Her Soul and His Blood

Chapter 17: 17. Birthday

Chapter 17: 17. Birthday

" I am feeling different. I can feel my power."

" our bond is making you stronger. It is even making me stronger."

Lance took her close. He wanted to tell her everything.

" my father was being killed and Mr.Peterson adopted us. We were just few months old. They killed our

mother too."

" who?"

His eyes were raging with fire and it turned blue like an ocean. His fangs were out. He tried to control


" Zella, you have to go now."

" its ok Lance. You can tell me whatever you want."

" I met Hance. He told me everything. He was a nice person and he was my bestfriend. But he

changed into an evil. He says he became like this because of the reason behind our parents death. He

asked me to join him."

" what did you decide?"

" I wont, I can't be an evil like him or my father. I can't kill innocent humans."

His hands were cold. Zella hold it tight and squeezed his hand.

" you won't change. I trust you. Will you come to class from tomorrow?"

" hmm" he nodded.

Zella wished Merlin and went back to her home.

Days and months passed. Zella and Lance were two couples whom others wanted to follow. Eli and

Percy were always there for Zella. It became a situation were Zella cant live without Lance even though

he is a vampire, Zella too is not an ordinary women. There was no threat shown up till now. Zella

thought everything was over, but she didn't know that something big is coming.

Here comes the special day when she turns into 18. It is Zella's birthday today. First time she is

celebrating her birthday with her boyfriend. There's not a more important birthday than an 18th one.

Early morning she opened her eyes to see Lance sitting beside her. He is smiling at her. She blinked

her eyes twice to clarify her doubt and its him.

"Happy Birthday." he wished her. She hugged him tight and gave a peck on his lips.

"Thank you so much" her eyes shed with tears of happiness.

He opened a small ring case and gifted her a ring. She was so happy to see it and hugged him tight

again. And her lips met his and was deeply making love with his lip.

" well,see you tonight." and Lance went off through the balcony.

Zella planned of throwing out a party tonight. She is excited to open her very first gift 'the dairy' and to

read it and to know what is inside the diary. She miss her grandmother a lot. She went downstairs and

saw Mr.Christi waiting for her downstairs.

"Happy birthday sunshine"

" thank you Dad." he gave a kiss on her cheek. And he left to his work.

"Happy birthday sweetheart"

" thank you Mom, can we call grandma today"

" no, she is busy" Mrs.Christi ignored her. Zella went upstairs feeling sad for it.

"This shows her anger towards grandmother" she told to herself. They are getting ready for the party

and started decorating the house for the night party. Zad came upstairs to Zella's room.

"Happy birthday Zella."

" thank you Zad" he hugged her tight.

" look what I brought for you." and he gave Zella a bracelet.

"Its awesome bro."

" I know right."

They got ready to go to school. Before leaving, she checked her phone to see Eli's and Percy's wishes

and she thanked them back.

When she reached class, all of them wished her. It made her day happy. She invited everyone for her

birthday party.

During night outside the house there are lights and tables with food and chocolates and wine for the

elders. Some of the neighbors and Zella's friends have been arrived for the party.

The sky was black tranquility married to a poetry of stars. It was the softness that called body and brain

to rest and let the heart go to its steady rhythm. Night came as a reward of sorts, a restfulness above to

calm the soul.

The creamy sheets of the silk dress slipped onto Zella's shoulders, peppering her body with soft,

sensual kisses. Like a lover, it seduced the senses and conveyed with utmost skill the art of pleasing.

Zella's eyes were searching for Lance in the crowd. She found him standing in the corner. His pale skin

looked so...right. He had on a white cotton shirt with a silky blue vest and a pair of black pants, which

tied everything together. She approached near him.

" hey come with me. Why are you standing here?"

" you wont like me coming with you, beautiful."

"Why are you saying like this?"

" I said the truth." A cruel smile came from the corner of his mouth.

Zella stared at him maintaining silence.

" Don't you need my gift?" His laugh echoed in the darkness.


Zella stepped backwards. She hold her necklace tight and asked herself to show their vampire phase.

She saw a fiery red eyes standing infront of her. She stepped backwards and ran towards the crowd. It

is Hance. He is still staring at her. He gave her a notorious smile.

Eli and Percy came to Zella. They both hugged her and presented her with gifts. She is enjoying her

time with them but still searching for Lance.

After few hours she saw Lance standing near the door and waiting for her. She is not sure whether it is

Lance or Hance. She hold her necklace and asked for their vampire phase. The bright blue pearlish

eyes were shining on the angular face.

It wasn't quite a t-shirt, it wasn't quite a shirt. The collar played about his neck in the warm wind, the

fabric was close enough to show the shape of his chest. It would have been pretty in any colour,

something Zella wanted to touch, hug, loose herself in, if only for a moment. Then she caught his eye.

He flexed and wiggled his eyebrows, a smile ready to light his face, one to match the cheeky gleam in

his eyes. Zella looked for all the world like a child found with an extra cookie, then she shrugged,

smiling broadly, "Well, Lance, God made you cute for a reason; I'm just enjoying the view."

They cut her birthday cake after making a wish and celebrates with dj music. Everyone is quite involved

in their own world having fun and dancing to the core of music.

Zella whispered to Lance

" I have a gift to open with you, lets go to my room."

She held his hand and take him to her room. Her room looks like a princess room today. Its different

from what he saw in the morning. Everything is completely pink.

" so you love to being a princess."

" I never know that my room turned it into a princess room. Its a surprise for me, but from whom? Mom

or Dad?"

They heard a knock from outside. Zella opened the door. She is surprised to see that person.

" grandmaaa.." she ran into her and hugged her tight. " so its your surprise, this room. But mom told me

that you are busy today."

" how can I not come when my little princess turning into an adult and Who is going to have great Property © NôvelDrama.Org.

responsibilities to handle. You need my help isn't it?"grandmother gave a look to Lance. Her eye brows


"Is he your boy friend?"

Zella nodes her head yes.

" he looks strange, mischief." She gave him a knowing smile. " I can smell blood."

Lance turns away his face. He kind of had a feeling of something strange in her. His eyes started to


" well. He must be someone I know." She went close to him and whispered something. Lance's fangs

came out after hearing those unknown words in unknown language.

" A vampire" Grandma said in a sharp voice.

" grandma, let me explain. He is not a bad guy. And.."

" I know Zella, I know much better than you do. But take precautions before everything." She turned to

face Lance " take care of my grand daughter. You might be knowing that she is the protector."

Lance nodded his head. She went near the door to leave the room. Before leaving she smiled at Zella.

" don't let anyone know this including your parents and Zad. Read the dairy soon. Grandma is leaving

back today."

Zella hugged her tight and gave her kiss on her cheek and she kissed her back on Zella's forehead.

Zella and Lance sat down on the bed. She opened all the gift wraps of the dairy. She opened the first

page of the dairy.

My dear princess and the protector of the aura ....

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