Filthy Secret

Chapter 59

We pass over the threshold as a new line of naked men-hard cocks bobbing-march in the opposite direction. My stomach churns at the thought of those women taking on another round. Who in their right mind would agree to such a thing? It’s…

“Wrong?” he asks as though reading my mind, not bothering to face me as he leads us wherever it is we’re going. I stare at him with shock. How did he know? “They call it polyamory. People are similar to animals in that aspect. A pride of lions can have one male to hundreds of females. Or a wild stallion can have many mares. In this case, we have some mares and

many stallions. It increases their chances of conceiving.”

Stopping in front of a door in another dimly lit hallway, he turns to face me. “A lot of time and effort goes into arranging these sessions, particularly around the women’s cycles. We’re making use of the time while we still have it.” He tips my head up with a finger. “Victoria, no one is unhappy with this, you’ll see.” At that, he pushes the door open and waves me in.

In the room sits a circle of chairs filled with men and women. One man greets us as we enter, “Welcome, Sergeant Carisi. And who might this pretty lady be?” he asks, sitting patiently front and center with a book settled in his lap.

“Hello, Dr. Ackerman. This is Victoria. She has an interest in learning more about what we do here. Could you fill her in on everything?” Anthony asks the doctor. A look passes between them. They think I don’t notice, but it’s hard to miss. I’m not quite sure what it means, but I plan on finding out.

As soon as I take a seat and the doctor begins speaking, I know whatever happens next will not be in my best interest. “Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to your first session. I am Dr. Ackerman. I’ve been a licensed psychiatrist for thirty years. Over the next two weeks I’m going to teach you how to gain control over your mind, body, and spirit.” He stands and paces around the chairs, commanding the room like a cult leader preaching to his followers.

“While what you’re about to partake in is a beautiful thing, it will play havoc on your psyche. Ladies, your bodies are miraculous tools for bringing new life into this once perfect world. Some of you may have already experienced this, while others have not, regardless, the process which you’ll take part in for this project requires you to always be in control of your emotions.” He looks between those seated in the circle. “All men are different. Some will be larger than others, and some will need to be rough to reach their climax. You should be prepared for anything. Which is why you’re here with me now. Before we get started, are there any questions?”

“How do you plan on teaching us?” I ask, my question drawing rumbles from around the circle.

“Well, Victoria, thank you for being brave enough to ask that question. I’ll be using hypnotism.”

Glancing toward the back of the room, I search for the exit. There’s only one, and it’s guarded by the person who brought me here. My choices roll around in my mind. Stay, and hope the sergeant is the one who takes my innocence, or try to escape, find a gas mask, and risk my chances beyond the walls of this airport. He crosses his arms, offering a nod and a slight grin as if he knows what I’m thinking.

Adding a smirk to my own adoring stare, I’m sure he assumes is meant for him and his body melting kisses, instead, I’m sizing him up. I understand that army soldiers go through a rigorous boot camp, and it is evident by his physique, but the fact he’s smaller than Travis-it gives me hope.

“Now, if there are no other questions, let us begin,” the doctor states, and the sergeant swirls his finger, suggesting I should turn around. My chances of getting out of here may be slight at best, but it’s something. The grin plastered on my face now is real.

The last twenty-four hours are a blur. I’m no longer seated in the circle listening to the doctor’s monotone speech. Instead, I’m in the same position the women once were: half-naked, hands and knees on the

floor, and my neck pressing lightly against a cold bar.

Shame warms my cheeks, and my pulse quickens as I imagine what the scene must look like from the spot where the sergeant and I stood earlier. How did this happen? I’d tried hypnotism before when a friend wanted to lose weight and I went along for fun. It hadn’t worked. In fact, we’d gained a pound or two. This time, it must have worked, there’s no other explanation for how I’d end up in this position.

I should be scared, or at the very least angry-cursing and struggling to escape-but my limbs feel like concrete, and my mind is full of fuzz. It’s calming, in a weird way. Almost like this is where I belong, ready and waiting for my mate.

A door creaks open in the distance and my heart catches in my throat as I crane my head down the now empty row and a man comes into view.


“Oh my God! You’re not dead!” I screech, forcing my heavy hands to rest on the cold bar. “Help me get this unlatched, they’ll be coming back soon. We need to get the fuck out of here.”

His steps falter briefly, but he regains his determined pace quickly. Once he’s towering over me, he makes no move toward the lock on the pillory, instead he paces in his bare feet around my place on the floor. “Several quality men had been handpicked for you, Victoria, and I’ll admit, Travis, uh…I mean Anthony. Yes, Anthony and Travis were at the top of the list. With their ideal height, skin tone, hair, and eye color, either man would be a logical choice for you. Nothing but the best for the best,” he says, squatting down in front of me to grip my chin and direct my stare to his. “But then I decided there was no way any of them would get near that virgin pussy of yours. It’s mine. You’re mine.”

Not giving me a chance to tell him how happy I am to see him, or allow me the opportunity to feel his body against mine, so that I know this is real, he leans forward and our lips connect. The kiss, while delicate, holds enough passion to set my insides on fire. Most likely a guided reaction from the session with the doctor, but I don’t care because it feels good. So good that I whimper when he breaks away.

Never in a million years did I expect to be here, forced to choose between death by the elements outside or spending the rest of my life being bred in a fucking airport. Why would Elijah have any part of this? I’m desperate to know, so I ask, “Why, Elijah? Why must it be like this? It was supposed to be on our wedding night. I know things have changed here, but it seems we could do this somewhere a little more privately.”

