Forbidden Heat

Chapter 44: Eye of the Storm

Chapter 44: Eye of the Storm

Eye of the Storm

Reiner is still fast asleep and | was working hard to resist my urge to reach out my hand to touch his

wonderfully unique red hair. Seeing his face still

and up close made me realize all the more how good looking he is. His eyelashes were auburn, slightly

lighter and not as red compared to his hair, and

long. His nose and lips were also beautifully shaped. They usually made him look so manly but right

now they made him look quite adorably cute. He

seems to be in a deep sleep so | guess he won't wake up if...

| reached out my right hand slowly towards his head until finally | could feel his hair lightly rubbing

against my fingertips. Wow! His hair is much softer

than | imagined. This feel a little like stroking an orange little baby fox. Enjoying the sensation, | moved

my hand closer to stroke his hair lightly.

Looking at his face, | was relieved that he was still fast asleep. Playing and teasing him a bit like this

was making me feel quite cheerful and | could

feel asmile on my lips. | stared at his face for a while as | enjoyed the peace and quiet of the night.

He wouldn't wake up if | touched his lips, right? | thought optimistically as | reached out my fingertips

towards his beautiful lips. Please just let me

touch them softly a little. | brushed my thumb ever so softly on his lower lip feeling its warm and soft

touch on my fingertip along with the warmth

from his breathing. He looks so precious in that moment, and | wanted to thank him for taking care of

me so well.

“Ah!” | yelped in surprise when | felt something warm and wet on my thumb as Reiner took my thumb

into his mouth and began sucking it lightly.

Instinctively, | started to pull back my hand but he caught my wrist with his hand making it impossible

for me to move. He continued sucking and

licking my thumb as his now-opened blue eyes gazed back at me. His warm tongue on my skin is

making my body shiver a little.

“Are you done playing with me?” he asked seductively after he released my thumb from his warm and

wet lips.

“Sorry, | woke you...| mean, when did you wake up?” | asked in a shy voice. He hasn't been awake all

this time, right?

“Actually, | woke up when you woke up. When you first stirred in your sleep, it woke me. I’m a very light

sleeper. I’m an ex-mercenary, so yeah...” Reiner

explained as his eyes lit up teasingly.

“So, you were awake when I touched your hair?” | asked for confirmation.

“Yup. When you touched my hair, stared at my face, and stroke my lips, | was awake throughout all

those things,” Reiner confirmed my worst ever

suspicion. | felt blood rush to my face and knew that | must be blushing hard.

“Would you like to confess to me why you were playing with me in my sleep?” Reiner asked in a

seemingly innocent voice. He must be playing with me


“L..thought you looked cute,” | replied, deciding to be honest.

“Me...cute? That's the first time someone's called me cute,” Reiner replied seeming quite confused at

my words.

“I looked cute while you were sleeping. When you’re awake you're very manly and

not...cute, | guess?” | tried to explain. | wasn't sure if this

was helping.

“Are you feeling better?” Reiner asked as moved closer to me to place his hand softly on my forehead

to check if | had a fever.

“I'm feeling better. | don’t think | have a fever either.

Umm...thank you for taking such good care of me. Did you...umm...clean me and change my clothes?”

I asked with shaky voice.

I sort of already knew the answer though.

*..Yeah, I did,” Reiner replied with a tight smile.

*...S0, you saw...” I mumbled softly.

“Sorry! I didn’t mean to see you naked,” Reiner apologized as he stood up from his seat and bowed to


“It’s ok. I didn’t mean that... Thank you. I wouldn’t have wanted the maids to see me that way...” I

replied and my voice trailed

off as my mind recalled how Lucien treated me so roughly.

I didn’t mind that Reiner saw my naked body at all. I just didn’t want him to see and touch my filthy and

messed up body. If he

cleaned me that he probably saw it all, the hickeys on my body that Lucien intentionally left and the

traces of his seed on my

inner thighs and legs. He’s probably disgusted with me deep inside and I couldn’t blame him. Afterall,

right now, I feel pretty

disgusted with myself too.

I felt tears sting my eyes and I wanted to be left alone now.

“I’m ok now. I’m going back to sleep. I think you should go back to your room,” I told Reiner as I turned

by body away from

him. I hope he would leave soon. I didn’t want him to see me cry.

“Alright. Goodnight, Natalia,” Reiner replied softly and left.

After I heard the door to my bedroom click close after Reiner left, I started crying my eyes out. I curled

myself into a small ball

and cried silently.

I love Lucien so much so when he touches me roughly like that I feel so hurt. This is worst than any

nightmare. Even if I told

Lucien that I loved him, I doubt that he would believe me now. It also doesn’t change the fact that I’ve

slept with Edward so

many times that we might as well be regular lovers. On top of all that, it probably doesn’t matter how I

feel, Lucien will be

marrying Angela very soon.

I just want to get away from here. I hope his threats about keeping me locked up in this house is not

true. I guess I can still go

out if I take Reiner with me and that is probably my only source of comfort right now.

I’m still crying quite heavily. My body knows exactly what to do to fall asleep again. My body’s just

going to cry until it shut

down and went to sleep. I probably want to do just that as well. Welcome back, my habit of crying

myself to sleep. Mum, I just

want to leave this place. Maybe Lucien isn’t who you thought he was. Maybe...we’re not really family

after all...

It’s so warm. My body was suddenly enveloped in something warm. I opened my eyes lazily to realize

that Reiner was by my

side and hugging me tightly. I slowly sat up and I could make out his face a bit better in the dark as his

face came closer to


“Why are you here?” I asked in a whisper. My voice sounds hoarse and it was clear that I had been

crying quite a lot.

“Am I supposed to leave you to cry yourself to sleep?” Reiner replied as he hugged me against his

chest. I could feel his

warmth and the sound of his strong heart beating as I laid my face against this muscular chest. His hug

was so comforting that

I felt tears in my eyes once more. With everything going on in my harsh reality, the comfort of his arms

feels like sanctuary.

“It’s ok to cry.

I'll be here for you,” Reiner comforted me as his hand stroked my hair tenderly.

“You don’t hate me? I don’t disgust you?” I blurted out my worries.

“Is that what’s been bothering you? You’re beautiful. I don’t hate you and you don’t disgust me...”

Reiner said sweetly as he

lifted my head from his chest.

Our eyes met and his face was so close to mine. I could feel his warm breath on my forehead and his

face slowly came even closer. His arms were now around my waist and pulling me closer to him. I

hooked my arm around his neck, slowly pulling him down lower as I offered my lips to him. His

attractive blue eyes were the last thing that I saw before our lips slowly touched.

His kiss is so warm and gentle. It was slow and comforting. He didn’t demand anything from me and we

just enjoyed each

other’s company. It was such a chaste kiss but it made me feel so wanted. From NôvelDrama.Org.

“Goodnight, Natalia,” Reiner spoke softly as got up to leave.

“Can't you...stay?” I blurted out my genuine desire. I wanted to spend more time with him but I guess

my words could be taken the wrong way and I looked down nervously.

“I’m afraid you won’t be getting much sleep if I stayed. Sleep well, Natalia,” Reiner teased me a little

before heading out the door.

We are never going to do anything in that room. Natalia being so unsuspecting and innocent has not

realized it, but to my

trained eye, that peeping hole disguised in her wall is such an obvious trick. We will never know when

someone is peeping in on

us through that hole. Whoever installed the hole and is using it, must have a very twisted taste. If I

cover the hole then the

owner will know that he’s been discovered. I don’t have any other choice, I guess I'll just have to find

the right opportunity to

warn Natalia about it...

--To be continued...

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