His Crazy Maid

Chapter 29 Dead man


Garry stood still. He couldn’t believe what he just heard.

No… it can’t be possible.

This might be one of Skyler’s expensive joke.

Garry scoffed.

“No jokes, Skyler…. please…. my brother is at…”

“That wasn’t a joke?, of course, it wasn’t. I’m dead serious, dude…”Skyler said and stood up.

He walked to Garry and placed a hand on his shoulder.

“You’ve always been a strong man, be strong.”Skyler said.

Garry yanked his hand away angrily.

“You’re making this sound surreal, Sky. It’s better you quit your prank now.”Garry said hoping he was joking.

Skyler sighed.

“I’m sorry, man. Just be strong, hun?… be strong.”

“The hell with you!!”Garry bursted out.

“The hell!. Be strong?!!!!!!!!!”Garry yelled out I’m tears.

Skyler was quite shocked.

This is the first time he would be seeing him crying.

Even when his girl was sent among the other girls to Venezuela back then, he didn’t cry…. well, in front of him cause he know he would probably go to a corner to cry.

She has known Garry to be strong. But, you know, he still had a soft spot and Skyler always thinks it is the girl.

He didn’t cry in front of him that day so he won’t show him his soft spot.

But… seeing him cry like this…. like a baby, he couldn’t believe it.

He was crying right in front of him.

What happens to the Garry that always tried to act strong?.

Garry gripped Skyler by his collar.

“Please, tell me, tell me it’s a fucking lie!. Larry can’t be dead!, my brother can’t be dead!!!”he shouted.

Skyler blinked his eyes.

“I’m sorry. I was of no help…”

“Just shut the damn up!. Tell me this is all a joke already, tell me!!!!”

Skyler released himself from Garry.

Garry broke down in tears then slide down to the floor crying his eyes out.

Skyler didn’t know when a tear drop off from his eyes.

He quickly wiped it away and sniffed.

He stared at Garry and gulped into nothing.

He went to his side to console him.

“You… you have to take heart.”he spoke to him gently.

Garry scoffed then stood up.

“I’m going to that bastard, I’m going to that bastard!. He will regret this… he will regret killing my brother…. he….”

“Of course!, he will regret, but not now, Garry. He’s got much influence, remember?. We have to thread the pact of taking him down carefully… we don’t wanna rush, do we?.”

“No!, I’m going to that house… I’m….”

“It has been blown off already. You know better, Garry.”

Garry sniffed and scattered his hair angrily.

“What about the girl?.”Skyler suddenly asked.

“I took her to Russia. To Larry’s home.”Garry replied rather grumpily.

“Good.”Skyler mumbled.

He faced the ceiling and yell his intestines out.


~Two weeks.~

Garry stared at the window…

It’s been two weeks already… two weeks since the death Larry and he has just been sulking on his bed for that whole two weeks within tasting food nor water.

Some tears ran down his cheeks..

He is gone…

That happy moments during their childhood… they all seems to fade away.

He remembered his words…

*Stop getting my hopes up. Just make sure you safe the girl nothing more. Get her back to Russia and help me transfer all the money in my bank account to her for her upkeep. I have a feeling I can’t keep up with all this, I can’t get out.*

Some tears poured out of his eyes.


If only he just didn’t join the force, all this won’t had happened.

But, enough sulking already.

He have to get revenge.

Yes, revenge!.

But, first, he should head over to Annie first and transfer all the money in Larry’s bank account to her for her upkeep.

He stood up from his bed and walked to the mini fridge in the room.

He opened it and grabbed a carton of cornflakes.

Strength has really left him.

He closed the fridge back and dug his hand inside the cornflakes and began chewing.


Garry knocked on the gate and Josè opened up.

He couldn’t see him properly because he was putting on a face cap.

Garry raised his head and Josè gasped.

“Boss!.”he called.

Garry rolled his eyes and pushed him aside then entered.

He walked towards the house and entered.

He saw no sign of Annie so he headed back out.

“Hey!, where’s she?.”he asked.

“She went out.”Josè replied.

Garry sighed and nodded.

He walked towards Josè.

“By the way, what’s the relationship between Larry and her?”he asked.

Josè looked at him and glanced around then back at him.

“Are you asking me about the relationship between you and her?”he asked with a little scoff.


That was when it hit Garry. He was Larry and not Garry.

“Oh, sorry. What’s your name by the way?.”he asked again.

“Josè.”Josè replied but not before casting Garry a weird stare.


Annie got back from her house and entered the living room.

Her bag fell from her grip when she saw Garry on the couch Larry always tagged just *favorite*

“Oh my God!, Larry!.”she shouted excitedly.

Garry removed the face cap and sighed.

Annie stopped to look at him.

“What? where’s Larry?.”she asked.

“I’m sorry.”Garry started.

“Well, sorry for what?. For not keeping you promise early?.”Annie asked.

“Larry… Larry is dead.”he dropped the bombshell.

Annie gazed at him for some minutes and then laughed.

“Eish… stop it!, is this a joke?. Well stop cause it’s too expensive!.”she laughed and covered her mouth with her palm.

Garry stood up.

“He asked me to transfer the….”

“Okay, what is with that stern look. Stop it, my heart is gonna drop anytime from now if you don’t….”

“He’s truly dead.”Garry drawled…

Annie fell down on the ground.

