Another reason why he had accepted the job was that he wanted to see her again.

The realization had hit him hard. He couldn’t deny it. It was definitely just a sexual attraction. He was sure of that much. Why else would he be having those dreams about her. Those thoughts and those explicit vivid imaginations.

Her reaction to the news that he was going to be her bodyguard wasn’t good… At all. But at least, he expected that. Things hadn’t been so good between them those few hours they had spent together. And she was…. Of course… Who she was and he wasn’t surprised that she threw a damn tantrum because things weren’t going her way. That was the way he expected her to act.

It was kinda funny she got pissed when he called her a princess, because that was exactly the way she behaved. Like a spoiled little brat who threw a tantrum when things weren’t going her way. And that was another reason why his attraction to her puzzled him so damn much. The woman was far from his type…. normally he wouldn’t be able to stand her one bit, wouldn’t give a second glance, and yet here he was.

She would get used to the idea of having him around eventually. He knew that for sure. But for now he was going to think of this as an adventure. One he was sure as hell going to enjoy. And he was going to use the opportunity to figure out what this damn attraction to Kimberly Blake was… Once and for all.


“This is ridiculous,” Kimberly muttered out of the side of her mouth. “I can’t get away from him and it’s driving me insane. I’m pathetic. How can I possibly care this much?”

Kimberly and Phoebe were at Kimberly’s apartment, cleaning it up and moving some of Kimberly’s stuff back in. Five weeks after her rescue, Kimberly was moving out of her Dad’s house and back into her apartment and of course, Asher had come with them. He was going to be using one of the rooms in the house. And Kimberly, despite having two weeks to get used to idea, was still completely freaking out about the whole arrangement. Asher stood at a corner in the room, looking away from them.

Phoebe moved in front of Kimberly, facing her, and blocking Asher’s view of her. Now they could talk without the unpleasant possibility that Asher would overhear them or read their words from their lips.

“If it’s so unbearable,” Phoebe suggested, her voice low, “Talk to your Dad. Tell him to get rid of him. Or tell him you want someone else.”Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

Hillary Blake had relaxed a bit after he made Asher Adams Kimberly’s bodyguard. Even if he wasn’t completely sure that the threat was gone, he felt at peace a little bit, knowing that at least Kimberly had someone to protect her now.

“It’s of no use, believe me, I have tried.. Many times” Kimberly said, as she bent to pick up the pieces of a vase that had broken in the struggle between her and Alex when he’d come for her. “If I go to my Dad, he won’t even listen to me. He trusts this Asher guy because he rescued me when the other company he hired couldn’t. He thinks this one is so efficient. What he doesn’t know is that the man is such a douchebag. I don’t want to keep complaining and make it seem like I’m ungrateful… Because I am grateful. Dad has been so worried. He has been through a lot because of me and I don’t wanna add to it. This is Asher’s job too, I don’t want to mess with it and no matter how bad he is at interacting with people, He’s really good at it if I’m being honest with myself. It will only look bad for Asher if I get him fired… It could reflect negatively on him too, you know that.”

Phoebe made a snorty sound-but when she spoke, she did it very quietly. “Too bad.” she said. “But you know what, I’m beginning to think that a part of you likes having him around”

Kimberly cast a glance at her as she stood with the broken vase and Phoebe laughed.

“It isn’t such a bad idea to have him around.” Phoebe continued. “Come to think of it, you do need him to keep you safe… We don’t know the people who took you. And you insisted that you would keep living here. We need to be careful. You told me that you are very attracted to him .. And I don’t blame you, look at him girl, he’s super hot. I wouldn’t mind if I had a guy like him following me around. You just complain too much”

Kimberly suppressed a sigh and tried to explain in a near whisper, without moving her lips too much. “Haven’t we been through this?” She darted a glance at Asher. He didn’t seem to be interested in their discussion so she returned her attention to Phoebe.

“Asher hates me, for reasons best known to him.”Kimberly continued. “The whole time I spent with him, he seemed to be angry with me about something, like he couldn’t wait to be rid of me…. He has been the same way ever since he took this job… Although I haven’t seen him much since then, he doesn’t seem friendly at all. He is mean…. Makes me wonder why he would take a job where he has to be with me all the time if he dislikes me so much. The attraction to him doesn’t matter. I…..” She let the words trail off. No need to be overly specific.

Asher turned away from the window when his phone rang. “I will be in there” he said, pointing in the direction of the hallway leading to rooms. Kimberly nodded slowly and he left the living room to answer the phone call.

“Maybe you guys might get along in the future, who knows. Maybe become best friends…. or maybe more.” Phoebe said after he left, raising her eyebrows in a funny way. “Wouldn’t that be a great romantic story? Didn’t you ever watch that movie? The bodyguard? The one about Whitney Houston and her bodyguard? Girl, you are living that movie right now… Enjoy the ride… That’s exactly what I would do”

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