Her Fae Lovers


Lola sat under the quilt that Bodach had wrapped around her shoulders. She couldn’t seem to get warm. No matter how much Lu and Bodach pushed themselves against her.

Merrow and Puca sat in front of her, matching worried looks on their handsome faces.

“You think it was her?” Bodach asked.

Lola could feel the rumble of his body through the blanket. She wasn’t sure who they were talking about. The voice had sounded neither male nor female. She could still feel the magic moving over her skin.

“I don’t know who else it could have been.” Puca said, “It felt like her, ask Lu. I know he could feel it.”

“It did.” Lu agreed, nodding his head slowly. He tightened his arm around Lola, not liking that he and the others hadn’t been able to protect her in the first place. Lu couldn’t help but blame himself, if they had just been closer to her.

“I don’t understand, who was it?” Lola asked as she looked at the men around her. Not liking the way they wouldn’t give her a name. Not liking the way they were talking about her like she wasn’t there.

“It was our, the seelie Queen.” Bodach said, catching himself on his words. He could no longer say that she was their queen. She may govern the Holy Court, but that didn’t mean that they would serve her as they had in the past.

Not after she had attacked one of theirs.NôvelDrama.Org (C) content.

Scrubbing her face with her palms, Lola sucked in a deep breath. She knew that she couldn’t fester on the fear that she was feeling. That her lovers would protect her the best way that they could.

“So if Erik is the Unseelie, then who is the queen? Does that make him like a bad guy?” She asked, wishing that she had gotten the chance to look up what these terms meant instead of walking blindly into this conversation.

“Sort of,” Merrow said as he leaned back into the soft grass looking up into the clouds, “We are governed by two courts, the Seelie and the Unseelie. Good, bad, the lines blur with the fae. It’s more like day and night.”

“I, we don’t know if Erik, who Erik is exactly.” Puca grumbled as he glanced over at Merrow, lifting an eyebrow at him.

“Why would it make a difference who he is?” Lola asked, rubbing her hands together, Lu pulled her closer and pressed a kiss to her temple.

“How about we get some food in you and we’ll talk more about this when we get home?” Merrow said, sitting up and reaching for the picnic basket.

“I don’t think I can eat.” Lola grimaced. She wasn’t hungry, she felt like she had run a marathon and her body ached.

“It’ll make you feel better.” Merrow said as he started passing out sandwich’s. “You went through all of this trouble for us. Let’s not let her spoil this date you’ve planned.”

Slowly, Lola nodded her head and let out a sigh as she realized that Merrow wasn’t going to let up. His fingers brushed against her’s as she accept the sandwich and she felt a warmth shoot through her.

It was such a strange feeling to feel after the fear that she had felt. She bit the inside of her cheek as she settled back against Bodach’s chest. His cheek brushed against the top of her head and the warm feeling intensified.

If she didn’t know any better, she would say it was love. It was much too soon to be feeling that even if she knew it was how she felt. Earlier had made those feelings clear.

She loved four men, four fae men. Lola didn’t know what that would mean for the future, but she couldn’t help but hope that it was good things.

“Maybe she is coming around to try to take us home?” Lu said as he looked down at the food in his hand.

Looking over at him, it felt like her heart stopped beating. She’d never thought of them leaving her. “Take you home?” She asked as she picked at the crust of her sandwich.

“Maybe. Our realm differs greatly from yours.” Puca said before taking a bit, chewing it thoughtfully.

“Those that have served their time are often granted the choice to come home. It comes with a price.” Bodach said.

“It would be good to go home.” Lu muttered and Lola felt her heart drop at his words. She hadn’t realized that they may not choose to stay with her. Hadn’t realized that they weren’t from this realm, that they would have a choice to go somewhere that she could not.

Yes, she knew they were fae. Finding out that they had their own realm was a shock to her. She took a bit of her sandwich, peeking up to look at the men as they chatted around her.

Relaxed and carefree as they spoke of Lu’s parents. Bodach’s clan and Puca’s home, Merrow was the only one not talking as he sat studying Lola.

He smiled as she caught him watching her, and Lola felt better. She watched as he pulled out a container of fresh berries and popped the lid open.

“Come here,” He said, biting his lower lip and crooking his finger at her. Lola moved to stand, letting the quilt fall from her shoulders as she walked to sit beside Merrow.

He picked up a strawberry, taking a small bite out of the berry. Juice clinging to his lips as he brought the fruit to her lips,

Lola opened her mouth and he pulled it back, “No.” He chided and Lola closed her mouth, looking up at him. “Just wait, ghra.”

Dragging the berry over her lower lip, painting her flesh with its juices. Merrow leaned closer before sucking her lower lip between his teeth with a moan.

Lola let out a whimper. Letting herself fall into Merrow and the way that he was making her feel as he let go of her lower lip. Moving his lips against hers with a kiss that said so much.

Merrow slid his tongue against Lola’s trying to take away the worry he had seen in her eyes earlier. He hadn’t brought up the things that he missed from their realm because she was everything he needed.

Yes, seeing his sister had made him feel whole. He was glad that she was in the mortal realm, but all he needed was this with Lola. He cared for the others, loved them in fact, but Lola was his air.

No, not his air. That was Puca.

Lola was his ocean.

It was hard for him to think of a time when she hadn’t been with them. Without even knowing that he was searching for someone like her. Lola completed him in so many ways.

He tried to show her that with his kiss. Her breathy moan made him smile as he leaned back, feeding her the strawberry that he had used to paint her lips. She grabbed his wrist, lapping at his fingertips that were coated with juice.

Merrow let out a groan. She was going to be the death of him.

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