Tipping my chin up, his sympathetic stare locks on my unsure gaze and he dips his thumb into my mouth. “It’s our duty and privilege to be a part of something so amazing, love. I can’t guarantee it won’t hurt,” he says, sliding his other hand down my back and over my ass until his fingers find and tease my clit. “Or that I’ll be gentle.”

Reactively, I circle my lips around the fat digit and moan. Pleased with myself when it elicits a growl from deep within his chest. “Goddammit,” he growls, his fingers digging into the soft spot under my chin. “I’m tempted to shoot my load all over your face, but fuck if that wouldn’t just be wasted cum.”

No matter how much attention Elijah shows me, something about him seems off. Maybe it’s the adrenaline coursing through my veins or maybe it’s something the doctor did, but in my fuzzy brain Elijah’s voice sounds different. I’d checked his pulse, and was sure his heart wasn’t beating. It must’ve been Marissa. She must have helped him just like she’d done for me.

Thoughts of my fiance lying motionless on the terminal floor and him being cleansed of the toxicity by Marissa tumble through my head, consuming my thoughts. I don’t realize he’s positioned himself behind me until he teases my opening with what must be the head of his dick. I take in a sharp breath, quickly reminded of what the men had done earlier as I watched with Anthony.

I can see why the women weren’t resisting. It feels nice-at first. He’s slow and gentle, just barely pushing against me but it’s not going in. He pushes harder, his size stretching me, but my body resists. The resulting pain causes every one of my muscles to clench.

“Just relax, baby. The less you fight it the easier it will be,” he breathes out before one, single hard thrust, finally breaking my barrier, and forcing himself fully inside. I cry out, pain searing through every nerve between my legs.

“Please, Elijah, it hurts,” I beg, but he doesn’t answer, nor does he stop moving. Eventually the pain wanes enough from the rhythmic motion, igniting a spark and slowly a fire builds. Just when I feel my climax culminating from deep within, his body goes still and a warmth fills my insides. Grunting out the lasts few thrusts he finally pulls out and replaces his dick with the same plug I’d seen used earlier.

He doesn’t come around to face me or offer any kind words, nor does he unlock me from my position on the floor. Instead, he just disappears. Walking away and leaving me on my hands and knees, wet and used.

“Elijah? Where are you going? Hello?”

It’s not but a few minutes later the rumble of another deep tone teases my ears. “Yeah, baby, I’m here. Are you doing okay?”

“I’d be doing better if you got me out of here,” I groan, shuffling around on my knees, trying to position myself so I can get a good grip on the bars surrounding my head to shake the lock free.

His fingertips trace from the top of my ass crack, along my spine to rest between my shoulder blades, before gripping a handful of my hair. “We

should go one more time, it’ll better our chances.”

Craning my neck, I try to get a better look because I may not have much experience, but I’ve been told it takes guys some time to get hard again and I’m hesitant to believe him. Unfortunately, I’m not in a position for confronting anyone about anything. I rattle the bars. “Get me out of this thing.” But instead of freeing me, a dark cloth slips over my eyes.

This time when he enters me, there’s a lot more stretching than before and his thrusts are much harder and a lot more determined. The pain turns my stomach and the apple juice from earlier settles in my throat. I scream and try to tuck my knees up under my chest, but he grabs my hips and straightens my body. Moving harder and faster until his body stiffens and he’s filling my body with his seed once again.

“You did so good, baby girl,” he praises, plugging the hole his dick just left. “It’ll get easier, I promise.” His lips land briefly on mine but he makes no attempt at removing the blindfold. “I’m going to get cleaned up, Marissa will be here in fifteen.” “Wait! Elijah…?” No response.


He left. He fucking left me here, used, unsatisfied, and locked up like a damn dog. Silence settles around me, and I can’t think of anything better to crack it except a good cry. So that’s what I do.

It’s not but a few minutes after my breakdown has started that the bars around my head rattle. “Elijah, you came back?” I say to the blurred vision before me, as I blink away the tears.

“Shhhh,” a woman hushes me.

My eyes go wide at the feminine voice, and I crane my head upward where I find Darla. Her dainty fingers are fumbling with the lock on the pillory. “What are you doing here? Where’s Elijah?” I ask, tucking my hand around the bar and wiping my eyes.

She scoffs, “Damn, the doctor sure did a number on you. I hate to be the one to tell you this, but the person, or should I say persons, who just fucked you were not Elijah.”

“It was, I saw him,” I defend. I know what I saw. It was him, wasn’t it?

“No, what you saw was an illusion. A mix of drugs and hypnotism. That’s all it took for you to believe whatever the fuck they wanted you to.”Belongs to (N)ôvel/Drama.Org.

My heart stops at her words. Could it be true? Was it someone else, maybe even more than one, and not the love of my life who took my innocence? The surface of my skin lights up with goosebumps as chills spread throughout my body. I’m afraid to ask because I already know the answer, but I need to confirm if my instincts are correct. “If not Elijah, then who?”

She sits back on her heels; her stare is soft, sympathetic even. “Anthony and Travis.”

All I can muster at this moment is a shake of my head. It’s no longer drugs or hypnotism that weights down my body, this time, it’s from the pain of deceit. How could anyone be so conniving? Why not just show their true selves? My thoughts are full of anger at what they’d done. Glancing up, I focus a hard stare on Darla and ask her, “Can you get me out of here?”

She smiles and raises a set of bolt cutters in her hands. “You’d better believe it.”

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