Her Clingy Husband

Chapter 78: Open Defiance

Proofread by Yu Bing

“Mrs. Mo, you’d better mind your words. Everyone is listening.” All of the women present choose to stand at Su Ni’s side. On the one hand, Xu Qian’s remarks just now embarrassed and offended everyone. On the other hand, Su Ni is now in her heyday. Nobody wants to miss this chance to flatter her. “That is right. Mrs. Mo, I advise you to read the newspaper. Then you will see the Yin family is going to be removed from the list of the prestigious families in the south very soon, I’m not sure how long it will take, but anyway, it is just a matter of time.” One woman reminds her with a pretense of kindness. “As far as I know, the Yin family can’t put the blame on anybody. It’s all their own fault. They offended Gu Zechen first. Mrs. Gu has nothing to do with the whole thing.” ” I heard Mr. Gu used to have a sweetheart, who was killed in a car accident because of you, Mrs. Gu. Is that true?”. Before Xu Qian finishes her sentence, Su Ni already rises to her feet, with her face dark and cold. “I don’t know where Mrs. Mo heard these rumors. Since you call me Mrs. Gu, and you are a guest invited to our party, you’d better mind your manners.” Su Ni is usually a kind person, gentle and elegant, but when she gets angry, she will show no mercy. All the women present are stunned to see Su Ni respond in such a sharp and harsh manner and they immediately keep their mouths tight shut. Xu Qian can’t be more embarrassed. She instinctively rolls her eyes and at the same time makes her body lean backward. Putting one of her legs upon the other, she tries to retain her composure, which makes her look not classy at all in the eyes of the other guests from respectable families. Everyone present is immediately reminded that Xu Qian comes from a gang family. The way she is rendered speechless is seen in the eyes and despised in the heart, but no one says it.

Su Ni is not afraid at all, and she continues: ” I bet that Mr. Mo must have found a new mistress recently, you must be very upset about it, but can’t find anywhere to vent your anger, so is that the real reason you behave like this today?” “Su Ni!” Hearing that, Xu Qian suddenly jumps to her feet, bringing herself to face Su Ni squarely. Over 1. 8 meters tall, Xu Qian is just like a roaring lion in front of Su Ni with an angry and frustrated look, “Who on earth do you think you are?” “I know who I am, but we all know that you can’t attract your husband. I advise you to spend more time figuring out how to win your husband back.” Su Ni finishes this and then sits down. “How dare you speak to me that way?” Xu Qian suddenly grabs the glass in front of her and pours the content over Su Ni. Although Su Ni’s reaction is quick, she doesn’t totally dodge the bullet, with champagne still splashing onto her and leaving her dress with very conspicuous stains. “My God, this is Eshine’s latest work. This is the only one in the world, Mrs. Gu. Are you ok?” , exclaims one lady. “Mrs. Mo, you went too far,” Impulsively, she says, hardly refraining herself, “Went too far? Who? She or I? By the way, when did you establish such a good relationship with her? You used to wag your tail in front of me like a dog!” Xu Qian sneers, showing conspicuous contempt towards those women and lording it over them. “This is the dress that my husband gave me as a gift.” Su Ni’s clearly articulates every syllable, making sure the woman in front of her doesn’t miss one single word. “No matter whether or not it is from Eeshine, it means quite a lot to me”. As soon as Xu Qian hears this, she immediately cracks a smile, “Ha ha, at this moment , you still don’t forget to boast about how much your husband loves you, so why not let Mr. Gu buy you another one? It’s nothing a big deal.”

