Emily’s Dilemma: Seduced by Billionaire Brothers

Chapter 31

Emily’s eyes widen, her heart sinking as she realizes her mistake. She pulls away, her cheek suddenly flush with embarrassment. She couldn’t dare to look at Ethan, his expression shifting from desire to confusion, the hurt flickering in his eyes.

“I’m…I didn’t…” Emily tried to say, but words failed, they stuck in her throat unable to voice themselves, what exactly was she going to say in this situation? Why did she have to say Jackson’s name, she wasn’t even thinking about him but still his name found it’s way to slip out her mouth.

“Forget it, Emily” Ethan said sadly, pulling away from her and walking out of the kitchen.

“Ethan wait” she ran after him, grabbing his arm but he pulled it out of her hold, turning to face her with anger evident in his eyes.

“Wait for what exactly?” He thundered but went on “Jackson really?”

“It was a mistake” she said with pleading eyes but Ethan was looking anywhere but her face, he stared right above her head before he slowly looked down to her eye level.

“If you love him so much, why don’t you go be with him”

“What!” Emily said in shock

“Yes Emily, go right now. If you love him so much and you want him so bad, go!”

Emily stood, unable to move, the intensity in Ethan’s eyes weighing her down that it was impossible to bid his request even though she wanted to.

“Go Emily!” Ethan yelled louder, pointing at the door this time but Emily stood stil

“I’m not going anywhere, I’m married to you! What do you think is going to happen when the media finds out” she said and Ethan let out a dry laugh

“Look at you, worried about the media. Just go”

“I’m not going, we’re married” she said againThis is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“It’s a contract marriage, there’s no love here so why are you bothering”

“It wouldn’t be if you didn’t care so much about the company and paid more attention to me and the marriage” Emily said, her voice raised now.

“I married you because of the company…..”

“So why the hell are you complaining” Emily cut in, firing back at Ethan and suddenly realizations dawned on him , his look softening now.

“Emily….” He tried to call

“We made a deal Ethan, we get married to get your business contract and your inheritance back. We stay married for 6 months to a year and that’s it. If you want a happy marriage then you do the fucking work”

Ethan opened his mouth to speak but no words came out, the finality to her tone was unhinged

“I’m going to bed” she said and whipped around without a final glance, leaving Ethan confused.

The next morning, Emily slowly opened her eyes, feeling a warm breeze gently caressing her face. The soft morning light filtered through the sheet curtains casting a golden glow around the large white bedroom. Emily’s eyes fluttered open to find Ethan standing before the bed, a gentle twinkle in his eyes and holding a bouquet of roses in various shades of pink and red. She sat up suddenly, staring at him in surprise and looking around the room. There were petals, like a colorful carpet, delicately scattered around the room, and outside the door.

“What’s going on?” She looked at him in surprise as he handed her the bouquet of flowers

“Come on” he smiled, holding out his hands for her and she took them delicately, cautious but curious still.

“Ethan you’re scaring me” she said following him out the room through the trails of scattered petals on the floor that felt soft to her bare feet as she stepped upon them.

“Nothing to be scared of Emily” he led her to the dining, and Emily’s jaw dropped at the sight, taking turns to look at the sight before her and Ethan’s proud look.

“How did you…. how did you do all this?” She asked, stepping forward to behold the masterpiece of culinary artistry before her. Freshly brewed coffee perfumed the air, its rich aroma mingling with the scent of freshly baked pastries. Her favorite, croissants, cinnamon rolls and muffins, beautifully arranged on delicate porcelain plates, showcasing a medleys of flavors and colors, her mouth salivated at the sight.

Ethan’s eyes sparkled with anticipation as he watched Emily’s eyes light up at the sight “Good morning Emily” he placed a soft kiss at her temple.

“Ethan” she laughed nervously looking at him and she noticed he wasn’t dressed for work at all

“You’re scaring me, is this like a last act of kindness before you kill me or something”

“Okay come here” he held her hands and pulling her closer to him

“I thought about our conversation like that and I realized something”

“What did you realize?” She asked eagerly

“That I’m falling for you Emily” he said in a heartbeat. There was a pause, and Emily felt her pulse quicken at his confession. There was so much intensity in his eyes as he spoke she could almost feel the weight of his words, but she said nothing. What was she going to say? She had no clue, she looked at him instead, willing him to speak more, to fill the silence with words so she didn’t have to speak.

“I’m willing to make this work, if you let me. I’ll make you the happiest woman on earth and you wouldn’t have to lift a finger”

“Ethan…” Emily tried to speak

“Just let me Emily, just say yes baby”

Emily stared hard at him, her mind throwing different what if questions at her. The same confusion plagued her when he presented the idea of a contract marriage suddenly consumed her but again, what did she have to lose?

“Fine” she breathed “Yes Ethan”

Suddenly Ethan lifted her off her feet, swirling her around with one hand. His arm muscles bursting through the seams of his t shirt, a large smile plastered on his face and his eyes shining with admiration.

“Come on darling, I prepared all these for you. I called the best chef in town and I made sure to set everything up before you woke up” he said and she smiled, taking a bite of croissant dipped in chocolate, her heart dancing at the symphony of flavors.

“This is so so good Ethan and besides you’re late for work” she reminded him.

“I called in sick, I want to spend the day with you Emily. Just me and you, anything you want to do, anywhere you want to go”


“Of course” he replied “Every other thing can wait, I want to spend the day with my wife”

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