His Games, Her Rules


“Okay. Tell me everything again, word for word.” Monique says on Saturday morning.

We’re both in the living room in our pajamas with Monique standing in front of me like she wants to give a lecture. Last night, after that strange encounter with ‘him’, I texted Monique that I was leaving. I had to leave. I couldn’t stay there one minute with him on the other side of the room watching me. Throughout the night I could feel his eyes on my body, to the point it became weird.

There was nothing pure about the way he looked at me last night. It was nothing like Omar Sharif’s look but they sure had the same meaning. A woman clung to his arm throughout the night, whispering things I couldn’t comprehend but obviously knew the meaning.

Monique had texted me back that I should leave without her and that we would meet at home. That was when I knew my friend had ditched me to hook up with a rando. I booked a ride, drank two more shots, and left the party feeling agitated.

“I already told you everything. I’m not gonna repeat myself.”

“Okay. I’mma make you understand something, Robyn. Lenore, that two-faced bitch, well she texted my publicist a photo of you and him talking and my publicist forwarded it to me.”

“What? How’s that interesting? It was just a chat.”

“That’s not the point. That man is Dominique Gray. The owner, sole founder, and benefactor of Gray Empire and its sister companies. One of the country’s most successful and influential companies. They own other smaller businesses like a nonprofit organization, a chain of hotels and restaurants etcetera. And you happened to smash and total his car and ran away.”

I groan and stand up as I head toward the kitchen, Monique following me. “For the last time, I didn’t smash his car. It was a scratch. Maybe a bump? The point is it wasn’t that big a deal like you’re exaggerating.”

“The point is you ran away.”

“I panicked, alright? I mean I knew he wasn’t some nobody with the way he was dressed. And it was a fucking Rolls Royce, so I decided to drive away thinking we would never meet. Fuck, karma is a bitch.”

“Damn. Please tell me you weren’t thinking when you did what you did.” Monique crosses her arms as she looks at me with sympathy.

I groan, with my elbows on the counter as I rub my eyes with my forefingers. “I wasn’t.”

“Damn. How come you don’t know Dominique Gray? He’s fucking popular. He’s literally a billionaire who’s got everyone under 40 talking about him.”

“Wow. My bad that I didn’t know anybody called Dominique Gray existed until today. I’m a nurse. A nurse has no business with politics or some super hot billionaire.”

Monique’s eyebrows instantly elevate as she smirks. “Oh, my god, you think he’s hot.”Text © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

“Isn’t he hot though?”

“I mean I know he’s hot. But hearing it coming from you, it’s almost impossible to believe. I didn’t think you would call anyone hot.”

“Your point exactly?” I raise my eyebrows at my friend and she just chuckles.

“Don’t worry about it. Let’s worry about the drama you may have invited into your life.”

“I feel like you’re exaggerating. He may have said that just to make me feel guilty, I don’t know. You just said he’s a billionaire, which I believe, considering the cars he drives and the custom-made suits. What would he want from me in exchange for the car and the payment he made on my behalf?”


“What? Then he’s going to continue dreaming. What kind of a pervert tries to hook a girl on some silly mistake? I didn’t mean to hit his car and run away.” I groan, rubbing my temple.

Monique stares at me in silence, smirking like a creep.

“Why are you smirking?”

“Nothing,” she says and sighs. “Maybe it’s nothing. Maybe he didn’t mean any of that. Maybe telling you you’re indebted to him is just some corny act. Maybe and more maybe. We’re just gonna pretend like the encounter you both had last night was just a mere conversation and nothing serious.”

“Exactly. It’s nothing. He’s just trying to be an arrogant asshole. He’s actually rude and arrogant.”

Monique smirks and crosses her arms. “Yeah?”

“I really hate it when you give me that look. I fucking hate it.”

Monique drops her hands and throws them up in mock surrender. “I’m sorry. I’m just… I don’t know… intrigued? Between me and you, is he hotter in real life?”

“I’ve only seen him in real life so I can’t answer your question.”

