
A woman was calling me, her soft voice alluring just like her touches were. I felt with every caress of it the intense love that seemed to never fade coming from her.

Chasing my breath, I kissed her while applying our lips. The strands of her long hair were left by the rays coming from the round moon from the window. I couldn’t help but pull her even further towards me, kissing me with full joy and excitement.

With this woman, my heart is full and overjoyed.

I hastened even more in apprehension and excitement to touch her. It felt as though my heart would explode every time she calls my name. Her hands were warm, soft, yet hot all at the same time while grasping at my back.

I groaned, reaching my climax as I held her closer. In those moments, I just wanted to feel her whole and I couldn’t understand but gradually felt anxiety in my chest.


I frowned when I heard another woman’s voice.

“Troy, wake up. You’re dreaming again…”

I slowly opened my eyes. Almost immediately, an unfamiliar white ceiling greeted me.

“Troy, are you okay? Here, take this drink first. I’ll bring your medicines. Wait for me, okay?” The woman said softly from my side as I finally noticed her.

I sighed, almost wanting to curse out loud. It wasn’t an unfamiliar ceiling. It was my room with Crista, my wife.

I seem to be dreaming again. Every time it happens I can’t help but feel a variety of emotions. This was due to two reasons. First, I dream of events I cannot explain. I feel like they have happened before but sometimes, I also feel like I am just mistaken in my thoughts. Second, there is a woman I always see in my dreams. And often, in my dreams, I always kiss her in my arms. I was intimate with her. Too intimate that I always find myself hot and breathless. But the problem is, I don’t even know her.

For some reason, her face is always blurry, unrecognizable as if it was intentionally kept by some unknown force.

“Troy, these are your medicines. I think you’re having a nightmare again,” Crista sighed while holding my hand. “Would you like to see the doctor again?”

I shook my head and looked at the blanket covering me, “No, it’s fine.”

I know Crista is not to blame. I am the only one with a problem here. She is innocent and pure. In fact, she had been a little too kind and patient for being the only one who nursed me back to health from the beginning – ever since the day I had an accident and lost the ability to walk, that was.

“I don’t think you’re fine at all. I’ll call Doctor Louis to be sure, okay?” she said and stood up slightly.

Knowing her persistent character, I stopped disagreeing and just nodded. She eventually left. Brushing my hair through my fingers, I bit my lip so hard that I remembered my dream again.

Who is the woman in my dream? Shouldn’t Crista be the only one I think and fantasize about with all my heart and soul?

That’s right. Crista is my wife … And we already have two children. They are Yohan and Amy. According to Crista, Yohan and Amy are twins. When they were born, I claimed I was the happiest person on the planet as Crista had always mentioned. And now they were soon turning five years old.Content © NôvelDrama.Org.


Speaking of, I felt the door open and two children, a girl and a boy, entered.

I smiled at them and called out. “Hey. Come here, Yohan, Amy.”

“Daddy, are you okay?” Amy asked. She’s so cute and I can’t explain but my heart melts whenever she calls me daddy. It might be because, according to Crista, I’ve always been protective of Amy the most.

“I’m fine, baby. Daddy’s head hurts a bit. Did you two play? Where’s Violet?” I asked them.

Violet is the nanny of the twins, she takes care of them, especially whenever Crista has to leave for work. Our house is now on an island and if I think about it, it is far from the city. This place is quiet and peaceful, far away from the smoky and stressful environment on the mainland. Crista told me I don’t remember anything and according to her, they are the only family I have left.

At first, I was a little apprehensive and could not believe what Crista said. A part of me thought she was lying. But that was only until she showed me our marriage certificate with the very clear date of our wedding. Even the official and registered birth certificates of Yohan and Amy, I was the father there. I know I couldn’t think suspiciously about her anymore after that, not with my bond strengthening with the kids, especially Amy, letting me know I was indeed a father.

“She went to the city to visit her family, remember?” Crista reminds me. It was only then that I realized she had returned with the medicine in her hands.

She approached us, gave me the medicine, and stood beside our children. “Come on now, little munchkins. Let daddy rest some more, okay?”

“No! We want to play! We want to play!” Amy said while pouting.

Crista laughed and gently stroked Amy’s head. “Why don’t you two play with mommy instead?”

“Are you serious, mom?” Yohan asked his mommy with sparking eyes.

Crista nodded and smiled even more, “Yes, of course. Come on, let’s play in the garden. Violet will come soon, too.”

“Yay!!” Yohan and Amy answered happily. She turned to me and grinned, “Daddy join us tomorrow, okay?”

I smiled and ruffled her hair. “I will, baby.” I can’t get enough of my daughter’s cuteness.

They followed Crista out holding hands. Crista gave me a smile once offering, “Would you like to come too, honey?”

“Ah, no. I’m gonna take a bath first.”

“Oh, do you want me to–”

“No, it’s okay. Go after the kids They’re already waiting for you,” I said with a smile.

Crista seemed to want to argue with what I said but I insisted on telling her that I could do it. Actually, I was being honest when I said I could do it. There were days I feel like I can move my legs, bit by bit. Although Crista keeps saying that I can’t walk again, for some unknown reason, a part of me always thinks the opposite…

I went inside the bathroom and started to take a bath and clean myself. With the flow of water on my skin, I gradually remembered my dream once more. Every kiss and every tug I made on that woman seemed to burn my whole body. Excessive and intense emotions flow into my blood every time our lips connected. With every caress, every touch, I feel my heart exploding out of happiness, my whole being coming alive.

I can’t help it. I know it’s wrong because I’m already married. But I can’t also deny the feeling I get whenever I see her. That woman is the only person who can give me so much excitement, pleasure, and overflowing emotions I never know I can feel at all.

I don’t know why this is happening to me. I can’t explain why she’s the only person that enters my dream again and again. It leaves me with the one question that I desperately want to know the answer to…

Who is she? Who is the woman who always visits me in my dream?

With every question, I could not help but have something sting in my chest. I feel like I’m going crazy if I can’t know the name of the person in my dream… And every time I think of actually seeing and being with her, my heart couldn’t help but swell with excitement and joy. If that person has the ability to make me feel this way through dreams, just imagine if she’s an actual person.

It’s driving me insane.

Once I find her, whoever she is, I will never hesitate to kiss her, hold her, hug her, own her entire body, heart, and soul.

For some unexplainable reason, I just wanted that person to be mine. Mine alone. Addiction, madness, whatever I can call how I feel, I don’t care anymore.

That person is mine, and once I find her, I will never let her go no matter what happens. There’s no way I could.

Author’s Note: Thank you for reading and supporting Forbidden Affections: Addicted to my Stepmom. Next is the second chapter, where many more things will take place and new characters will appear and try to stop a refreshed romance of two people separated by fate and forces. Will they be able to cope with the changes and challenges caused by a great tragedy? How will they be able to continue their love when they are already tied to other people? Watch out for Book 2 of Forbidden Affections. A love that burns like fire.

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