Forbidden Mate: Awakening

Chapter 53


Leo paced back and forth in front of me, his eyes burning with curiosity and something more sinister. The room felt stifling, the air heavy with tension as I knew he was preparing to interrogate me about the power I had just unleashed. My wrists were still bound, and I could feel the cool metal of the chains digging into my skin.

“So, Lily,” Leo began with a voice filled with false sweetness, “care to explain that little display of power? I must admit, I’m rather intrigued.”

I refused to let fear seep into me. I met his gaze with a defiant glare, “I don’t owe you any explanations, Leo. You have no right to question me.”

Leo chuckled darkly and narrowed his eyes at me. “Ah, but you see, my dear Lily, I have every right. As your captor, it is my duty to unmask the depths of your abilities. Your power is far greater than I had imagined. I really have underestimated you.”

I clenched my fists, the chains rattling against my skin. “What do you want from me, Leo? Why the fuck are you so obsessed with power?”

He paused, studying me intently before speaking again. “Lily, my dear, don’t you understand? Power is the key to everything. With it, I can fulfill my ultimate plan, my master plan. Without power, one is useless. With your power…your very precious power as I’ve come to realise, I can already see myself conquering all the nations of the realm.”

I felt a chill run down my spine as his words hung in the air. I had always known that Leo only had selfish motives, but now it was becoming clearer than ever. I wandered whether the vampires around him also knew the man they were laying down their lives to serve didn’t even give two fucks about them.

Also, it was just now it was really hitting me.

He lied about Adrian…what he showed me that day…all a lie…

When he told me earlier, it’s like it didn’t sink in. I was more interested in getting information, but now it really hit me.

I had been deceived, manipulated into believing his lies about Adrian being a devil and the one who was the greatest threat to all of us. How could I have even doubted Adrian?

Leo’s lips curled into a wicked smile as he noticed I was on the brink of tears. “Does power scare you, little wolf? But it shouldn’t…I thought you were brave; why cry when I tell you of my plans?”NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

I doubted Adrian. How could I?

His eyes gleamed with a dark fervor as he walked closer to me. “Oh, Lily, my plan right now has gotten more grand, thanks to you that is! Too grand for a little wolf like you to accept, nonetheless appreciate. I’ve already told you what I intend to use Adrian for. But now as I have seen you and your power…this power that you’ve so beautifully shown, it’s like no other. When I’m able to absorb every single drop of it from you, the Shadows and the vampire clan will join forces, and together, we will wipe out the werewolves and reign supreme. I…will reign supreme.”

The way he talked and gesticulated with a kind of childish allure sickened me more. It’s like that’s all he could think and ramble on about – wiping out werewolves from this realm.

I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. Leo had been playing everybody all along, manipulating the situation to serve his own dark agenda. Once again, I was pretty sure the vampires who followed him as henchmen had no idea how selfish and sickly this bastard was because there was no way you knew about his true intentions and would continue to follow him blindly. Adrian had been right about him, and I had doubted him.

“You lied to me,” I gritted my teeth. “All this time, everything you told me about Adrian… it was all a lie. I knew it. I can’t believe I doubted Adrian… I can’t believe… I would ever have doubted him. You’re the monster! You’re the greatest threat to both our people! You’re the demon! It’s you!” I shouted as loud as I can.

Leo chuckled, “Oh, little wolf, it was really satisfying to see how easily I could place doubt in your mind against one you call a soulmate. Love is simply useless. Everything was all for the greater good. You were merely a pawn in my game, a means to an end. That doubt I placed in you, Adrian could feel it and it broke him. I felt it too…he’s in shambles now and half is normal aura simply because you had doubted him because of me. Isn’t that charming?”

Anger surged within me. “Bastard!” I refused to let Leo’s plans come to fruition. “I won’t let you succeed. I will find a way to stop you.”

Leo’s eyes narrowed, a hint of irritation flickering across his face. “Stop rambling, little wolf.” He said, walked over to the other end of the room and then back to me. “You really underestimate me. I have anticipated your resistance. You see, once I suck out all your powers, aura and energy, there will be no stopping it. You will become my instrument of destruction.”

A shiver ran down my spine, but I refused to let fear consume me. I had to find a way to escape, to warn the others at the pack and rally them against Leo’s plans. I had to get out of there!

As Leo turned to leave, confident in his plans, I called out to him with a resolute voice. “Just know this: I may be chained now, but my spirit is unbreakable. You may have deceived me about Adrian for a moment, but I will find a way to stop you. I swear this with my life.”

Leo paused at the doorway and turned to me, a sly grin playing on his lips. “Oh, Lily, how I admire your determination. But remember, defiance only makes your fate more interesting and your end more satisfying to watch.”

