, she doesn’t care about who I am presently dating.

“So you are not Beauty but who?”

I asked stuoidly even after hearing her say everything in her story.

“I am Shell, her twin”she replied.

I chuckled sadly and pressed back the tears in my eyes roughly.

I stood up without uttering a single word.

“Bruno.. please wait..”

Ignoring her pleas and calls, left the place.

My heart was aching as I walk to the lot.

I can live without you Beauty , I can do it.

That was the word that I kept saying in my mind like a crazy fellow.


I cried silently after he left, then I had to tell Bea about this.

I called Bea and told her everything right at the spot, I was scared Bruno might do something crazy to himself.

“He really loves you Beauty, I could tell how heartbreaking he was after getting to know the truth about us”I sobbed.

“Do you think he now hates me?”

She asked slowly.

I couldn’t give an answer to that, no answer is enough.

“Maybe it’s for the best though, not all love stories end happily”she said bravely.

I am sure she was only playing brave.

“Beauty don’t say that… he might hurt himself, just call him , at least talk to him please and hear him out please”.

I pleaded to her.

She hunged up.

I sighed heavily.

Why is she being difficult.


“Are you still blaming yourself for that? It’s been two years now, you have to stop being so hard on yourself”Jessi asked abruptly interrupting my deep thoughts.

“His family have no idea of his whereabouts, and I don’t know how to get him back Jessi, i did it, imagine how much pain he must have been going through Jessi”I replied.

Bruno left his home months after my confession without informing anyone about his destination, I felt really sad about the whole thing , but turned out I made things worse with my little game , Jessi warmed me but I never listened.

“What am I am going to do Jessi? I want my sister and Bruno back together they deserve eachother you know.. I have to find Bruno”.

Jessi sighed deeply.

“I think all he needs now is to get away from everyone, I don’t blame him though he really tried fighting for Beano I feel for him, he loves Beauty for real what can we do? He is gone and Beauty got another guy… emm Drew the thai guy”.

“We can still do something Jessi”.

I persisted.

“Something like what? Believe me Shell this is beyond it if they choose to move on then let’s forgive ourselves for our mistakes and also move on, not all stories got a happy ending”.

“All we need is to convince Beauty that Bruno is the best one for her, since she will listen to me faster , I will talk to her while ….”

My phone ranged interrupting me. I ignored it at first but it ranged again.

“You should answer your phone”Jessi said.

In reluctantly picked the phone up and checked the caller, it was Beauty.

“It’s Beauty!”I said excitedly to Jessi

She adjusted a bit closer in anticipation.

I answered the call my lips was itching to say all the things I wanted to say to her.

“Hello sis, please call Bruno and talk to him, dude is gone, he left home with nothing, no one heard anything about him , for this past years”.

“Bruno is gone, how?”

She asked.

I gazed at Jessi who have a hand sign to go on and tell her.

“After he found out that I decieved him by pretending I was you, he left home , no one knows where he is now”.

She was silent for a minute.

“How can I reach him then, do you think I will get him with same number?”

She asked.

I was relieved with that question, I gaze at Jessi with a happy expression on my face, Jessi gave me a thumbs up.

“Yes, he is still using same number but he blocked our numbers, why not try calling him with his new line, please sis, just let go the past and try to reach him, you are the only one that can get him back please”I pleaded.

“Open the door”.

He replied.


I looked at Jessi, she was as confused too, I wonder why she wanted me to open our door or maybe she was talking to someone else over there.

“Are you talking to me or…’

A knock came on the enterance door, unexpectedly interrupting what I was saying , sending even more chills down my spines.

Jessi and I exchanged glances, our eyes doubled in sizes.

“What if …”.

Jessi said raiding her eyebrows in a teasing manner.

“Oh please no f**king way!”

I snapped trying not to cry, deep down I hope, I hope she is here.

“I am at the door”.

Beauty said over the phone.

Immediately Jessi heard that , she scaremed out loudly running towards the door.

I followed screaming my head out.

Jessi opened the door before I could get to the place, she jumped on Beauty , hugging her tightly.

“You are here! It’s really you!”Jessi screamed on top of her voice.

She released from the hug and inspected Bea from head to her toes, she was glowing and healthy , she hugged Beauty in tears, who also got emotional.This content provided by N(o)velDrama].[Org.

Bae is nothing like she was before, she got this confidence that even I can’t beat, I can feel it already , from her dressing which flattered her expensive curves and small waist to her make up and elegant way of talking now, Jessi was even teased by her, suddenly I want to have some fat and be identical with this thick Beauty, I never thought I would love to add a little fat one day.

She looked towards me and our eyes met, I smiled in tears and went to her.

“Oh sister!”

I hugged her in tears.

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