First Love

Chapter 31


I tried to push my eyes open when a sharp headache hits me. A nerve cracking pain erupted from my feet. Blinking, I screamed in pain and tears started coming out on their own.

“What the fuck happened to you?” Adrain came rushing through the door.

I instantly stopped screaming and tried to suppress my tears but all in vain. My feet were hurting and so do my heart. I am tired. I am tired of all that’s happening to me even though I am not at fault.

“Why the fuck are you screaming? I was sleeping, damnit. You fucking ruined my sleep.” He hissed.

I shivered hearing his harsh tone and decided to stop crying otherwise he might get into worse mood but I can’t help it. The pain was unbearable.

“M-My feet. I-It’s h-hurting.” I shuttered.

He looked at me intently then at my feet and then rolled his eyes. “So what?”

I cried. What else could I expect from him. He’s a monster. He will never be able to understand that how much it hurts to suffer his torturers. I really want to die. I want to end this pain and it’ll only happen when I’ll die.

My feet is bleeding. Broken glasses are still there in my feet. What else am I supposed to act in such situation? He only cares about his sleep, don’t he?

He came to me and sat on the bed near my feet. Shuffling his fingers through his hair, he yawned. “I was having such a good sleep.” He mumbled.

I looked at him in disbelief but stayed still, crying my heart out.

He stood up and get out of the room and I was about to remove glass pieces before he returned, now with a box in his hand.

He sat besides my feet and placed them on his lap. I blinked not understanding his actions. Is he once again going to make me suffer? Will he apply something on my feet which will make it hurt more?

But to my surprise, I found medical kit in his hands. My mouth went wide in shock and all I did was to stare him. What happened to him? Is he really going to clear my wounds?

He held my feet and mercilessly removed all the pieces in one go without even giving me a chance to react. And trust me when he did so, the pain was too much. I flinched and tried to pull my feet away from him but he held them still.

“P-Please don’t hurt me, Adrain.” I stammered.

He looked at me and then laughed.

“I am doing otherwise, bitch.”

He then applied ointments and bandaged my feet. After finishing it, he clapped his hands together and looked at me.

What’s wrong with him? Why he’s acting strangely?

I remember calling me as his wife Infront of everyone. What’s he’s up to?

“Can I ask you something?”

“Go ahead.”

“Why did you call me as your wife?” I asked, hoping to get a straight answer from him.

He shrugged his shoulders. “Nobody else can hurt you. It’s my right to do so after all you’re my bitch not someone’s else. You’re here to quench my thirst of revenge and only I have right to do so.” He said, looking straight into my eyes.

I became frustrated of him and all of sudden my tongue slipped. “Then why this care? Why you applied ointments?”

He stared at me and then in matter of seconds, he twisted my feet. I screamed in pain and he laughed like a maniac.

Blood again started oozing out from my feet but he paid no attention to it.

“I want you to be alive so that I can peacefully take my vengeance on you.” He spoke, bluntly.

I blinked away the tears. “Why? What have I done?”

“You took everything from me.” He hissed, twisting my feet further.

“I-I…” Trailing off, I cried.

“Fine. Let’s play question and answer but…”

“But?” I asked.

“But on your every question, I’ll twist your feet. Are you ready?”

Fuck you, Adrain. You’re really a monster.

“I am ready.” I said.

Chuckling he softly massaged my feet. “Ask.”

Come on Lily, you can endure this pain.

Just ask him questions of everything that’s rushing through your head.

“How much do you hate me?” I asked.

I closed my eyes in pain when he ruthlessly twisted my feet. Blood spluttered out my feet.

“Enough to kill your soul without actually killing you.”

Can’t he be more specific? I am bearing pain for his answers after all.


“Next question.” He chuckled.

Biting my lips I thought of asking something else. “What’s your favourite movie?” I don’t know why I asked so but I did.

He stilled, glaring my face being unable to understand my question but anyways he twisted my feet without even answering me and that’s when I knew how to hit his nerve. I am no damsel in distress. I am stubborn and today he’ll get to know that.

“What’s your favourite movie.” I asked, again.

And once again he twisted my feet.

You think you can hurt me more Adrain? No. You’ve already done worse.

“Say that again, Bitch.” He said.

And that’s when I laughed. I laughed to let him know that I don’t care no more. Hurt me however he wants, I just don’t care.

“What’s your fucking favourite movie, Adrain.” I laughed.

He stared into my eyes and greeted his teeth in irritation. He was now burning in anger.

Good! I thought to myself and turned my face away from him.

He came forward to grab me by my neck and looked straight into my eyes till I started struggling to breathe. Tears came down my face but I didn’t utter a word. That’s okay. If he wants to kill me then do, I don’t care.

“Don’t try to mess with me, Lily.” He hissed.

“I… I-Lily? And now you’re taking my name?” I asked.

He grabbed my neck harder and I closed my eyes in pain.

“Fuck you, Bitch.”

“Y-You’ve already f-fucked my life.” I stammered.

He left my neck and stood up to stare at me. Watching me smile, he fumed in anger but I was not scared of him anymore. What else he can do? Kill me? Go ahead, I am ready for it too.Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Then let me fuck you.” And now it was his turn to laugh.

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