“Right.” Monique nods, opening the top cabinet as she brings out the coffee container. “You know you would have avoided this if you’d just got down, apologized, and sorted shit out.”

“Yeah. But yet, I ran away like a maniac. Fuck.” I groan, sitting on the barstool as I watch Monique brew coffee. “And since we’re talking about last night, who did you hook up with?”

“Omar Sharif.”


“What’s up?”

“It’s nothing. I just…” I flash her a small smile.

“He’s a dog, I know. I regretted it the minute he came on my face.”

“Oh, shit.”

“Yeah. You know how I hate it when men do that. That’s just disgusting. He wanted me to spend the night but I refused. There was no way in hell I was gonna lay next to that fuck.”

“Yeah. I guess that’s why you sneaked in at midnight.”

“I didn’t sneak in,” she snorts and chortles. “I came in through the door like a normal person.”

“Right.” I drawl.

Monique shakes her head and pours coffee into two mugs. She pushes one to me and places a bottle of milk next to my mug.

“And about last night, I’m sorry I ditched you. That was a bitch move. I mean I dragged you to that party as my date, it wasn’t fair of me to have left like that.”

“Wow. I’m glad you finally realized what you did last night was not cool. Not cool at all.” I say to her.

“Yeah, I deserve that. It won’t happen again, I promise.”

“Yeah, it’s okay.”

“You forgive me, right?”

“Like I have a choice.” I smile and Monique bites her bottom as we giggle at once.

“What are you doing today?” Monique asks when our giggles die down.

“Dr. Sanders wants me to come in later in the afternoon. For assistance with a few patients.”

“Who’s Dr. Sanders?”

“Guess I didn’t tell you then. He’s this new Scottish guy who replaced Dr. Ricci. He’s cool.”

“And he wants you to come in? Isn’t today supposed to be your day off? We were supposed to be hanging out today because it’s still my birthday.”

“Shit. How did I forget that?” I mutter, opening the lid of the milk as I pour in a little quantity.

“Because you didn’t add me to your plans, which isn’t cool, Robbie.”

Covering the milk bottle, I look up at Monique. “I’m gonna ignore the fact that you just called me Robbie, which you know I hate because I love you. And secondly, I added you to my plans. We were gonna hit a club tonight and get wasted together. I didn’t forget and you know that. It’s the weekend and I planned on getting out as soon as I can. I’m pretty sure there won’t be much work at the hospital today.”

Monique sighs as she stirs her coffee. I flash her a big smile and raise my cup of coffee to my lips to take a sip.

“Is Doctor Sanders hot?” Monique asks. I raise my eyebrows and smirk, dropping my cup of coffee on the counter after taking a sip.

“Seriously?” I smirk at her.

“What? I’m just asking.”

“Well, he’s Scottish. Take a guess.”

“Hot damn,” Monique says, smirking as she gulps her coffee.

“I didn’t think you like Scottish men.”

“I don’t recall telling you I’m interested in Doctor Sanders. I just wanted to know if he’s hot. Also, I don’t care about ethnicity or race or different backgrounds.”

I raise my eyebrows and smirk at Monique from underneath my eyelashes. “Mm-mm.”

“Well, do you think he’s hot?”

“What the fuck, Monique? Why should I care?”

Monique crosses her arms

“We should go grocery shopping. We’re out of literally everything.”

“Yeah. And I’m paying for groceries this time. No argument.” Monique says, throwing her head back and drinking the last of her coffee.

“You don’t have to. I can pay for it.”

“I know you can. You’ve been paying the rent for this beautiful place over the years and the least I can do is pay for groceries. So, Robyn, let me pay for groceries. I know we’ve had this talk on several occasions but I’m telling you again, let me pay for groceries and every other little thing, like the bills. I’ve got money now, remember?”

“Right.” I smile at her, grabbing her mug and mine as I drop it inside the sink.

“Is that a yes?” Monique asks, leaning her back against the counter as she crosses her arms.

I turn on the faucet to wash the mugs. “Yeah.”

“Great. I’m gonna go shower and get dressed.”

“Sure thing.”

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