Emily’s Dilemma: Seduced by Billionaire Brothers

Chapter 50

It was New Year’s Eve, but maybe if Amelia knew it’d be her last, she’d have gone on a vacation with her family in Dubia instead, she wouldn’t need to throw a New Year’s Eve party which was actually just a sham to have her first kiss with Ethan, what better day than the first day of the year, it meant good luck, it meant the start of something beautiful with her crush, and with the help of her best friend Anita Brown, she was going to throw the best New Year’s eve’s party in the whole of New York City.

The frost covered windows of Amelia’s living room fogged up with every exhalation of laughter as she and Anita pored over party plans across the coffee table, a joint in her hand as the smoke trickled up to the ceiling, while Anita took sips of hot cocoa topped with excessive whipped cream.

“I think I’ve nailed down the playlist for the dj” Anita said, clicking the pen closed and side eyeing Amelia.

“Why don’t we just let him do his thing, I’m flying him over from LA. I heard he is very good”

“I mean that works” Anita said “But you don’t want to kiss Ethan with a silly song blasting in the background, every song on this playlist is a romantic hit, each one is a nudge for Ethan to what’s been in front of him all along”

Amelia felt a flutter in her chest at the mention of Ethan’s name “You really think it’ll work, don’t you”

“Trust me” Anita affirmed “Plus we have the whole midnight masquerade theme, it’s going to be perfect when the ball drops”

“How’s this going to work again” Amelia asked, taking a drag from her joint.

“We pair all the guys at the party with girls and the adequate descriptions on what their masks look like, so the girls have to be at strategic positions for the guys to find them like five minutes before the ball drops”

“That’s perfect, so Ethan would have the exact description of my mask, and I would wait for him just above the spiral staircase, perfect place for a New Year’s kiss” Amelia added dreamily and she squealed “I can’t waitttt!!!”


As the final sunset of the year dipped, party guests began trooping in to the Sinclair mansion while Anita stood at the door to welcome them, handing out specific mask to each person. That was the rule of the party, no two persons could have the same mask, but Anita had something else up the puffy sleeves of her black sequin dress. She stood expectantly, a bright smile plastered on her face as she handed out the masks, and hand written descriptions to the guys, but when Ethan and Jackson approached, her smile widened even more, alongside the sinister look playing on her face. She faced Jackson first, avoiding Ethan’s eyes.

“I was scared you guys weren’t going to make it, Amelia would flip” she said and Jackson humored her

“I wouldn’t miss any party of hers, plus she’d literally kill me”

“You guys know the rules right? Once it’s five minutes to midnight, you have to find the person wearing the description of the mask you’re given” she handed them both their cards and mask, wanting to hold Ethan’s stare a bit longer, but he was distracted and didn’t spare her a glance before he walked into the house. She pulled Jackson closer, whispering into his ears “You have Amelia’s description and you’re welcome”

“Nice” he smiled and walked inside.

Anita smiled to herself knowing fully well her plan was in motion, Ethan held her description and he was going to find her at midnight to kiss er, her stomach flipped in excitement. She walked into the warmth of the party, the loud music rocked the dimly lit house, wine bottles lined the deep copper walls with people lounging around the corners, dancing and most couples being to freaky to be in public, well they definitely weren’t saving the kiss for midnight, but she was, she was excited and she didn’t care if she had to betray Amelia. Why could she have him while she watched from the side lines. She liked Ethan too, she had had a crush since the first day she saw him, icy blue eyes that didn’t seem to notice her at first, a defined jaw and God, that face, his smooth coppery skin that glowed to perfection. She had fallen in love immediately but how could she get him when there was Amelia, hopping around him like a lost puppy, hanging unto his every word. As far as she was concerned, Ethan was fair game.

Soon enough, Amelia found her at the party while she lounged at a corner, with a drink at hand. Amelia grabbed her hands and the faint smell of weed filling the air.

