Forbidden Heat

Chapter 23: His Deal

Chapter 23: His Deal

We boarded the cruise where we will be cruising to fish and relax for the weekend. The cruise belongs

to our family so this is not the first time that I’ve been here with Lucien and Zak. First off to our rooms.

Thank god the cruise was luxuriously huge and had enough rooms for everyone. Being rich has its perk

for sure this time, I thought, otherwise I’ll surely be sharing a room with Angela. If that was the case, I’d NôvelD(ram)a.ôrg owns this content.

rather sleep out in the open…

After freshening up and changing into my white bikini I headed up on deck where Lucian and Zak were

busy preparing our barbecue lunch. There were maids around on this cruise but I guess Zak and

Lucien wanted to the experience of cooking our lunch themselves.

“Hi, boys!” I greeted them cheerfully with the brightest smile I could put on.

Their faces lit up with smiles as well as they greeted me. At times like these, I try my best to forget the

mess of my life and just enjoy the moment as it comes. I decided to help them prepare the barbecue.

Angela soon came on deck wearing a very revealing red bikini. She looks like an adult magazine

model, which is smoking hot. I have to give her fair credit where it’s due. I wonder how Lucien feels

seeing her like that. Their engagement was sudden and although Lucien never explained it to me, I can

sense that the elders probably had a big say in it. I wonder if Lucien loves her…

“Lucien, we have decided that it would be in the company’s and the family’s best interest if you marry

Angela Woodwick. Her father’s business in energy and his tight ties to powerful politicians is what we

need to further grow the family’s business. Her family is also wealthy and well recognized in foreign

circles. Having you marry her will be for the best,” Elizabeth declared in a commanding voice. Elizabeth

is currently the chairwomen of the company and the head of the elders.

Lucien looked up from where he knelt on one knee on the deep red carpeted floor at the 3 elders. Our

company and therefore, family, is run by the “elders”. The elders are chosen by vote from family

members to take on management of the company and also of family affairs with the sole purpose of

making decisions that would be best for the company’s and family’s interests. Strictly business and void

of any human emotions, they view family members merely as resources to expand the business. Each

family member’s path in life is destined by the elder group from a young age including: education,

training, career, dating, marriage, etc. However, in the end the elders are human and if you please

them well enough, there will start to be room for negotiations.

Today, Lucien is here to make the second big negotiation of his life with the elders and for that to go

through, he must make big sacrifices.

“I will agree on two conditions,” Lucien said in a monotonous voice.

“So, you want to make a deal? Sure, what are your conditions?” Elizabeth asked without any surprise

in her voice. She knew that Lucien would not agree to a loveless marriage without placing conditions.

“One, I will divorce her when the business deal has gone through and the set-up is complete or in two

years, whichever comes first. Two, Natalia will become my lover and next marriage partner. You all will

acknowledge her immediately as such and treat her so,” Lucien stated the conditions that he had


Lucien wants Natalia as his wife? Elizabeth’s eyes narrowed as she glanced to the other elders on

either of her side. To acknowledge Natalia as Lucien’s lover and future wife would mean that we won’t

be able to touch her or arrange any marriage prospects for her. Is this what Lucien is going after? He’s

married her mother before and now he wants to marry the daughter, what does he aim to gain?

“Fine. We, the elders, agree to this proposal. You will announce your engagement to Angela as soon as

possible. However, if Natalia does not wish to become your lover or marry you, we will not force her in

the matter,” Elizabeth agreed to Lucien’s proposal. Future problems can be dealt with later, for now, the

business contract comes first. Angela’s father is trying to cover up many of his daughter’s scandals and

is willing to invest so much money in the company if that means he can marry his daughter off. The fact

that Angela is smitten with Lucien is making this deal much easier for both sides.

The elders got up from their seats, signaling the end of their conversation. Lucien got up and turned to

leave the cold hall.

“Wait for me, Natalia…” he whispered under his breath to none other than himself.

It’s not often that we’re on a cruise, so I am determined to enjoy myself. Zak and I went for a dip in the

pool on the ship’s deck. The weather is so nice and sunny today, the wind in my hair feels refreshing,

the birds flying up above seemed to be enjoying themselves as well.

“Feeling better? You’ve been feeling down for a while now, right?” Zak asked in a soft tone as he

moved to sit even closer to me in the water.

“Might as well enjoy ourselves while we can. Are you ok though? You know, about Annie…” I trial off.

“It doesn’t bother me, to be honest. I’ve always known that I wouldn’t be able to choose who I marry. As

you know, I’ve spent most of my life negotiating with my mother and the elders to pursue my career.

They wouldn’t let me model outright but I eventually could get involve in fashion, arts, film and I could

lead marketing for our family business. If dating Annie is the price that I have to pay to keep those

things, I guess it isn’t so bad,” Zak explained his viewpoint passively.

“I guess it’s fine if you’re really ok with it...” I replied. Not knowing what else to say.

Zak squeezed my hand under the water.

“Will you stay with me?” Zak asked while looking deep into my eyes. His hazel eyes with those light

blond long lashes are so beautiful like eyes of a golden lion.

“Forever…as long as you still want me around,” I promised. As long as Zak needs me, we will always

be together. Our relationship will never fade; just like the scars he bears for me.

