His Abused Mate

Chapter 13 jealousy

Cecilia’s pov

I sat in the food court at the mall waiting for Jason and Garrett to come back with me and Val’s food. “So I found out Jason has a brother and sister. I just found out two days ago.” I told Val, she looked over to the other side of the food court. “Really? I thought he would of told you sooner.” Val said “Where are they?” I asked looking around the food court, I saw Jason with some girl. She was all up on him, he just smiled and laughed. “Val do you see what I see?” I asked she followed my gaze and leaned forward. “That’s Jason’s ex!” Val said I sat back against the booth. I watched as she laughed and touched his arm, he simply laughed. I watched as he reached forward and pushed some hair out of her face. I pang of jealousy and angry shot through me. “Go say something!” Val said I shook my head. I saw how pretty she was, beautiful blonde hair and sparkling green eyes. She said bye to him and gave him a hug than left. Garrett came back before Jason did, Val hugged him and started to eat her food. Jason came back “Sorry I took so long.” He said handing me my food. Yeah sorry you took so long. I grabbed the fork in his hand and started eating my food. I pissed Jason noticed hell everyone at the booth noticed. “What’s wrong?” Jason asked pushing some hair out of my face. I rolled my eyes shaking my head. “Come here.” Jason said grabbed my wrist, pulling me out of the booth and away from the food court. “What’s wrong with you and don’t tell me nothing.” Jason said “I’m fine.” I said than started walking back to the booth. I felt Jason grab my waist and than he pinned me against the wall. People walked past looked at us, I simply smiled at them. “Let me go.” I said “Not until you tell me what’s wrong.” He said “How about you go ask your ex what’s wrong! I saw you both all touchy, feely. Oh Jason haha!” I said imitating how his ex touched his arm. He slowly let me go, yeah that’s right. “Your getting worked up over nothing, she’s my ex! I’m with you!” He argued “If your with me why did you push hair out of her fave and hug her?! Does this mean nothing to you?!” I asked motioning to us. He fell silent “So it doesn’t? Seems like you and your ex have something.” I said walking away sadly. “Ceci! Ce come on!” Jason yelled after me. “Leave me alone!” I yelled back I got in the car and waited for everyone to come so we could leave. They all came and we got in the car. “We’re going to the movies.” Garrett said we all agreed off to the movies it is where I will dread going. This should be fun!

We arrived at the movies, I don’t know what we are going to see. I got some snacks, I was walking to the theater with them. I bumped into someone and spilled my drink on his shirt. “Oh my god! I’m sorry” I said handing him the napkins I had. “No it’s my fault, I wasn’t paying attention.” They said I looked up and saw a boy he was okay looking but Jason was a fucking Greek god compared to him. I took out some more napkins, I dabbed his shirt with them. I looked over and saw Val, Garrett,& Jason looking over at us. I looked at Jason and winked at him, I heard him growl lowly. “Here let me buy you another drink.” He said “Thank you.” I said I looked over at Jason smirking. He looked pissed, the guy brought me a drink I went to the theater. The movie was the best of me.(The movie is so good btw sad though). I smiled as the couple danced, it kinda reminded me of me and Jason.NôvelDrama.Org copyrighted © content.

“Why can’t we be that cute?” I whispered out loud. Jason looked over at me than back at the screen. “Maybe if you didn’t get mad over little things we could.” He said my smile instantly fell and went to a frown. “Your right. Always right.” I said my voice cracking. “Are you going to cry?” Jason asked looking at me. “Yes now leave me alone.” I said as tears fell from my eyes. I continued the movie, by the end I was in tears. I sobbed softly, the movie is sad!

I was tired and sad I was ready to go home. Once the movie was finished we left. We got home and I went straight to the bed room, Jason came in to get his under clothes and his toothbrush. He left must be going to the guest room, I took a shower than laid in bed. I was so lonely, I hope this doesn’t break us. I soon fell asleep, I don’t know how though. 


I was having a nightmare about my parents finding me and taking me home with them. And beating me again, I woke up in a scream than a thud since I fell off the bed. I waited for Jason to come he never did, I got up walking downstairs with a blanket. I made myself some cereal, I saw a note that wasn’t there before. I reach and picked it up, I read it. Cecilia I went out don’t worry I’ll be home soon ~ Jason. No heart no nothing, I see how it is. Moments later I heard the front door open, close, lock and than Jason’s heavy footsteps. I looked at the door way and waited for him to come to the doorway. He walked into the kitchen and stopped when he was across from me. He grabbed a cup and put water in it. I folded the note and finished my cereal. I got up and put my bowl in the sink, I went into the living room. I sat down pulling my knees to me, I turned on the tv. I was so mad on the inside but didn’t show it on the outside. I was like Hades from Hercules right now.

“Cecilia we need to talk.” Jason said coming into the living room. “I’m listening.” I said he grabbed the remote and turned the tv off. I growled lowly than looked at him. “I think we need a break, see other people.” Jason said I looked at him confused. “How is that going to work if we’re mates?! You want your ex don’t you?” I asked he didn’t say anything. He stood up sighing. “This is why I didn’t want to say anything.” He said I stood up. “Just tell me if you want her! I can tell you why! She’s prettier than me, has drop dead gorgeous eyes. Amazing blonde hair! You can chose her over me. She’s perfect in every way, I’m like a ant compared to that queen.” I yelled at him but than I just gave up all together and buried my face in my knees. “I’m sorry.” Jason said I felt his lips touch my temple causing me to let out ashaky breath. I heard him walk to the front door and leave, I broke out into sobs. I fell onto the couch crying my eyes out.

Jason’s pov

I closed the front door, I leaned against the door and heard Cecilia’s cries. It hurt me so much to do this to her but I had too. I had to protect her and by protecting means hurting her, than that’s how it will be. I rather have her hate me than have her laying in a graveyard somewhere. I sigh and walk to the car getting in, I rested my head against the window. “I can’t do this to her..” I said to myself. I got out and walked back to the house, I reached for the door knob but than I actually thought about all the consequences. I shook my head and pulled my hand away from the door knob. Remember Jason this is for her own safety. Could I have ended this a better way?

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