Forged in the Flames

Chapter 54

Chapter 54

I went to the office and was surprised to find Qusack and Abraham there. Grant wasn’t there as usual. He wasn’t an early bird and was late for everything, so there was no need to wonder about him.

“Good morning, Alpha,” Abraham greeted me, and Qusack did the same. I responded and sat on my chair.

Three envelopes were on my table; one came with the council’s seal. It was yet to be broken. “This arrived in the night,” Qusack said, pointing at the note from the council, and I lifted it up.

“By the way, terminate Gabriel’s work. He is slowing the workers down with his illness. I do not want him working as a mason anymore,” I told Qusack.

I made it seem as if I was irritated that Gabriel’s illness was slowing down the project. No one needed to know my soft spot for Aliana except for Qusack, and the look on his face said he figured it out because there was an ‘I-told-you- so’ expression on his face.

“Where should I put him?” Qusack asked me, and I shook my head.

“Nowhere he is old and sick. More of a liability than a help. Just put him on a weekly allowance to get by,” I ordered, and Qusack nodded.

“Have the doctor examine him. I can’t let him die on my watch. He understands this place better than any of us,” I said, and Abraham nodded in agreement.

The whole pretence was for Abraham’s benefit.

Qusack was the only person I trusted who would not judge my choice to be with a werewolf. I couldn’t say the same for others.

“I will ask Grant to handle it,” Qusack said, and Abraham volunteered immediately.

“Why?” I asked Abraham.

“He is Aliana’s father, and you know Grant won’t be careful. I will do it. She might be your mistress, but I doubt she could make you happy if anything happens to her father,” he said.

I nodded, feigning boredom at his words, but he had a point there, not the one I was trying to prove, but a good point nonetheless.

I opened the letter from the council, and it read.

“Alpha Nikolas Kowalski, we hereby summon you to the council tomorrow, the eighth day of August, to come and plead your coronation case. The meeting will be held at the palace in Ice Hill in Snow at three in the afternoon.

Our host will be King Frederick Semenov.

King Aleksander Zieliriska and others will also attend.

Kindly come with two of your officers, your nominees, to represent Forest in the council. As you are yet to be named King, you will also represent Forest on the committee.

Please bring all evidence to support your claim as the rightful heir of Forest through the Late King Mathias Kowalski. We look forward to seeing you.

Committee Leader Alpha Olsen Sadowski,”

It read, and I stood up immediately.

My heart was thumping in my chest. I looked at the clock, and it was seven in the morning. 1

I was glad I woke up early.

Snow was six hours away from Forest by road. We could make it for the meeting if we left in an hour.

“What is it?” Qusack asked me.

“We have been summoned to attend the committee meeting. It will commence three this afternoon in Fredrik’s palace in Ice Hill Snow. I have been ordered to bring two officers that would represent Forest on the committee and evidence to support my claim as the rightful heir,” I said, and Qusack widened his yes.

“That is sudden,” He said, and I nodded.

I knew exactly what was happening.

Not everyone knew that my mother was alright. I doubted she had gone out since she felt better. Fredrick must know his sister is mentally unstable. He made the hearing quick, knowing I won’t be able to prove my claims due to my mother’s mental health. He will be surprised to see my mother alive and well.

“Fredrick must really be eager to discredit you,” Qusack said, and I knew he, too, had done the math.

“He would be in for a shock,” I said, and Qusack looked worried.

“If you are leaving, then we should start preparing now,” Qusack said, and Abraham sighed with worry.

“You reek of Aliana, Alpha. They will know you have been with a werewolf,” He said and sighed. “By now, it isn’t a secret that werewolves are in Forest or that they roam freely even though we uphold the unity law. Besides, as an ordinary leader, I am allowed to sleep with as many werewolves as I like,” I said, and he frowned. “It will be a hard sell, but you have a point. Let’s just hope King Fredrik won’t have the bright idea to use this against you,” Abraham said, and I understood his fear.

I wondered if my mother would side with him because of her hatred for Aliana, or would she testify that I uphold unity Law?

“You and Qusack will be coming with me. I will leave Grant in charge,” I said, and Qusack was confused because I was supposed to take Grant with me, not Abraham, but Abraham is learned and understands the law. I needed someone to easily twist things in my favour should an argument occur.

“I need Abraham’s brains,” I said, and Abraham laughed at how I put it. It was funny too.

“Okay, I will handle the transportation and preparation while you prepare. I hope your mother is ready for the long trip to Forest,” Qusack said, and I nodded. I got up from the table in preparation to leave.

“Won’t you read the other letters?” Qusack asked me, and I had forgotten about them completely.

I picked up the first one, and it was from Piotr.

“Hello Nikolas, I will be visiting you Wednesday, the thirteenth of August. I will be coming with my servant. I wanted you to know before I show up. She is a werewolf and very pleasant.

I promise she won’t be in your way. I hope I won’t be violating any laws by bringing her along.

She knows how to tend to me better, and I would not want to trouble your staff.

I await your response on the matter. Thank you.

Ps, Fredrick is trying to get my father to work against you. Be careful. My old man has no balls, but I am sure you can handle it.” It read, and I sighed.

I did not need to guess that this servant might be special.

I planned to allow him to come here and relax. It was okay.

If Piotr would be the next Hill king, it would be stupid to reject his friendship.

Besides, I kind of liked the guy. He was jovial and didn’t take things too seriously. I needed that kind of friend. One that would always see the bright side of life.

I was also grateful for the heads-up about his father. Could it be possible that Aleksander was aware of the Hunters that came to my forest with warriors to attack my people? With what his son had written, I couldn’t put it past him. I would just have to be careful. I picked up the last letter, and to my surprise, it was from King Aleksander.