Evening came much faster than I thought. So far, I’ve been able to avoid Angela by sticking to Zak.

Angela spent her time sitting around Lucien, who spent most of the day working on his laptop. It was

plain as day that this cruise was not Lucien’s idea and he would rather be spending time working this

weekend away in his study.

Dinner with the four of us was awkward at best. Angela tried to make small talk but today Lucien was

very taciturn and unfriendly. Zak on the other hand didn’t jump in to help and I obviously did not want to

talk to her.

“This cruise is simply amazing. Isn’t it? We should spend more of our weekends on holidays like this.

Small getaways are good for relaxing too, right?” Angela said encouraging while beaming her best


Lucien didn’t reply not even bothering to look up from his mobile screen. Whatever joy he presented

when he first introduced Angela to me at our house was now gone. Did they get into a fight?

“Usually I just go out with Natalia or Natalia with Lucien. We don’t usually go on group gatherings

much, unfortunately,” Zak replied before guiding my attention to look at some newly launched fashion

collection on his mobile. Ultimately excluding Angela from our conversation entirely.

The atmosphere was so tense that the good food lost all of its flavor. I feel bad for the chef for cooking

up all this.

“I think I’m going to excuse myself. The sun was hot so I’m feeling a little tired and dizzy,” I smiled

weakly as I excused myself.

“Oh…let me take care of you then. I’ll bring some champagne along too,” Zak quickly picked up on my

queue and left with me.

Lucien looked up to watch us leave then returned his gaze back to his mobile.

I woke up from my nap and it was already night out. I should shower and change for bedtime. Entering

into the bathroom, I could see that the maids have prepared the bath with scented aromatic candles

and laid out my nightgown. I should thank them when I get the chance, I thought to myself as I slid into

the warm bath water.

The warm water feels so relaxing and I was on the verge of dozing off when I heard my bedroom door

open. Is it the maid? I should tell her I don’t require her assistance anymore tonight so she can retire

for the day.

“Who is it? I won’t be needing your support anymore for today. You can go rest, no need to worry about

me,” I called out to her from the bath, my eyes still closed as I continued to enjoy the warm bath. The

lavender scented candles doing its job of calming my nerves very well.

I didn’t hear her reply. That’s odd…

The next moment, the bathroom door slowly opened. Maybe she didn’t hear me and came to help give

my back a wash or to massage me, I thought sleepily. She didn’t need to, although I wouldn’t mind a

back scrub, I thought lazily as I turned towards her.

Mesmerizing green eyes met mine.

Lucien. Why is he here? Oh god, I’m completely naked!

“Lucien…? Do you need something?” I asked in a small quivering voice as I tried to hide my body

deeper into the water and foam. Conscious that I’m not the only one lacking clothing, Lucien was naked

except for the white towel he has wrapped around his waist. This is not good, he might not be thinking

anything along those lines but I am starting to feel…

His body is beautiful, his skin white and smooth like marble. His whole body muscular and firm, his

biceps, his chest, his six packs. The hair starting at the base of his stomach and trailing down to his…

Our eyes were still locked and silence hung in the air.

“I do,” Lucien finally replied as he walked slowly over to the bathtub. He’s getting closer and closer.

What is he going to do? I wondered.

Lucien came right to the edge of the bathtub before crouching down so his face was at my level. He

kept on staring into my eyes and it was making me even more nervous. I hugged my legs to my chest


“You said you were feeling a bit sick and tired. Are you feeling better?” Lucien asked as he dipped one

arm into the water.

“Yes, I took a nap and now I’m feeling much better. You don’t need to worry,” I replied mustering up a

smile. You can leave now, Lucien.

“I see. I’m happy to hear it,” Lucien replied softly. His voice was low, his spirits seemed low as well. He

was no longer looking at me but down into the foamy water where his hand played with the warm water

and bubbles. He seemed depress and very stressed out, I was starting to worry about him. He always

worries about me but never complains or shows me his weaknesses.

“Are you feeling down? Is there something I can help you with?” I asked with worry in my voice. After

all, he did tell me that he needed something when he came in.

“Give me your hand,” He instructed and I complied, stretching out my hand to him. He took my hand in

his and kissed the palm of my hand softly. I soft gasp escaped my lips at the shock of what he just did.

Lucien did not stop as he flipped my small hand in his larger one and kissed the back of my hand. His

lips and breath are so warm even against my warm skin. Then he placed my open hand against his

right cheek as he leaned his face into my palm and closed his eyes.

“Lucien…” I didn’t know what to say to him. Whatever it was that was bothering him must be worst than

I can possibly imagine. I have never seen him like this before in our ten years living together. He looked

like a wounded beast that needed comforting. Strange but very adorable at the same time

I wanted to help him in anyway that I can. I wasn’t sure what was troubling him but I could sort of guess

that it probably had something to do with the business he had with the elders. He has to visit the elders

at least once a month and whenever he came back, he would seem a bit down. Perhaps this is one of

those episodes but just way worst than ever before this time around. I wish he would confide in me but

I’ve never pressured him to tell me anything he didn’t want to.

While those thoughts were running through my head, Lucien had let go of my hand and has stood up.

He is leaving? Already? I wasn’t sure if I was happy or disappointed at the thought of him leaving. I

never got to find out because the next moment, he was getting into the bathtub with me!

--To be continued…

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