Garry quickly rushed to her.

“Hey… hey….”

“Leave me the damn alone!. Is that how incompetent you can be?!!!! you couldn’t save your fucking brother!!!!!!!!”Annie screamed.

Okay. Seems he will have to stay for a while with her else she will just injure herself and he didn’t want and he’s sure Larry doesn’t want it also, he would get mad at him where ever he is in the above sky.

That brought tears to his eyes again.

*The next morning**

“Just get out, I don’t wanna see your face!.”Annie yelled immediately Larry stepped inside the room.

She has been crying her eyes since yesterday.

In the quiet and cold night, he could still hear her sobs.

Larry’s death really did take a big toll on her!.

She was clinging to the blanket and more tears dripped out of her eyes when she perceived his scent.

She was in his room.

“I know…”

“The hell, out!, you white demon!”she shouted.

Garry flinched.

He then walked out of the room then the house.

“Good morning, sir.”John greeted.

Garry stared at him.

“You are?.”he asked.

John stared at him back, befuddled.

“I guess my attitude must have been bad for you to have forgotten me like that. I’m John.”

“John?!.”Garry barked at him.

He was gonna vent his anger on him.

“John the driver.”John shook fearfully.

Garry wiped his face down and sighed.


He turned to leave.

“Sir, are you going to the hospital today?, should I get ready?”he asked.

Garry turned back to him.

“Hospital?”he asked.Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Yeah… hospital….”John drawled a reply while looking at Garry in discombobulation.

The hospital?.

The one Pedro is after?.

Well, he will surely come one day and he is just ready for him…

But then, what about the documents?, would he have taken them?.

Well, he should find out more about it.

And, his revenge start here.

Garry nodded.

“Of course, let’s go.”he said and started walking towards a car.

John scoffed.

He couldn’t believe it.

This looks totally different from Larry.

Larry wouldn’t….

“Okay?, you okay?”Garry snapped angrily bringing John out of his thoughts.

Of course, it’s Larry. He has been always rude!.

“Uh?, but.. like this?.”John asked pointing at Garry’s cloth.

“What did you mean by like this.”Garry snapped again.

John gulped into nothing and shook his head.

“Nothing, sir. Let’s go.”


A knock sounded on the gate after John had drove Garry out of the house.

Josè rolled his angrily.

He walked to the gate and opened it begrudgingly.

There was no one there but he found a new mail in the mailbox.

He looked around before grabbing the mail.

He closed the door and stared at the envelope.

*To Annie*was written on it.

He headed towards the house and entered the living room.

He saw Annie sprawled on the floor and gasped.

“What. Are you okay, Ann?.”he asked as he rushed towards her and placed the envelope on the table.

“Go away.”Annie said.


“Go the damn away!.”Annie yelled.

Josè jerked and nodded.

“A… that came in for you… a new mail…”

He said and took the envelope and drop it beside her.

Annie didn’t utter any word.

Josè looked at her before leaving wondering what could be wrong with them.

Why is both of them acting strange?.

First Annie, then Larry and now Annie.

After Josè walked out, Annie raised up her head and took the envelope.

She wonder what it is that her innermind kept telling her to read it.

Who could have sent it to her?.

She tore the envelope opened and took the paper inside.

She unwrapped it.


Was written in it.

“Whoo!, Larry, OMG. You’re back!.”Sam rushed towards Garry as he entered.

“But, why are you dressed like this?, where’s your coat?, well, here take mine.”Sam said as he pulled off bus coat and gave it to Garry.

Garry collected it and put it on without a word.

They both began walking.

“I think you should head over to the ward first, there are a lot of patients.. I know you will kill me tho cause we’ve lost five already…”Sam said, shaking out of fear inside.

Garry didn’t say anything as they continued walking.

“Where’s the ward?”he suddenly asked.

“Huh?”Sam scoffed.

“You don’t remember the ward again?.”he added.

Garry nodded.

“Ugh. You’re always so pricky!.”Sam said and entered the ward and Garry followed assuming it to be the ward.

“So, here’s the first patient…”Sam gestured to a small girl.

“What’s wrong with her?”Garry asked.

Sam gave him the stethoscope.

“Here, you might wanna check her pulse.”he said.

Garry took the stethoscope and walked to the girl.

He has always watched how the doctor out it on the patient’s chest in films.

He placed it on her chest and removed the stethoscope.

“Okay, did you heard that?.”Sam asked.

“Hear what?, I didn’t hear anything.”Garry said and walked out.

“What?, you rude prick!. You didn’t hear anything?.”Sam said walking after him.

Garry suddenly stopped walking and turned to him.

“Come show me my office.”he said.

Sam opened his mouth wide and raised his both hands up.

“How big!.”he exclaimed.

Garry continued walking and Sam followed him.

Garry saw a room and opened it.

“What!, that’s not your office!”Sam yelled.

But, it was too late, Garry already saw the nurse that was dressing up and…

He quickly shut the door.

“Ugh!. What exactly is wrong with you!.”Sam asked.

“Where’s my office?”Garry asked.

“Gosh, that’s it.”Sam pointed to the office.

Garry gave a nod and entered and Sam also followed.

Garry walked to the seat behind the desk and sat down.

“What’s your name?.”he asked.

Sam scoffed.

“Okay, did you hit your head on something back in America?, or do you have amnesia?.”


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