His Abused Mate

Chapter 21 Leaving me

cecilia’s pov

I was at the mall with Val, just hanging out. We caught up on stuff, she already planing on how she’s going to kill me dad. I’m fine with that, I won’t say he deserves it but still he had it coming. We went a little shopping than got in the car, Val dropped me off at home. The house needed to be cleaned, it was messy. “Jason?” I called out, no response. “I guess he’s not here, he didn’t tell me he was going out.” I said to myself setting my purse and stuff down.This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

I kicked off my shoes at the door, I grabbed my phone and texted Jason. Babe, where are you? I sent than started cleaning, Jason wasn’t back yet so I grabbed my phone and called him. “Hello?” He said “Where are you?” I asked going into the kitchen. “I’m coming home now, I’m getting my stuff.” He said “What? What do you mean?” I asked he hung up. “What?” I said i tried calling him back a bunch of times. “He needs to answer the phone!” I said to myself. I wiped off the counters and did the dishes waiting for him to come home. I heard the front door open and close. I grabbed a towel and walked into the front part of the house. “Jason!” I said as he went upstairs. I followed him, he went into our bedroom than into the closet. “What up?” I asked setting the towel on the dresser. “I’m done.” He said “What? What do you mean I’m done?” I asked he started grabbing his clothes. “Wait stop a minute.” I said grabbing his arm. “What?!” He yelled “Can we talk? What did I do?” I asked “I’m done Cecilia, this isn’t working! We need to break up.”Jason said grabbing his suit case. “No we don’t! We’re fine! We were just cuddling and happy last night!” I said tearing up. He stuffed his clothes into the suit case. “The feeling isn’t there okay Ce! Maybe the moon queen made a mistake making us mates!” Jason said. “You’re serious?! You’re leaving me?!” I yelled tearing running from my eyes. “Yes I am I’m done.” He said going back into the closet for his close. “Fuck no you’re not! You wanna leave out the blue leave your fucking close here! Jason!” I yelled following after him and snatching the clothes that was in his arms away from him. “Give me my clothes Cecilia.” He said “No.. you’re not leaving me with nothing!” I yelled hugging his clothes to my chest. He sighed “Cecilia… give me my clothes.” Jason said “No.. I won’t.” I said crying. “Cecilia give me my mother fucking clothes now!” He yelled I shook my head fearing that he would take them from me. “Fine, I’ll just by more.” Jason said walking out the closet I followed behind him. “Why are you leaving? I didn’t do anything to make you leave!” I said “I’m done, now leave me alone.” He said zipping up his suit case. I set his clothes on the bed. “You know what? Fine leave! Fucking go! Don’t call or text me! I don’t need you!” I said even though I was lying to myself. I need him I really did, I needed my other half. “Alright fine by me.” Jason said I sat on the bed and put my head in my hands. I cried so hard, I couldn’t breathe. “One thing before I go..” He said I looked up at him. “It’s a prank!” Jason said laughing. I heard footsteps than sat Garrett with a camera and Jason went over to the little night stand and pulled out a camera hidden between some candles. I stopped crying immediately. “This was a fucking joke! You really played with my emotions!? I hate you and I hate you must of all Garrett!” I said they laughed I wiped my face. “Aww my baby is mad!” Jason cooed he came over and hugged me. “Get off me.” I said pushing him away. “I love you..” Jason said Garrett turned off the video, when his phone started ringing. “Yeah I’ll be there, I had fun but I have to go before Val kicks my ass. I’ll download the video for y’all.” He said Jason walked him out than came back upstairs to me. “I’m sorry I had too..” He said wiping my face. “That really hurt, I can’t believe you.” I said looking at him. He hugged me again and kissed my cheek. “I’m sorry baby, I love you.” He said “I love you too asshole.” I responded “You really aren’t leaving me are you?” I asked when we pulled away. “I’m not going anywhere.” He said “Good.” I replied I kissed him really quick. “I’m surprised you didn’t get a knife.” Jason said laying on the bed with me in his arms. “I would if this would of taken place in the kitchen.” I said he shook his head knowing me.

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