“What’s up?” Suddenly Su Ni hears a voice from behind her. A bit flustered, she finds her body suddenly stiffening. “What a catastrophe by making such a scene! Gu Zechen is already in a bad mood now!” Su Ni hurriedly rises to her feet and squeezes out a smile, affecting a seemingly cheerful look. “It’s OK. I’m talking with those ladies about jewelries.” Gu Zechen looks suspicious. Their exchange of harsh words so loud to be ignored, many people have already cast their curious eyes. Tracing the noise down here, Gu Zechen moves through the parting crowd. Spotting the champagne stain on the train of Su Ni’s dress and the empty champagne cup in front of Xu Qian, Gu Zechen knits his eyebrows. Su Ni is silent, and all the ladies around are also quiet. Just at that moment, Xu Qian bursts into a loud and nonchalant laughter, “Mrs. Gu was just showing off what a big crush Mr Gu develops on her, which makes us really consumed with jealousy.” Gu Zechen casts a quick and sharp glance at Xu Qian contemptuously, not trying to hide a trace of resentment towards her. Not taking a hint, Xu Qian continues: “Mr Gu, do you mind telling us how you and your wife manage to maintain your attachment to each other so that we can learn something?” “I’m not interested.” With a numb face, he reaches out and pulls Su Ni to his side, his eyes still fixed on the train. Su Ni whisks the dress and affects a calm tone: ” The wine spills.” Seeing Xu Qian is about to say something unpleasant from the corner of his eyes, Gu Zechen immediately breaks in in a placid way. ” Mrs. Mo, why don’t you spend more time with your own husband, maybe that can help you learn more about how to get along well with him. Maybe Mr. Mo will change his mind and you can become an object of envy yourself.”NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

A titter breaks out from the crowd. Then, people start to guffaw and nudge one another, with a smile back on their faces. Even Su Ni can hardly refrain herself, the corner of her mouth slightly showing a curve. That sounds so familiar! That is exactly what Su Ni said a moment ago. However, the impact Gu Zechen’s words have on the hearer is totally different from Su Ni’s, and Xu Qian, who dares to display her anger a few minutes ago, now looks completely defeated and bites her lips tightly, unable to utter a single word this time. Just when Gu Zechen turns around to leave, Xu Qian adds, apparently not going to swallow the insult so easily, ” Mo Ruquan indeed, is a dog that returns to its vomit, I don’t deny that, but Mr Gu, don’t you agree with me on that: in every country dogs bite. So it is natural for men to cheat in relationships and no one is an exception until found out?” After Xu Qian’s outburst, the room becomes very quiet and you can almost hear a pin drop. All the guests begin to look in this direction. Stunned by this harsh remark, they quickly exchange a secret look with each other, then look away. It’s a better policy to stay out of this. Su Ni tightly holds Gu Zechen by the arm. She has to admit that Xu Qian is very bold. After all, in the whole city, who else has such a nerve to challenge Gu Zechen like that? Gu Zechen pauses, his countenance remaining unchanged. Su Ni is worried that Gu Zechen can’t hold back his anger which will surely ruin the atmosphere of the banquet, so she gently pulls Gu Zechen to her side cautiously reminding him to check himself. Ignoring that, Gu Zechen slowly turns back and stares at Xu Qian. After a long while, he squeezed a sentence out of his teeth, “I feel really sorry for your husband. How can he tolerate such a woman like you! If I were him, I would definitely fall for another woman.” Finishing saying this, Gu Zechen takes Su Ni away from the banquet.

Behind her, Xu Qian’s face turns from pale to purple. Anger and shame welling up in her heart, she can feel herself trembling uncontrollably and the stingy pain on her chest. Mr Mo finally figures out what has happened. Moving through the crowd, he shows up just in time to hear Gu Zechen’s words. But he does not have the courage to make one step forward. “This woman!” Mo Ruquan grunts, his fists clenched tightly and knuckles creaking. “Hurry up! Mr, Mo. Your wife is in a fit of temper, stay away, otherwise you will have a good time tonight.” Around him, someone jokingly reminds him with a burst of laughter. Different from his wife, Xu Qian, Mo Ruquan looks small and lean. Barely 1. 6m tall, however, he has a refined face with very attractive facial features.

Wearing a long face, Mo Ruquan stands there embarrassingly, enduring the public ridicule. It has been ten years already since he got rid of the control of Xu Qian’s family and climbs up the social ladder, making all the way up to the top of the pyramid in the Nancheng City. This is his own efforts, which has nothing to do with anybody.

However, Xu Qian’s family’s mark, no matter how hard he tries, is still very hard to remove, on him it has already taken root.

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