“So?” Amelia sniffed

“So?” Anita said back

“Are the boys here yet?” she asked and Anita nodded.

“Great, I should probably go talk to them but I don’t know, I don’t want to jinx it. I only want Ethan to set his eyes on me after he has kissed me and then discovers that I’m the one for him” Amelia rambled on

“Sure” Anita simply said, she wasn’t in the mood to chatter with Amelia not when the excitement in the pit of her belly was slowly shifting to a wreck of nervousness. It was nearly midnight, would Ethan kiss her. He had to, he had to follow the rules of the party or so she thought. If he did, did she really want to risk her friendship with Amelia? Lively but naive Amelia who had lived in a bubble her entire life, not like she was any different but she liked to see herself as such.

“Great, Jackson’s coming” Amelia announced, puling Anita out of her wild train of thoughts “It’s nearly midnight, he has to find his description, what the hell is he doing?”NôvelDrama.Org holds this content.

But he reached her quickly, placing a soft kiss on her cheek “You look stunning” he said and she smiled, doing a quick 360, showing off her halter neck dress that clung tightly to her body.

“Can we talk, there’s something I have to tell you” Jackson said and Amelia shared a brief look with Anita before turning back to Jackson.

“Sure, but it’s almost midni ” she wanted to say when a her phone buzzing in her hand interrupted her, the word ‘Mom’ sprawled on the screen, her face tainted with surprise immediately and she threw an apologetic look to Jackson immediately “I’m sorry I have to take this”

Amelia walked towards the balcony where the music and loud chatter were muffled, she hit the green button immediately.

“Make it quick mom, I’m in the middle of ”

“Your dad and I are getting a divorce” was the first thing her mother screamed back at her in what sounded like suppressed sobs and Amelia froze “What!”

“I’m sorry, I know this is a wrong time and it’s nearly midnight in New York but I just needed to talk you baby”

“Mom ”

“Your father is such a selfish, awful, awful man and I have put up with him for far too long, I’m done baby and I’m taking everything”

“Did you guys get into another fight, mom this absolutely terrible timing”

“I’m sorry baby, I just needed to talk to the only person that understands me and doesn’t think I’m crazy” she heard her mother, yelling the last part but she didn’t think she was particularly talking to her. She heard more yelling in the background and the call dropped abruptly.

Amelia sighed, shivering from the cold air while she overlooked the city’s view from the balcony, a familiar sadness setting within her. Her parents were fighting again which had been a normal occurrence since she was a child, she had learned to put up with it, and in fact wait for it, because the peace never lasted.

“You okay there?” a voice startled her, she turned to find Ethan approaching her, apparently she didn’t hear the door open or close, had he been here all along?

“You seem cold” he said taking off his jacket and placing it across her shoulders while she smiled gratefully.

“My parents are getting a divorce or so my mom says”

“That’s awful Amelia” Ethan said and there was this sadness to his eyes that Amelia couldn’t face, but she didn’t think she could ask.

“I mean they’re always fighting, so I guess it’s about time” she said, forcing a chuckle to lighten a static air between and when Ethan managed a smile, her heart melted a little.

They stood in silent for a while, watching the city’s view, the lights spread across the city and fireworks already lighting the sky in different colours, it was getting close to midnight but Emily didn’t seem to notice.

“I’m supposed to find someone wearing this mask and kiss them” Ethan brought out the written card Anita handed to him at the door “But maybe not” he added, throwing the card out the balcony.

Amelia held her breath while she stared at her, his icy blue eyes drilling into her.

“I mean, you’re standing right here” he said and she could feel her heart do a million sommersaults. She nodded meekly as they stared at each other while everyone slowly counted down to midnight, and when the ball finally dropped and Ethan’s lips touched hers kissing her fully in the mouth, the fireworks were no longer in the sky, they were in her heart.

From where Anita watched, her world shattered around her. There was nothing happy about the new year.

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