Found Again

Chapter 55 – Cheater

“The guy wearing a leather jacket works for my mom,” Liam whispered.

We arrived yesterday, but both of us are tired from the trip that’s why we decided to rest in the hotel.

I called Andrew to give him an update before I went to bed.

Liam informed me of this move by his parents. We already expected that we have a paparazzi for our whole US trip. And we couldn’t be more thankful for them because they are making our plan easier.

Liam invited me to have breakfast together, which is part of our plan. And after this, I will introduce Liam to Kate Herrera, one of the most famous fashion designers here in the US. He wants to collaborate with her. That’s the main agenda of this trip. Securing a deal with Kate will guarantee his promotion.

“Smile Alli, the guy is taking a photo of us.” Liam joked while assisting me on my seat.

I chuckled. “I feel like a celebrity now.”

“You are, though,” Liam said while seated on his chair across mine.

“But not to appoint that I will have a paparazzi,” I said.

“I thought you’ve experienced having one in the Philippines?” He asked.

I nodded when I remember my paparazzi experience with Vince. “Oh yeah with Vince ages ago. We become the headline the next day after our dinner.”

“I thought that you will end up with Vince because of that news. You guys are pretty close.” Liam commented.

I was not surprised to hear those things from him. I assumed that he investigated our group for a long time now.

“No. Vince and I never had a thing. I always see my best friend, Charles in him so I never think of any malice whenever I’m with Vince.” I explained to him.

“How about Lieo? You and have had the saw taste to guys.” He asked curiously.

“I beg to disagree. The only guy that we both like is Andrew. I only like Lieo as a friend. It just so happens that both boys liked me.” I said to him.

“Oh! I can feel your confidence.” He said teasingly.

I chuckled. “I’m just telling the truth.”

After our breakfast “date” we went back to our hotel to get ready for our meeting with Kate.

I can see Lieo in Liam. I now understand why Anne fell for Lieo before. Anne may not realize it yet, but I’m sure she will after we execute this plan.

I was done with my preparation for our afternoon meeting when I heard someone knock on my hotel room.

I’m sure it’s Liam.

“Ready?” Liam said as soon as I open the door.

I noticed him looking at his left side. I nodded at him knowing what he meant.

He offered his hand and I move forward to make sure that my face will be seen before accepting his hand.

We went out of the hotel acting like a lover of our paparazzi. I can’t help but think of Andrew. It will surely be hard for him but I know he will manage it.

I saw my team as soon as we arrived at Kate’s office. It’s part of my deal with Liam that the announcement of his collaboration with Kate will be done by my magazine and youtube channel.

“Alli! I miss you, darling!” Kate said as soon as she saw me.

I hug her. “I miss you too, Kate!” I said.

“I’m with Mr. Valencia, the general manager and soon-to-be CEO of Platinum Inc.” I introduce Liam to her.

“Hi, Ms. Herrera! I’m a fan of your works!” Liam said in a formal voice.

“You are making me blush Mr. Valencia. And you can call me Kate since you are a friend of Alli.” Kate said.

“You can also call me Liam, Kate.”

The meeting finally starts and I can see the connection that Kate and Liam have now. It’s not romantic of course. What I mean is when it comes to bringing both of their ideas to the collaboration plan or project. I almost did nothing in this meeting.

“Thank Alli for introducing Liam and his company to me. I never had this kind of talk in ages.” Kate said after they close the deal.

“I can see that. I almost did nothing. I can see the massive success of this project.” I said with full conviction.

“And it all thanks to you Alli,” Liam said.

“Oh no, of course not! As I said, I did nothing during this meeting. It was purely you and Kate talking and exchanging ideas.” I said a bit shy to take the credit.

“Liam is right, Alli. It is all thanks to you. This collaboration will never happen without you. You were our bridge to make this collaboration possible.” Kate said agreeing with Liam.

“Fine, thank you for all your kind words and gratitude but I’m honored to be God’s instrument to produce this amazing project. I can’t wait to announce and see the final product of this collaboration.” I just said.

After the successful meeting with Kate. She invited us to join her party later. We accept her invitation of course because it will help Liam to be connected with more people in the fashion industry here in the US.

I woke up a bit late. When I check my phone I saw Andrew’s 10 missed calls. Oh, shoot! I was so tired last night that I forgot to call him.

I face time him as soon as I’m done with my morning routine. I call the hotel to give me a light breakfast.

“Hey, baby I’m sorry I forgot to call you last night. I was so tired from the meeting and party yesterday.” I said to him as soon as he accepted my call.

“It’s okay, I understand. I had no choice but to call you nonstop because Anne was with me last night and this morning asking for you.” He said.

My eyes widen but then I just laugh because Anne was more worried than my boyfriend.

“And what did she say?” I asked curiously.

Andrew just shrugged. “She keeps on asking me if you already called me. And whenever I say no, she keeps on telling me to call you and ask what were you up to. She also keeps on reminding me not to trust Liam to you.”

“Is she concerned that Liam will steal me from you? She should be happy then because she can have you all for herself.” I asked.

“I will never let that happen, baby,” Andrew said in a cold voice but sweet at the same time.

“I know my love. But I’m speaking on Anne’s supposed reaction.” I explained.

Andrew sighed. “She doesn’t look like she was happy with that idea. She’s more concerned with you and Liam than the idea of a chance with me.”

“She still hasn’t moved on from Liam,” I just said.

Andrew nodded in agreement. “She’s still in denial but her actions are a giveaway of what she truly feels.”

“I hope for them to reconcile and have their love overdue happily ever after,” I said hopefully.Content held by NôvelDrama.Org.

I was having a quality call with my boyfriend when I heard Anne’s voice.

“Andrew you should see this!” I heard her. Then a minute later I saw her beside Andrew.

Anne’s eyes widen when she saw me. “You, cheater!”

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