Her Unwanted Mate On The Throne

Chapter 21

Chapter 21 Leave her

No, don’t admit it!

Doris silently begged Melody not to say a word about the tip. If she admitted it was hers, Prince William wouldn’t want her anymore. And Doris needed him to want her. Lady Jane told Doris he tested Melody to see if she would grow impatient and bribe his valet to get into his favors, she had—but Doris stopped it for Melody’s own good. Didn’t she realize that she helped her in the end? The gold didn’t matter one bit, but it was no use trying to defend herself. Melody would always see the wrong in everything Doris did, even the things that weren’t true. It was fine, Doris would let her believe she was a thief. Perhaps she might be lucky enough to be released back into her old position at the library.

The pain made her almost dizzy, she couldn’t part her lips without it vibrating through her very bone and making her groan from agony. It was no use, nobody would listen to her now even if she tried.

“Yes it’s mine I gave it to her to tin Peter for all the kind help he has offered to me. I didn’t expect her to take it for herself!” Melody’s eyes grew wide and innocent as she looked up at Prince William. Doris laid her head back against the floor when it felt was too heavy to keep up. At least Melody knew how to think of a quick excuse, Doris only hoped Prince William wouldn’t see right through the shimmering lie.

The room almost darkened when his rage seeped through. Everyone tensed and threw nervous glances at each other. He turned his sharp glare on Doris, in his eyes she could practically hear his words ring through her head. You lied to me. So what if she had? Nothing mattered anymore, Doris would be lucky to see the daylight break tomorrow. His anger was the least of her concerns when she laid in her own blood.

Melody stepped forward cautiously, her hands shook a little when she raised them towards him as if she were approaching a beast. Which wasn’t very far off from the truth. “Your majesty, I’m so sorry this has disturbed you. I will get her out of here.”

“I don’t care how you treat your servants.”

He spat, Doris flinched as a bloom of a new sort of hurt pierced her chest. “But this disgraceful scene—don’t ever let me see you act that way again. This is not how a lady acts.”

“Y-yes, of course your majesty.” Melody bowed her head, her cheeks pink. Doris hoped she was at the very least embarrassed for what she’d done, even though Prince William didn’t seem to care one bit what happened to Doris.

“I came here for a reason.” Prince William said calmly, his back straight and eyes dark as he looked down at Melody. “As my lady, you’re responsible for hosting Luna Queen’s birthday party this year.”

“Oh! Yes, of course!” Melody’s face brightened as she clasped her hands excitedly. “Thank you, your majesty. I won’t disappoint you.” Doris closed her eyes for a moment as they spoke. It was obvious why Melody was so excited, it meant her ladyship was finally being recognized in the Golden Palace by assigning her this task. Doris was relieved, even though she shouldn’t be. Melody didn’t deserve anything good happening to her, but if she stayed on his good side—Doris would be free in a few months. That’s all that truly mattered.

If she could stay alive that long, at least.

Before William stepped out, he stopped in front of Doris. She flinched a little as if she knew he was there, but didn’t want to open her bruised eyes to look up at him. She didn’t want a lick of pity from the prince, or anyone for that matter.

“You need to get our mate a doctor,” Waylon growled, his anger roared through him. “I’m gonna rip that woman in half for what she did to her.”

William ignored the rage and left without another word.

Doris was sent to the medical ward, though she couldn’t really remember much about her journey there. The only thing she remembered was the feeling of soft sheets against her aching skin before she saw darkness.

When she finally woke the next morning, the pain still lingered. Her hand was bandaged and her gown was clean—a relief considering she was certain she would wake in a pool of her own blood again. Doris always knew her life meant little here at the golden palace, she’d never forget how true that was after last night. It didn’t make sense why she even cared that Prince William had no regard for her life, it shouldn’t have come as a shock when she knew that was the case all along. He’d seen the mark that he left on her the night he tore her dress off, hadn’t he? Or maybe he hadn’t—It didn’t matter, Doris was only glad he still wanted Melody and not her.

Doris slowly tried to sit up and saw Beth seated by her bed with concern on her features. She looked terrified to see Doris like this.

“Beth, you’re here!” Doris said weakly, Beth quickly made her lay back again.Text © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

“Easy there, Doris. The doctor just came by and demanded you get a proper rest.” Beth stood. “I made your favorite meal.”

“They allowed you to come visit me?” Doris spoke quietly, her throat hurt too much to speak any louder. Everything hurt, if she was honest.

“I heard what Melody did to you and asked for a leave to come visit you. You know how fast gossip travels here.” Beth said gently as she prepared a plate. Doris wasn’t sure if she would be able to eat any of it, but would try for her friend. It did smell awfully good.

“Thank you, Beth. It means a lot that you came to visit me.” Doris tried to smile.

“Oh please! I know you would do the same for me in a heartbeat.” Beth set the steaming plate on a tray as she eyed Doris from top to bottom. She frowned as she took in the sight of all the bandages and bruises. Doris could see the sadness in her eyes. “You must be in so much pain.”

Doris looked down at her bandaged hands and swallowed. She realized that the only person in the world who truly cared for her wellbeing was here with her. For that, she was grateful.

“I knew from the moment Melody demanded you to be her Lady’s Maid that she was going to use every chance she could to abuse you.” Beth set the tray by her table and crossed her arms. “She is the absolute worst—”

“I suppose you can’t blame it all on her, since she thinks I stole her money.” Doris said bitterly, grateful to have at least one person on her side. Her heart swelled for a moment when she realized how much she missed Beth. She missed sharing a room with her and hearing all about the latest gossip while she minded her own business. She missed her life before Melody forced her to become her lady’s maid and made her life even worse than it already was.

“I just—I feel so terrible when I see you like this.” Beth leaned down to grip Doris’s hand gently as tears formed in her eyes. “Is there anyway you can go back to your old job and leave her? I’m terrified she will punish you to your death the next time she gets mad at you.” A tear dropped from Beth’s eyes, “You promised we would leave the Palace with me, together.”

Leave Melody? There was nothing more Doris wanted, but now she knew Melody would never let that happen. As a maid, she didn’t get to decide her own fate. She didn’t get to decide where to go or what to do, it was all chosen for her. Melody was the lady of Prince William, she had so much more say that Doris would ever have in this Palace. All she had to do was say a simple no and any request Doris had would be shut down officially, there was no one that could help her.

“Beth, I know how worried you are about me—especially seeing me like this. But we both know there is no way anyone can get me out of here if Melody wants me to stay. I’ll try my best to survive this place and walk out of here one day with you.” Doris gave a light squeeze of her hand and almost gasped from the pain.

Beth became silent for a moment, slowly she stood and looked a little defeated that she couldn’t do more to help her friend. Suddenly, a light lit up her face. “Doris! What if I talk to Prince Martin? I’m sure he would help!”

“Prince Martin?” Doris asked with wide eyes, shocked at her friend’s suggestion.

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