Forbidden Love: My Daddy's Best Friend

Forbidden 237

Forbidden 237

Chapter 237

“Silence him D.” I don’t look back, I keep my eyes on Cain. “Here’s the deal Cain. You tell us what you knew. I shoot you. You’re dead quick and easy. You won’t be tortured anymore by us or have the risk of the Coppola family coming for you. You don’t speak, I use you as a muse for cutting and carving for every single person down here.”

I watch him gulp, his eyes flying around the room. He’s the weaker one, the one who will speak and take a quick death.

“Fine. They took her to Solace, the one Wolversons took over. They plan to use her to get this city and Solace.”

“Solace? How would taking Daisy get that? Wolversons have nothing to do with Daisy. The only way they would give up Solace is for their queen, Emmi!”

“Apparently it will create a war between you and them. Coppola family plans to give Daisy to them in exchange for Solace if it looks like you‘ re going to win.”

“You fucking idiots! The Wolversons know us, they were here this week! Where are they keeping her? And why Daisy?”

“Solace’s family had a second house. They have her there. Why Daisy? Well, let’s just say someone paid them a lot of money to get her, and got them all the information they needed. Two men, Dean and Richard, worked together to gather info, pay off some of your guards and get information in exchange for Daisy.”

I look at Marc, we need to leave.

Chapter 237

“What about her parents?” D steps forward pushing me out of the way.

“You didn’t know?” He looks at us surprised.

“Know what?” What don’t we know?

“Daisy’s aunty, Evalyn, was married into the Coppola family, when they found out Daisy was with you, they went to the Coppola family, and claimed that you were the ones who killed Evalyn, but those who are smart know her parents killed her. Evalyn was the only reason her parents didn’t sell her, it was her parents who killed Evalyn, there’s proof on my phone showing they did it.” I look through the phones. grabbing the one he says is his.

“He dies quickly, the rest die slowly. We need to leave.” I walk through the building knowing we need to ring Dante, we’re bringing war to his city, and he either stays out of it or sides with us. Taking out the phone I hit the number and wait.

“Calix, was there an issue with the guy?”

“The Coppola family took Daisy to Solace City. We’re coming, this is your only warning, if you try and block us, it’s saying you want war and we will bring it to you.” I fasten the guns onto me as D grabs grenades and other shit.

“Calix, give me an hour. Not to stop you, still come but give me an hour to track down some of the family. We will come with you. They are hiding her in our city, we won’t stand for that.”

I should relax slightly but I can’t.

“I will round up my guys, half will go searching for links and anyone from the Coppola family, the other half will come to help save her.”

Chapter 237

“Dante, a guy here said someone there wants to start a war between us. So if I so much as feel like you’re stepping over that line I will shoot, all of you.” I hang up not waiting for his reply. How did they get her into the city without anyone telling him?

“Right, let’s go, it will take a few hours to drive there. It’s late as well, so we take as many guards and cars as we can,

can, that way anyone outside the cities won’t dare bother us.” I walk down, stopping when I see Grant gripping Oliver. He looks up to me and screams.

“Do what you want to him Grant, he’s the reason the guards are dead, the reason Troy is fucking dead!” I walk past leaving him with Grant. Troy may have been our head of security, the head of our guards but he and Grant were close. Closer than any other guards, so I know Oliver will regret his choice.

We leave in the cars and D stares out of the window. I nudge him watching as he turns to look at me.

“Head straight D. The last thing we need is you killing one of the Wolversons or their guards in your manic hyper maniatic crazed state, you need to calm the fuck down.”

“Calm down? They have her, Dean wanted revenge on her and we all know Richard has been waiting to get his hands on her to finish her.” He screams in my face and I nod.

“Which means it won’t be quick. It means she will be alive D. She might be hurt, but she will be alive, don’t fuck this up, or I swear!” I can’t fight to Wolversons and save her, and if D goes fucking crazy we will have a war.

“Whatever, just leave me alone.” He turns back to the road and I feel Marc tap me, turning I look at him. He’s hurting, even though he’s


Chapter 237

fighting off crying it’s clear he is close.

“Give him a break. Daisy is the first woman he ever loved. Really loved them, so right now, he feels like he’s losing her. You know full well that D is crazy, his emotions don’t run along the coastline Cal, they flow through the fucking water and constantly grow. Once we get her back, his mood will change.”

I know he is right, I won’t help by shouting at him either. So nodding I sit and use my phone to make calls. Each one will be warned. I save their daddy until last.

Calling I hear him answer.

“Your family took something of ours. Something precious and irreplaceable. Until we get her back alive, unharmed be ready for heads to be delivered, your families heads.” I hang up not wanting a reply, Marc looks at me.

“Cold.” Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

“I meant it. Everyone we kill gets sent to him. He will either give in or come out and try to fight.” He took Daisy, I will take everyone he holds close. No one in their family is safe. Unfortunately for the family, they don’t just have us to deal with. They have the Wolversons as well.


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