Hiding His Baby: The Alpha's Rejected Mate

Chapter 23

Chapter 23

Chapter 23: Suzanne’s lie

Suzanne had the duty of cleaning the elite group’s floor that day.She was so tired to even move a muscle but she didn’t have any options.She has to complete the task given to her otherwise she will get punishment.

It was all very new to her.

The work and the punishment.

She was a free rogue wolf before who used to work hard to live her life.She was happy with that but it all changed suddenly when she was captured by the alpha of the shadow eclipse pack.

He made her the slave of the pack along with her new friend, Athen.

She is a lovely girl who was pregnant.She was her only friend and she was very caring.

So, Suzanne also promised to herself to take care of her.

Hence sometimes she does Athena’s part of work as well.

"What are you going to do about that new pregnant slave?"

Suzanne stopped at her track after hearing that sentence.She looked around to find herself in front of the office room of the alpha’s.She gulped in fear but didn’t want to leave until she heard what they were talking about because they were talking about Athena.She quickly masked her scent and perked her ears to listen better.

Her heart was beating loudly.

"What else? I might need to kill her pup because I don’t want to raise my enemy in my own pack.Who knows if that turns out to be an alpha‘s pup? I don‘t want to take risks."

Suzanne heard Derrick’s heartless words and her heart fell.She will never let that happen!

"What about her? You don’t know who she is either.If that pup belongs to an alpha, there are possibilities that she belongs to a high rank as well before she became a rogue."

Suzanne heard another voice which she didn’t quite recognize.

"If that’s the case I will kill her as well but I am going to enjoy her before that.Everytime I see her, I get hard down there."

She heard Derrick’s disgusting words and felt utter anger.She was so angry that she didn’t realise what she did next.

"You won’t do anything like that!"

She barged inside the room and announced that with confidence.

There were two people in the room.

The alpha and the beta.

They both looked at her in shock before anger filled their features as well at her gut.

They felt disrespected by her sudden interruption and the fact that she was eavesdropping angered them the most.

"How dare you come here, you bitch! Do you wanna die?"

Derrick growled at her while glaring dangerously.

His canines were coming out.

It scared her but she didn’t show it on her face.

"You won’t kill me because I know something which you would like to know." Suzanne said with her head held high.

"What are you talking about, bitch?"

The beta snarled furiously as well as he waited to hear her speak up.

"Here you are talking about killing her but if you know who she is, the ground beneath you will shake up."

Suzanne said with a powerful look on her face.She felt powerful at that moment when she saw the look on their faces.

They were intimidated by her words, just the way she wanted.

"What are you talking about?"

"Who is she?" Derrick and his beta asked at the same time.

Their eyes were filled with a little amount of fear.

At that moment, Suzanne knew that she had them where she wanted them.

Now she has to play her final card and they are going to leave Athena alone until they figure out how to get out of that hell hole.

"She is the daughter of a very big alpha who can destroy you in a flick of his fingers."

She dropped the bomb and waited for their reaction.

Their eyes widened as soon as they heard her.

"Wh…which alpha?" Derrick asked as he stood up from the chair he was seating on.

"That’s for me to know and you to wait to know when you dare to even touch her." Suzanne said with a smirk "She ran away from her pack because the pack is more ruthless than yours.

But that doesn’t mean her father let her go.

He is still looking for her everywhere.

The moment you do something to her, trust me it will take me a moment to reach the news to them and you decide what will happen to you next."

Suzanne said with a small shrug of her shoulders, making them glare at her.

No matter how much they were intimidated by her words, they were still angry at her for scaring them like that.

"Are you kidding with us?" The beta asked with a frown but Derrick was insulted and furious.

"Do you think we are stupid, bitch? You think you can come and lie to us about anything and w e will believe you? That‘s not going to happen!" Derrick said with a snarl.

"If you don’t believe me, you can bring a witch and smell her blood scent.You will smell the power in her blood and then you will believe me!"

Suzanne challenged and that made them quiet.

They couldn’t beat the confidence in her tone.

"We will call a witch but that doesn’t mean she can still escape from being the slave of the pack.The time she is here, she has to do all the works as the slave and you too.She can’t escape it nor can you."

The beta announced while Derrick was too angry to say anything.

"You guys won‘t even touch her baby." She added that condition as well, making Derrick let out a growl in anger.

"Deal! You can go now and if we ever find out again that you are eavesdropping, we will punish you so badly."

Derrick announced in anger.

"Agreed!" She said before turning around to leave the room.

She was happy that she could stop them.She felt happy at that moment.

But it is gone now.

Suzanne‘s le Only worry filled her at that moment and she didn’t know how to come out.She has created a wave and she is getting entangled into it now.


She jumped at the loud voice and looked around in fear.She let out a sigh of relief when she saw the worried face of her mate.

"You scared me, Nathan." She let out a small chuckle.

"You scared me, Suzanne.I have been calling you for the past five minutes but you were completely lost.As if you weren’t here at all.Where were you lost?" Nathan asked with a frown.

"I was lost in some thoughts."Suzanne answered with a frown as well.She was deciding if she should share her worry with her mate or not.

"What thoughts?" Nathan asked with the same frown but his tone got serious.

"About Athena."

Suzanne at last decided to share with him.

Because at the end, she was his mate and they were supposed to share everything with each other.

She trusted him enough to share this with him.

"Athena? What about her?" Nathan asked with a confused frown.