With those words, he disappeared from the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I knew I couldn’t let despair consume me. I had to remain strong, find a way to escape, to save Adrian, and stop Leo’s malevolent plan.

I pulled and strained against the chains that held me, feeling the sharp metal boring into my skin. It hurt, but I knew I couldn’t give up. I had to move fast or face serious consequences.

Thoughts raced through my mind as I tried to figure out what to do next. Memories of conversations with Adrian flashed in my head. He had warned me about the vampire head, told me he couldn’t be trusted. I should have listened, but now I had to make things right.

Time was running out, and I couldn’t waste any more of it. I needed answers, help from others, and a plan to escape.

What can I do now?



Tyler felt nervous and guilty as he stood in front of Lily’s father and the council of elders. He had to tell them about what happened with his father, but he also wanted to protect the pack’s reputation and stability. He knew if he told them the truth, he would face the greatest punishment. He not only mortally injured his father but he mortally injured the Alpha of the pack. What was he thinking? Why didn’t he just control his emotions, his anger?

“I need to tell you about the incidence with my father,” Tyler began, trying to sound confident. “When he was training two days ago, his back suddenly gave out on him and he got seriously hurt.”

Henry looked serious and suspicious as he asked, “How did this happen?”

Tyler took a moment to think, trying to come up with an excuse. “It was an accident during our combat training,” he explained carefully. “He fell and got badly hurt. I tried to help, but it was obvious he was already badly injured.”

The council members looked at each other, showing concern and sympathy.

“During combat training?”

“His back?”

“The Alpha has never complained of having any issues with his back. So what really happened?” One inquired.

“He’s been having issues with it since the beginning of the new season but he kept it a secret so the people wouldn’t doubt his capacity to continue leading.” Tyler’s face was stiff.

They all hummed in understanding.

One of the elders wanted to know more about the fight witnessed by others. “But one of the guards told us he witnessed an argument between both of you yesterday before you called him and his colleague in.”

Tyler took a deep breath and tried to act composed. He said, “Yes, we had a disagreement when we were both very angry. I feel really bad about it. But I want to assure you all that it was just that one time, and my father’s injuries had nothing to do with our argument.”

Lily’s father stared at Tyler, trying to see if he was telling the truth. He said, “Are you sure about this? We can’t have conflicts in our pack, especially now when things are already difficult. And we certainly can’t have our Alpha down at this moment.”

Tyler nodded confidently and stayed calm. He said, “I promise you, as a member of the pack and his son, that what I’m saying is true. My father’s injuries were a terrible accident, and our argument didn’t cause them directly.”

After thinking for a moment, Henry let out a sigh, and his serious face softened a bit. “Alright, Tyler. We’ll believe your version of what happened. But remember, as our future leader, you have a responsibility to keep the pack together and make sure to avoid unnecessary conflicts. Whatever you and your father were arguing about yesterday, I believe it was about your upcoming ascension onto the throne. We expect you to lead with wisdom and honesty.”

Tyler nodded respectfully, lowering his head. “I understand, and I promise to do my best. I’ll work hard to keep the pack united and protect our interests.”

“Hopefully, the Alpha gets better and the injuries aren’t fatal…” Henry added.

“Hopefully.” The elders echoed.

As the council meeting ended, Tyler felt both relieved and uneasy. He had successfully hidden the truth about the fight with his father, keeping the pack from knowing the painful reality. But deep inside, he felt guilty for deceiving them. He felt more guilty for the act he committed. He won’t ever be able to look his father in the face again, or even lead as the Alpha with a clear heart.

In the following days, Tyler focused on preparing himself to become the pack’s leader and general. He trained nonstop, improving his skills and learning all he needed to. He would deliberately not go to his father’s room to see him even though Henry would tell him his father constantly wanted to talk to him. He just couldn’t face him. Despite carrying the weight of his secret, he knew how important his role was and how crucial it was to set a good example for others, so he tried to focus wholly on preparing to be the next Alpha.

Some times, he would find himself thinking about Lily. If she was beside him; if he didn’t hurt her maybe she’d still be beside him as his…No, it was to painful to think of. He would always brush the thought away as soon as it came in.

Inside, Tyler felt a mix of different feelings. He felt bad for what he had done to his father, his actions weighing heavily on his conscience. But at the same time, he also felt a strong desire to prove himself and show that he could be responsible.

He was about to start a new phase of his life, during a time were an impactful war was brooding.

He would have to learn from his mistakes and remember the importance of working together and being honest. He wanted to prove himself to his father and to everyone else.

He was to be the next Alpha of the BlueMoon pack.

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