Edgar and His Destined Wife

Chapter 504

Chapter 504

Chapter 504

Gigi was in shock when she heard what the lawyer said.


The lawyer tapped on the table, "You can sign here."

Gigi slowly lifted the pen and signed her name.

After that, Robert dealt with her bail, and she was released in the afternoon.

No one paid any attention to her.

Her heart was distraught as she walked out of the iron gates.

Even though she was free, she felt like she was still in there mentally.

"Where is Jean?"

Robert opened the car door and told her, "I don't know.I can send you to the city center.Get in’ Robert couldn't let Gigi walk down the streets herself; she would be too eye-catching.

After all, she was a celebrity.

Also, someone had entrusted her to him; it was part of his job.

On the way back to the city center, Gigi made more than ten calls.

Few people picked up, and even fewer held a conversation with her.

Most did not even bother to pick up and denied the call.

Gigi stared at her phone silently.

Robert could see the betrayal Gigi was feeling.

"Whatever! I don't care if they don't want to talk to me!" Gigi scowled.

She put down her phone but quickly picked it up again.She stared at two numbers before finally giving in and tapping on Ben's number.

"Where is Jean?"

"I don't know."

The voice was colder than Gigi had expected.

Ben was about to hang up but was interjected by Gigi.

"I have something to pass to her.It's about the situation with Sam.Should we just forget about it?" Gigi said through clenched teeth. Property © NôvelDrama.Org.

This was the only way to get them to pay attention to her.

"She has already decided to drop the charges and let go of everything.Whatever evidence you have is useless." Ben replied to her coldly.

‘Click’ He hung up.

Ben slowly let his hand fall. He looked at Jean sitting on the couch and whispered, "Have you really decided?"

Jean shut her eyes.

She knew the person on the phone was Gigi.She could even guess what she had said, and she was probably correct, seeing how Ben was angry.

But she had nothing to do with that matter anymore.

"Ben, what I've learned from this matter may be what my father had intended when he agreed to marry me off to Edgar.There are many things to care about in this world, yet at the same time, many things to lose.I can't force Gigi to live like me.But I can choose to let go."

Jean seemed to be iridescent.It was captivating.

She put down the mug in her hands.

"I should get going.Rachel's already at the airport.Let's meet again someday: She reached out her hand toward Ben, toward the past she was leaving behind.

"I will take your whereabouts to my grave." Jean giggled.


Five hours later, news of a plane going missing spread in Yorktown.

The plane was en route to Louisville when it lost contact with the radio tower during a storm.

During the descent, a passenger was flung out of the plane.

They identified her as a twenty-something woman named Ms.

Eyer from her passport in her belongings.

Ben had just gotten home from work when he saw the news.

He was still reeling from the shock when someone banged on his front door.

Edgar stormed in and demanded with raging eyes, "Where is she? Your secretary booked her tickets.It was that flight, wasn't it?"

He pointed at the TV.

It was.

Ben opened his mouth but couldn't say anything.He quickly recollected himself and ran out.

Edgar followed behind.

"The plane landed in Louisville.Do you think she's alive?"

He wished she was.

"I don't know!"

Ben shouted angrily.

He wouldn't have let her go on that plane if he had known.Ben's phone suddenly rang.He picked it up and heard Rachel sobbing.

"Mr.Ludwig, what do I do...Ms.Eyer's plane...What do we do?!"

Ben's hand tightened around his phone.

"Was she really on the plane?"

There weren't many casualties on the plane, and they only knew they had found the fallen documents.

There weren't any new updates either, so they did not know if Jean was alive.

There was still hope as long as there was no body.

"Yes, I sent her luggage in myself.The passport.."

Rachel sobbed uncontrollably.

"I'll go over right now."

The only thing Ben could do now was confirmed it with his own eyes.

Edgar's car followed closely behind.

They reached the airport at almost the same time.

"There's no point in you going.Jean wouldn't want to see you even if she was alive,"

Ben warned him stoically.

Edgar reached into his pocket for his wallet and identification card, but his hands shook so hard he couldn't even pay the fare.

"Let me help you, sir"

The airport staff quickly helped Edgar with the procedure.

He seemed unbothered by everything around him.

He only hoped this was one of Jean's ploys to avoid him.

Ben side-eyed Edgar.

"It's too late to regret now."

Jean wouldn't have left the country if it wasn't for him.

Edgar closed his eyes sorrowfully.

"Yes, it's all because of me."

He tried to control the shaking by clenching his fists.

At the same time, Joseph arrived at the airport ina flurry.

He hurried over to Edgar and Ben when he saw them.

"The woman who went missing.Is it."


Edgar answered vehemently.

Joseph had an inkling something was wrong when he saw the look in Edgar's eyes.

"This is under our jurisdiction.We will be joining the investigation.Let us know if you have any intel"

Edgar's brows tightened further.He turned to look at Ben.

"Who else knew she was going to take this flight?"

"Me and Rachel’ Ben answered quickly.

He had helped Jean deal with Eyer Group, but Rachel was the one who planned Jean's route to Louisville.She had even departed at the same time as Jean to avoid any tails.

However, things had gone south.

"No, it can’t be her"

Ben denied earnestly.

The thought that it might be Rachel who planned Jean's demise was chilling to the bone.

"It better not be"

Edgar's glare was fierce and piercing.

His phone rang as he was about to stand up.

"Edgar, you must not go to Louisville.You absolutely must not!" Xena's voice rang out.

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