“My boy, Nikolas,

I hope you are well.

If Fredrik has his way, you will be summoned to a meeting on the eighth of August.

Fredrick is trying to discredit you on various grounds.

He said you disrespected him by sending hunters to Snow to hunt for Lycans and werewolves; he said he has proof.

He is also trying to claim that Isabelle isn’t your mother and that you are holding her feral self captive to pretend she is your mother so you can claim the throne.

He told me that his spies say you do not respect the unity law and thus cannot be trusted to have the best interest of Lycans in mind if given power.

He has discussed these things with me extensively and has requested I support the motion to deny your request.

Unfortunately for him, I know you are a Kowalski, and I hope you can prove it.

I plan to be neutral for now to avoid a war with Snow.

Please position yourself properly and make powerful friends from Snow to frustrate

Fredrick’s efforts. It won’t be easy, but you will figure it out. Please remember your promise on trade. Thank you,” It read, and everything was confusing.

I did not have the time to think of both letters, but one thing I was sure of was that Aleksander was assuming a neutral stance on the matter, and Fredrick was trying his best to discredit me.

I did not understand his qualms with my mother, but I planned to beat him at his game

I handed the letters over to Qusack. It was seven thirty already.

I rushed out of the office to speak to mother.

“Where are you?” I linked her.

“Good morning, Niko,” she corrected me, and I felt ashamed that I did not greet her.

“I am sorry. Good morning,” I said, and she responded.

“I am in my room having breakfast”, She replied.

“I am on my way to you/’ I said, closing the link.

I hurriedly ascended the stairs and moved past my room and Aliana’s old room. I wondered if Aliana was still in bed or had left for the clinic. I did not have time to check.

I walked briskly until I arrived at my mother’s room.

I knocked once and entered before she permitted me to enter. I wasn’t patient.

I saw her with Erica.

They were laughing about something, but the moment I stepped in, Erica stood up and bowed her head.

She excused herself immediately, and my mother told her she would call her when we were done. She left, and I did not have time for a lengthy discussion.

“Are you dressed and prepared for the day?” I asked her, and she frowned and nodded.

“Good. You are coming with me to Snow. A committee meeting is being held at three in the afternoon today, and I want you there to back me up,” I said, and there was fear in her eyes. She shook her head immediately, and I wondered what her deal was.

“I am not ready to face him,” She protested.

“But you will because he is hell-bent on discrediting me. He claims I care for you, so I can pretend you are my mother. He is claiming that I am not obeying the unity law and I do not have the interest of the Lycans at heart.” I said, and she shook her.

“But he is right about that last part,” She cut in, and I sighed and looked at her. Whose side was she on? This content © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

“Are you saying you won’t help?” I asked, and she shook her head.

“I am going to help you, Niko. But I am not ready to face him,” she said, and I cut.

“And what, mother? I spent my entire life trying to get this, and now that I need you to help me finish it, you are coming up with excuses? What happened to everything you asked me to promise you? What happened to everything, Mother?” I asked her, feeling irritated.

“People died for this cause, and all you can tell me is that you aren’t ready?” I asked her, and she shook her head.

“I did not mean it that way. I am not ready to face my brother. It will bring back bad memories,” She complained, and I realised how myopic and selfish she was. I was indeed unfortunate.

“Your feelings are irrelevant. Right now, what is standing between us and the crown is your brother. If you do not follow me to the committee, you have failed me, and I will regret trying to keep my promise to you,” I said quickly because I was annoyed.

“But did you keep your promise, really, Niko? Gabriel is alive, and you are screwing his daughter. You might end up having halfbreed pups with Gabriel’s blood in their veins for all I know, so how have you kept your promise?” She said, and I looked at her. My temper was getting out of hand, and I tried to keep myself in control.

“Do not go there. Had Gabriel not let you go, we would not be here. I am sparing his life because he spared ours. He has paid for his crime, and I have taken everything from him. It is okay if you will not help me based on that. I will be content with just being Alpha of Forest, ” I said and was about to turn away and leave.

I wasn’t going to allow my mother to blackmail me. I sensed she was planning to bargain, and I wasn’t open to it.

“I will come with you. But you have to promise that you will do all it takes to take the crown peacefully. I do not want to witness another war, ” She said, almost in tears, and I looked at her.

I understood her point. She did not want her brother to attack us.

“As long as no one is trying to force me to do anything I do not want to do, then you have nothing to worry about, Mother. I will be patient and take the crown peacefully,” I said, and she smiled.

“I learned Aleksander has a daughter. Have you thought of a union with her? It will make it easier,” She said, and I started laughing.

She had not gone to the committee yet, we had yet to know where it would lead, and she was already thinking of marriage.

I somehow knew Aliana was still her problem, but I swallowed my words and chose to humour her. I had my eyes on the goal. Once I have achieved it, I will do as I like.

“Lena is dating Miles Gordon. Olive’s son, I suppose. The very son your brother is raising as his own and is planning to pass on as the legitimate heir by discrediting me,” I said.

I got the desired effect because shock and rage registered on her face.

“Also, King Aleksander would not allow me to marry his child for the sake of power. So she is out of the question. And before you speak, know that I requested for her, and he denied me,” I lied.

Technically I just asked, but I could live with the white lie.

“When do we leave for the meeting?” She asked me, fuming with anger.

I had struck her where needed. She was reacting as desired.

“Now,” I said, and she nodded.

“Meet me at the entrance in fifteen minutes,” I said, and she nodded and went to her closet to get ready.

I left her room.

While I walked away from my mother’s room, I imagined the toxic relationship she must have had with her brother.

Honestly, the two were more like adversaries than siblings.

I wondered what must have gone wrong between them.

Somehow I believe Forest was right in the middle of it, but only time would tell.

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