Forged in the Flames

Chapter 76

Chapter 76

Chapter 76 A Tough Call (Nikolas POV)

Since Piotr visited, three weeks passed, and I had somehow missed him. While he was around, we talked about many problems our world faced, and I could see that we were reasoning along the same lines. It would be great for us to realise our dreams, and I hope it will happen soon.

Abraham and Qusack had finished their investigation and would finally give me the reports. Some of which they warned was based on speculation because they could only work with the letters they found.

I was eager to discover what was happening, so I hurried out of my room in the morning and headed to my office. Things were moving fast, and I hoped they could move faster because time was going for Aliana and me. Soon her pregnancy would be visible, and I would need to find a way to keep it secret. Getting the crown did not seem feasible anytime soon, and I hoped I could do something to make it happen quickly so we could move on with our lives.

Qusack had set a trap for Doctor Newton, and we were yet to get a confirmation of his treachery. We had found a way to inform the Doctor that I planned to marry a Lycan to get the crown. Qusack discussed it with Abraham while the Doctor checked his vitals. It was a very huge joke. Although we wanted to set a trap, we did not want to set one that would cost us. Saying I was planning to get married for the show to get the crown was good enough. It was a dubious act that could indeed get me the crown. One informant would need to report to their master. The story was planted over a week ago, yet we had no reaction or response. The Doctor was watched closely; the only letters he seemed to have sent through the post office were medication requests. Even though we were yet to see results, we could not cancel the possibility that he was an informant. We just had to wait. I hoped we would not need to wait too long for our sake.

I waited and arrived in the office, and the men were there. Qusack was a bit worried, and I knew he did not have good news. We had been scarce around each other since Piotr left. While they investigated

what happened in the balance by reading correspondence, I had travelled between Timber and Riverhead to see Grant and Ingham’s progress on the troops.

I went to sit at my desk, bracing myself for what would be revealed to me. This belongs © NôvelDra/ma.Org.

“Good morning, Alpha,” Abraham greeted me, and I nodded and wanted him to get straight to the point. I was eager to learn what they had discovered.

Abraham sighed and started.

“First, I will say Miles wasn’t lying about Leon. He did plot with someone to be King. We are yet to find out who that person is. Still, some references in the letter have forced me to ask a friend in the history library in the Snow to secretly get me a register. Apparently, he know what family Asci Cauls is or if it is even a name, but I plan to find out. It could be a code name, but the register will help me cross out people before looking at other options,” He said, then sighed.

“All we discovered was that most people on your father’s council were corrupt. We also saw the signed decree your father sent to Frederick agreeing to the slave trade. Still, when we cross-checked the signature on the parchment and other decrees your father had signed, we found that the t and the s were similar but not the same. Meaning the slave decree was a forgery,” he said, pausing for me to take it all in. “And what does that signify?” I asked him, and he sighed.

“If your father’s signature on the decree was a forgery, then the Unity Law does not stand. The downside is that it will take much convincing, nearly impossible for us to prove. With everyone dancing to Frederick’s tune, it will be impossible to achieve,” he said.

I already knew that before he said it. Their investigation was solely to inform and not to prove. “Lastly, we found some letters sent by Gabriel and the story he told you checked out, but there was a slight issue. Mathias’ signature indicating he had received and viewed the letters was the same as the fake one on the decree. It meant he did not receive or respond to these letters. Basically, someone in the

palace was receiving letters on his behalf and responding to them. We are yet to know who it is, but I know finding Asci Cauls would expose something that would lead us to the culprit or culprits,” He said, and I understood his angle.

“We found some letters from your mother to her brother demanding her share of her father’s wealth because King Mathias had cut her off. I do not know why, but according to her in the letter, he had cut her off and was threatening to send her away.

She indicated she was pregnant, and the baby was indeed Mathias, but he had found something and cut her off. She demanded her share of her father’s wealth and threatened to expose Frederick if he refused to help her.

That might also be why he did not accommodate her when Gabriel sent her there.

There is something between the siblings that only two of them know of. We are still digging and trying to find out what it is. Hopefully, it won’t be anything serious,” He said, and I doubt his hope would be realised.

With my mother, I expect to be disappointed, Frederick had hinted they had issues, but I was more interested in who was signing decrees and letters on my father’s behalf.

If my father had never signed those things, Gabriel and my father were played.

I needed to apologise to Gabriel and restore the man’s honour. He was loyal to my father even in death. If I could punish myself for what I did to the man and tried to do to his daughter, I would do it, but I couldn’t. The best I could do is liberate them and ensure they are free and his family’s honour is restored.

