Domineering Billionaire’s Maid(BDSM-Erotica)

Chapter 127 Our little one is here

After a few months,

Time flies, and it’s been a few months since our wedding. Our love continues to grow, as does our anticipation of the day when we’ll welcome our little one into the world.

Alexander’s commitment to supporting me through my mood swings and ensuring the well-being of me and our baby is unwavering. He attends every doctor’s appointment, tracks my diet with great attention, and even practices changing diapers on a doll.

As my pregnancy progresses, I can see the excitement in Alexander’s eyes. He’s read countless parenting books, attended prenatal classes with me, and even set up the baby’s room with me.

Every day, he’s taken on more and more responsibility, not just as my husband but as an expectant father. Every time he ensured that I’m comfortable. I feel so blessed to have such a supportive husband.

I wake up in the morning with a severe pain in my belly.

“Alexander…” as I yelp in pain, shaking him, he wakes up with a jolt.

“What happened, love?” He asks, placing his hand on my face, concerned.

“I think the contractions have started…” I tell him, clutching his shirt and screaming.

“Nurse…” He calls for the nurse who sits outside our room every night for any emergency because he doesn’t want to take any risk.

The nurse rushes into the room, and I can see the worry in his eyes as he helps me breathe through the contractions. The pain is intense, but with his support, I find the strength to endure it.

“What’s going on?” She inquires, coming to my side.

“She is having contractions. It’s time.” He explains, his voice filled with a mix of excitement and nervousness.

The nurse checks my condition and nods. “You’re right. Let’s get her to the hospital.”

“You gonna be fine, love. Just be strong.” Alexander clasps my hand, offering words of comfort as the contractions intensify.


We reach the hospital, and the medical staff takes over. Alexander is there, still holding my hand and encouraging me as the contractions continue. I can see the worry in his eyes, but he remains strong and supportive. He just can’t see me in pain.

The hours pass in a blur of pain, sweat, and anticipation. Alexander stays with me through it all, holding my hand, wiping my sweat, and giving unwavering support.

“No, no, I can’t bear this pain anymore.” I shake my head, exhausted.

“Alice, remember that you’re stronger than you think. You already know the pain you endure will be worth it in the end.” When I feel like I can’t go on, his words and his love give me the strength to continue.

And then, with one final push, our beautiful little one enters the world with a cry. The room fills with the sweetest sound I have ever heard, and a smile of pure bliss spreads across my face.

Alexander and I share a teary, joyous look, overwhelmed with love for our newborn child.

“It’s a girl.” The doctor informs us and places our baby in my arms.

As I hold our little daughter for the first time, tears of contentment trickle down my cheeks. It’s a moment of pure magic and love.

Alexander strokes our baby’s head and watches her angelic features with awe. His voice trembles as he speaks, “You did it, love. Our little one is here.”

I smile through tears of happiness and shake my head. “No, Alexander, we did it. And I can’t believe we’re parents now.”

We both kiss our little one, the most cherished gift of our lives.

“Thank you, love.” He expresses his gratitude and presses his lips on my forehead.

Then he takes the first selfie of us with our little one.

“Now, little one, let your mommy rest for some time. She endured a lot of pain to bring you to this world.” He whispers to our little princess before cradling her in his arms.

Tears stream down his face as he holds her in his arms for the first time, overwhelmed with love and gratitude.

“She is an angel.” He admires her before placing a tender kiss on her forehead. I just smile at them, contented.

I’m fortunate to have him as my husband and the father of our child. His unwavering support throughout my pregnancy and labour has deepened my love for him.


After sleeping for a few hours, I wake up, and a smile spreads across my face upon seeing Alexander, cradling our little daughter, swathed in a soft pink blanket. Aunt Rose, Mia, and Edward standing around them.

They’re all gazing at our little princess with immense love and joy, and it warms my heart to see this beautiful sight. It’s like our little family has expanded, and everyone is eager to shower our baby with affection.

As they notice me waking up, they beam at me, and Mia and Aunt Rose rush over to me.

“Good morning, new mom,” Mia greets me, her eyes sparkling with happiness.

Aunt Rose leans down and places a gentle kiss on my forehead. “Congratulations, I’m so happy for you.”

