Escaping my arranged marriage with Alpha Prescott

Chapter 82

Chapter 82

Chapter 82


“Yet, as everything comes at a cost, we must relinquish something to attain what we seek,” Owen’s twisted words drew all the gaze at him.

Matilda’s breath caught in her throat, her heart pounding a furious rhythm against her chest. In the dimly lit hospital room, the atmosphere crackled with an electric tension, thick enough to slice through with a knife. Each heartbeat echoed like a drum in my ears, but it was overshadowed by the palpable sense of anticipation and fear that gripped everyone.

| hated how he left without any notice last time and now that he was back, instead of solving the problem and helping us out, he was playing his f ucking game of the puzzles. Everything about him was so twisted that it grated on my nerves how he didn’t talk clearly.

“And what is the cost?” My mate and | asked simultaneously.

“Well, for that, the little Princess needs to take her responsibility as the chaplain sooner than she had expected,” Owen divulged softly, his eyes locked with Avery's who seemed pale as the words sank into her mind.

Before anyone from us could respond, Avery declared, “I’m ready as long as it keeps my family safe from all the trouble.” Her voice was firm and profound, she was pretending to be strong, not that she wasn’t strong but she shouldn’t be....

At the


of sixteen, a girl shouldn’t be worried about her family’s safety. Her shoulders shouldn’t have the burden of the responsibilities. Avery deserved to live a normal teenage girl's life.

“Not under my watch,” My mate snarled. “I’m alive and as long as I’m here, my little sister won't have to sacrifice anything.” Her gaze was directed at Owen who pursed his lips hard, nodding his head slightly.

“I'm bound to become the chaplain, Sis. It doesn’t matter if | start my duty two years earlier or later,” Avery countered with a poker face, masking her emotions well.

Something that both sisters had in common, they would be facing brutal pain from the inside but their faces wouldn't let it show, You would never be able to tell that they had suffered a lot and were in pain. Both of them had the Alpha qualities and | was stunned to see Avery having a similar aura and powers to her sister. Since she was the younger sister, | didn’t expect her to be an Alpha like the


“It's not going to be that easy, little Princess. You will have to pass the test of the Goddess to be accepted as the chaplain and before that, you will need to train hard,” Owen stated with a grim. expression on his face.

“Lucky for you, | didn’t expect it to be easy,” Avery scoffed, rolling her eyes. “I’m tougher than | seem, Owen.”NôvelDrama.Org © content.



10:34 Mon, 4 Mar

Chapter 82

“No. | won't let it happen at any cost. You will not sacrifice yourself for me. | have lived long enough, honey. | would rather die than see you suffering. You aren’t born to become a f ucking chaplain,” Camilla screamed out in frustration. “No offense to you, Owen, but | will not let my daughter walk down that path.”

“None taken.” Owen raised his hands in surrender.

is wrong in becoming a chaplain? | can see Owen not getting old, having wonderful powers, and the freedom to live anywhere,” Avery argued with her mother.

“A chaplain can’t live happily with his mate. All the chaplains’ mates died the most painful and worst deaths in history and f uck that, there hadn't been any female chaplains in history and | won't let you change that. You will turn eighteen and find your mate and live happily with him,” Camilla said firmly.

Her words sounded a bit harsher than she had intended to though she was stating facts but it was painful for Owen. Despite the effort to conceal the hurt, the facade crumbled, revealing the vulnerability hidden beneath the surface. And though the pain may be masked for now, the scars of the heart remained, etched into the weary countenance of one who bore the weight of unspoken words.

Matilda noticed Owen’s pain and nudged her Mom. “Please, Mom...”

“| apologize for the pain | have caused you, Owen. | meant no harm or disrespect. You know that I respect you from the bottom of my heart but how can | let my daughter walk down the path which is filled with thorns and she will only suffer pain?” Camilla’s voice shook as she spoke, her hands quivering by her side.

“| do understand your concern as a mother, Camilla,” Owen said, offering a small gentle smile. “However, it’s not within our authority to determine someone’s destiny. The Goddess holds that power over every wolf's fate. We are merely bystanders, not ones to challenge her choices or question her decisions.”

He heaved a sigh and added, “What | wish to impart to you is the profound power of time. Time is the ultimate force in the universe, wielding the power of both destruction and creation. Its constancy lies in its ever-changing nature. We must simply strive to meet the demands of each moment with sincerity and without selfish desires.”

His voice cracked as he put a hand on his heart and tried to speak something but couldn’t utter a single word. My father and | rushed to his side, giving him support to stand still.

“What's wrong, Owen?” Dad asked with trepidation. His heart was pounding in his chest frantically as he held his friend’s arm and stroked his shoulder.

“My time has come, Mason. | have come to inform you that | have channeled all my powers to th

Blood Moon pack’s territories so any witch’s powers wouldn't be able to break into the pack or territory,” he uttered with difficulty as the pain in his chest grew more acute, | could tell from his wincing and the frown on his face deepening.





Chapter 82

“You poured all your powers just to make sure that we stay safe...?” Avery asked perplexed. Owen simply nodded his head with a smile in response.

“But why is it affecting you so much? Shouldn't you be able to save yourself, too?” My mate questioned, her voice laced with worry as she swallowed hard.

“Everyone has limited powers, my Queen. Even your healing powers are limited to some extent and that’s why you need to use them only when you must. You have to win this war. For our kinds. You will establish peace between two supernatural species and rule the wolves.” he said, his soothing yet powerful aura rolling off him.

His face paled and his eyes fluttered. trying hard not to shut. | hated him all my life but it brought tears to my eyes, holding his feeble body in my hands and seeing him struggling to breathe.

“You didn’t hate me. Alpha Prescott. You just didn’t want to admit that love can heal and outgrow the darkness that sometimes threatens to consume us whole,” he said in a low voice, looking at me with his half-closed eyes.

“There must be a way to save you. You can’t die like that | snapped, my voice echoing in the room as my Alpha aura flared around me in waves.

“| already sacrificed myself but my soul is bound to my duty so | can’t die until another chaplain. takes my place.” he answered weakly

“But you need to gather all the packs and shift to the Blood Moon pack as soon as possible. You will need to hold the crown ceremony and mark and mate with the Queen before the Red Moon Fortunately, there will be two nights of the full moon. The first precedes the Red Moon, and the second coincides with it. Such occurrences are exceedingly rare, happening only once a century,” Owen explained before any of us could respond.

Once again he proved how selfless he was.

“How can | let my daughter take your place: Owen, after seeing you dying like this?” Camilla broke into a s ob while her daughters held her closely and comforted their mother.

“Im not dead yet, Camilla. | just need some time to rejuvenate my body. This mighty Alpha King can’t win the war without me by his side, now can he?” Owen smirked at me. challenging me.

“F uck off,” | scowled at him. “Take care of this asshole. I’m leaving to hold the meeting of all the Alphas. | have better things to do.” | said. pushing all of his weight on my father’s side before storming off.

It was hard to watch him in such a fragile state and it was harder to admit that it affected me. | couldn’t let him show that | cared. Moon Goddess, you're not playing fair.

‘You're not alone. I’m with you! | will be joining you in a few minutes. Tila’s voice rang in my mind and | sighed in relief. | wanted her by my side, with me. | wanted to hold her. touch her, bury my face in her neck to smell her soothing lavender scent, and kiss those pouty lips to taste the heaven in my mouth.




10:34 Mon, 4 Mar

Chapter 82


My wolf yearned for her and | wanted nothing more than to have her body wrapped in mine..


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