"I am worried for her." Suzanne let out a sigh as all the worry started to roam around her head once again.

"Why? She is safe here, Suzanne."

Nathan said with a frown as he couldn’t think of any reason his mate was worried for Athena.

"No, Nathan.She is not safe anywhere.Alpha Derrick is after her and he was attacked because o f her, so he is more angry at her."

Suzanne said in a worried tone.

Nathan frowned hearing her and got more confused than ever.


"Did he use to torture her like that before as well?" He asked as he tried to connect some dots.


Suzanne answered with a sigh while predicting his next question already.

"Then why did he suddenly attack her that day just after you left and why is he after her in the first place?" He asked the same thing she thought he would ask.

"He is a psychopath, Nathan.He had some stupid rules for pregnant wolf without mate and Athena was exactly than.On the other hand he had bad eyes on her.Also, he is after her for some motive as well which I don’t know."

Suzanne explained and Nathan was shocked hearing how bad Alpha Derrick was.

They didn’t have any idea about it for years.

"That’s terrible.But I don’t understand.Why didn’t he do anything to her all this year?" He asked the same question again.

"That’s because of me." Suzanne said with a guilty look on her face.

Nathan’s expression hardened as he started to make up theories in his mind about how she stopped Derrick

"Did he do anything bad to you instead of Athena? Did he hurt you! I swear to god I will kill him if he does!"

He let out a growl but she quickly held his hand to calm him down.

"No, no! He didn‘t do anything to me. Because I scared him badly."

She said with a sheepish look on her, making him hell confused.

"You scared him? You can hardly scare a fly.You scared him by what?" He asked with a frown.

She looked at him with a nervous smile, making him look at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Don’t tell me you have some hidden power I don’t know about?" He asked with a frown.

"Nothing like that.I scared him with a half lie." She answered, catching him completely off guard.

"I didn’t expect that at all.What lie did you say and how did he even believe you?" He asked in confusion.

"Well he believed me because it was a half lie.The truth part covered the lie part." Suzanne said with a small smile.

"I am really confused, Suzanne.Could you please explain things to me?" He asked.

She let out a big sigh, preparing herself to let out everything and looked at him seriously.

"Okay, there is a thing about Athena which I think even she is unaware of and that is where everything started from." Suzanne spoke up.

"What is it?" He asked curiously.

"That she carries some special blood."

"Special blood? What do you mean? She is just a rogue, right?" He asked.

"It’s true that she was just a rogue but we, including her, don‘t know how she became a rogue.She didn’t share much about her past with me.But she carries a special blood.The blood of her smells power.She is unaware of that."

Suzanne explained and Nathan looked at her in astonishment.

He couldn’t believe what he just heard.

"That’s unbelievable.And don’t tell me you scared Alpha Derrick by using her ‘unleashed power’."

He said and looked at her with widened eyes.

"Oh I did but that’s just the truth part and here comes the lie part."

She stopped as her expression changed to nervousness.

"I am listening."

He gave her a squinted look.

"I told Alpha Derrick that her father is a very powerful and ruthless alpha and she ran away from her pack.Her father is looking for her and will destroy everyone who tries to hurt her.And the last and most important lie is, I said that I know who her father was and I will inform him if Derrick tries to hurt Athena." She said all of that in one breath and closed her eyes shut.

She knew she would get lectured by her mate for lying about such a big thing.

"Oh my goddess, Suzanne! That‘s such a big lie.Do you realise your one lie pushed her to so much danger? If Athena is really powerful, Derrick will try everything to get the power from her if he gets the chance to capture her.He will torture her to death to know who her ‘father’ is about whom she knows nothing about."

He exclaimed in frustration as he listed out all the possible dangers, making her more nervous than she already was.

"I know that and that’s why I am so worried.Do you understand me now?" She asked with a defeated look on her face.

Her one lie can push Derrick to the end of his madness to get what he wants.

She will never be able to forgive herself if anything happens to Athena because of her.

"Okay, calm down.Nothing will happen to her.I will arrange security for her and I will also arrange training for both of you for some self-defence.But I am still confused about one thing." He said with a frown.

She looked at him with nervousness.

"What is it?"

"How did he believe you? He isn‘t that stupid to believe your words just like that." He spoke up with a frown.

"Well, he obviously didn’t believe my words just like that.He brought a witch to reveal the scent of her blood which he smelt and realised that I was telling the truth."

She replied with a small shrug of her shoulders but that made him look at her with a deeper frown.

"Now that led me to another question." He spoke up with a frown.

"You said that was the last one." She pouted but nevertheless agreed to answer.

"What is it?"

"How did you know that her blood is special in the first place?" He asked and she looked at him as if someone dropped some bomb at her.

Her face paled and she looked at him in horror.

She quickly changed her expression to normal before he could doubt something and looked at him in confusion.

"I...uhh...I didn‘t...know… it’s just she sometimes shows something unusual which makes me think that she might be special."She replied with a small smile without looking at him.He let out a sigh, believing her.

"What will I do with you, my love? Do you realise what would have happened if she didn’t come out to be someone special? Oh my goodness!"

He exclaimed but let go of everything after seeing the pout on her face.

"I am sorry.I just had to do something to save her." She said with the pout.

"Don‘t do this again.I am happy that you both are okay.Now come here and give me a kiss." Content is © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

He said and opened his arms wide to hug her.

She immediately jumped to his opened arms and planted her lips on his lips without delay.

"I love you."

"I love you more."

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