I thank them with a tired but contented smile, and then I turn my attention to our little one, who’s snuggled in Alexander’s protective embrace beside my bed.

“Hello, little princess.” I whisper, reaching out to stroke her tiny cheek. Her skin is as soft as a rose petal.

Alexander looks up from the baby, his eyes filled with adoration. “She’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen, just like her mother.”

“Have you decided on a name?” Aunt Rose asks, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

I look at Alexander, and we exchange an excited smile. “Yes,” he says, “Sarah is the name we have selected for her..”

I add, “Sarah means princess, and she is our little princess.”

“Sarah, it’s a beautiful name.” Mia chimes in, and Aunt Rose nods in agreement.Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

Edward, who has been quiet until now, speaks up with a smile. “Welcome to the family, Sarah.”

“Look, she wakes up.” Alexander squeals, shifting Sarah in his arms so I can see her better.

“Her blue eyes, just like both of you, are mesmerising.” Aunt Rose speaks with tears of joy in her eyes.

Mia leans over to get a closer look. “And she has your nose, Alice.”

“And she has Alexander’s smile.” Edward adds, his voice filled with affection.

I chuckle. “She’s the perfect blend of both of us, just like our love story.”

I and Alexander lock our gaze, wondering about our love story filled with challenges which we overcame together.


Alexander sits on the sofa, and our precious Sarah lays in her daddy’s arms. A peaceful bundle of joy swaddled in a cosy blanket.

He gently rocks her, murmuring soothing words as Sarah’s bright blue eyes blink open, observing the world around her.

I lay in the hospital bed, still recovering from childbirth, but my heart swells with joy as I watch my husband and daughter bonding. Her presence is the embodiment of our love.

She gazes up at her daddy; she seems to recognise his voice, and a tiny, heart-melting smile graces her delicate lips. Her fingers, so tiny and perfect, curl around one of Alexander’s.

“You are Daddy’s little angel, aren’t you?” He murmurs to Sarah, his voice brimming with affection. “We’ve been waiting so long to meet you.”

She responds with a sweet coo, and I shed tears of happiness. I reach out my arms to welcome my precious family.

“Come here, my precious people.” I say, my voice filled with emotion.

He carefully rises from his chair, bringing our daughter into my waiting arms. She nestles into my embrace, finding solace in the familiar scent and comforting heartbeat. I lean down and plant a soft kiss on her forehead.

“You’re such a little miracle.” I whisper, my eyes brimming with tears of love and joy. “We’re so blessed to have you.”

He leans in, gently kissing both me and our daughter. “Our family is complete now, love. I love you both so much.”

A soft whimper escapes her tiny mouth, and her delicate fingers grasp at the air. It’s the first time I’ve heard her cry like this, and it’s music to my ears.

He watches her, a bit uncertain. “I think she’s hungry, love.”

I smile and nod with excitement, a warm rush of motherly love coursing through me. “You’re right, Alexander. It’s her way of saying she’s hungry.”

“Looks like someone’s ready for her first meal.” I address my little princess, unbuttoning my hospital gown with gentle care. Her daddy tries to soothe her by whispering, “Shh, my little princess. Mommy is just giving you the milk.”

I gently position her at my breast with Alexander’s help, with a mix of excitement and nervousness. It’s a special moment that I’ve been looking forward to. We want to make sure our little one is comfortable.

I guide her tiny mouth, and her eager, seeking lips latch onto me. My heart swells with indescribable joy as I watch her feed. It’s a moment filled with a profound connection.

Her small hand grasps my finger, and I shed tears of pure contentment.

The room is hushed, the only sounds we can hear are her gentle suckling and the soft hum of the hospital equipment.

Alexander sits beside me, his hand resting on my shoulder. He looks at both of us with awe and love in his eyes.

I watch Sarah’s tiny face, the epitome of tranquillity, and I feel an overwhelming fulfilment as I feed her. I lean down and press my lips on her forehead.

Alexander whispers with affection, “You’re doing amazing, my love. She’s lucky to have you as her mother.”

I gaze at our precious daughter, her tiny fingers wrapped around mine, and I smile through the tears. “And I’m the luckiest mother in the world.”

Alexander and I share a tender smile, knowing that our family is complete and our love has created something truly special.

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