We were debating on the next course of action when we learned of the arrival of a werewolf messenger from Hill. The man had come to deliver a letter.

It did not go through the post office this time; it was delivered by a werewolf from the Hill. The letter was sent by Piotr, and it was addressed to me.

The moment it was delivered, the messenger told me he would have to remain because he had escaped some Snow hunters on his way and did not want to be caught and interrogated when he returned.

Qusack wondered why Piotr would decide to bypass the post office.

I told them to find accommodation for the messenger while Qusack Abraham and I attended to the letter.

I knew it would be important and hoped nothing terrible happened. I was also apprehensive because Aliana’s pregnancy was progressing, and she would soon begin to show. If I did nothing about the situation, I might have to send her away to hide her somewhere until I got the crown.

I was worried and afraid.

Afraid that Frederick might find out about Aliana and it would lead to war. I was afraid of losing her. It was awful.

I opened the letter that Piotr sent, and it read. “Dear Nikolas,

I hope you are well. I am grateful for your hospitality towards me the last time I visited.

I meant what I said about being friends.

I could not send this through the post office because I found out recently that Frederick has letter interceptors in the post offices of our regions.

All our letters are read by these people before mailing them to us. This is why he seems to know what we are planning and can counter our moves.

I have decided to boycott the post office and communicate with you directly.

Due to the loyalty issues in Hill, I had to depend on a werewolf to deliver the letter.

Once again, I apologise if this letter comes to you as a shocker.

The committee had a meeting last week, and my father and I were in attendance. They did not invite you on purpose.

I was asked to be silent when I asked why Forest wasn’t represented. Apparently, the alphas claimed you have blatantly refused to answer their letter and denied their request about the slave trade. They want to find you guilty of breaking the Unity law and take Forest from you by force due to your refusal to sell slaves.

My father was able to stay their hands so they do not move against you, but With Frederick championing the cause, we could not expect anything good to come out of it. I am writing you this letter to warn you of what is coming and to propose a solution.

Frederick also claimed you plan to deceive the committee by marrying a lycan to get the crown. He states that the committee should watch out for your scam and insist you agree to the trade regardless of your union with the unfortunate lycan you plan to marry.

You were the topic of discussion, and it seemed like they wanted to find you guilty of a crime and forcefully take Forest from you. Most of the greedy Alphas of Snow were championing this, while Alphas on our side were divided on the matter, but I doubt they will be divided for long.

I will advise you to sacrifice some of your werewolves for the crown. Agree to trade with Frederick in exchange for your coronation and see if he agrees. If he agrees, be prepared to honour the transaction so he can honour his end. Make sure he signs the agreement before you honour it. Once you get the crown, you can decide to abolish the law in Forest. Mind you, he might come with heat after then, but you will have more leverage and freedom than you do now.

This letter might sound bizarre, but I know that Frederick is planning something, and he is likely to succeed at it. Be warned, and do not hesitate to call on me for help. My father might be a coward, but I lead his army. I am willing to fight if it comes to it. I hope you take the warning seriously and do something about it.

Yours Sincerely


It read, and I was in shock.

I handed the letter to Qusack, and he read it and then handed it to Abraham. We were all speechless.

Other than we had just confirmed that Newton was a spy, it also indicated what I was up against.

“This is a serious problem, Alpha; we have to find a way to engage these people so they would not feel threatened by our refusal to sell slaves and attack,” Abraham said, sounding worried.

I knew he was right, but this was an impossible task. Who would I sell? I doubt I could live with myself, knowing I sold people for a crown. I still had Aliana’s mother to take from Snow. Everything was a mess, and it was driving me crazy.

“So what do you think we should do ?” Qusack asked me, and I had no clue I needed help. The clock was ticking, and I did not know what to do.

I looked at Qusack and made a painful, risky decision. It was going to come to this anyway.

“I will discuss it with Gabriel and allow the werewolves to choose,” I said, and Qusack frowned. I sighed to elaborate.

“They will choose if they want me to sell some of them to deceive Frederick for the crown or declare myself as king and go to war,” I said, and Qusack was in shock.

‘Either way, I need them to follow me to battle not as slaves but as my subjects fighting for this Kingdom. Let us face it, Qusack. Frederick would never allow me to get the crown, and he will move against me eventually. If Piotr is willing to help, all we have to do is buy a little more time and prepare to go to war,” I said and sighed, realising that I should have taken this option from the onset instead of playing politics. I wasn’t a politician. I was a savage

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