Dirty Seduction

Chapter 6

I ask while I load up the dishwasher.

When her eyes meet mine, she immediately starts to blush, and I can’t help but smile when I see it. I love that the reaction I have to her is so obvious and immediate.

“Alfonso’s, the one across the lake.”

“Have you given any more thought to college?”

She shrugs and instead of just handing me her plate, she gets up to come and wash it herself.

“I don’t know. I’ll probably just keep saving for a year or two and then decide.”

I take her plate from her and start rinsing it off which earns me a tiny scowl. I give her a smile before loading her plate into the dishwasher.

“Don’t forget what I said before. I’m more than happy to help you pay for college if you want to go.”

We’ve had this conversation a few times, and every time I bring it up, she refuses to accept my offer. It’s nice to be around someone who’s not constantly trying to get their hands on my money, but it’s frustrating as hell when I want to share it with her but she won’t take it.

“I won’t forget. I appreciate it, but I’m okay. I make pretty good tips at this place. It’ll add up fast.”

She reaches for the sponge to wipe up the counter, and I can’t resist letting my fingers graze her skin when she’s this close to me. I see more than hear the sharp intake of breath. Her lips part, her chest expands then quickly freezes as a red flush creeps up her neck. It’s over in seconds, but her reaction plays over and over in my mind, taunting me with how much I want her.

When she comes back to where I’m still standing in front of the sink, she surprises the hell out of me by letting her fingers trail along my back as she walks behind me. Just that small amount of pressure, that tiny bit of contact between us is enough to get my semi-hard dick fully erect. I’m thankful that my lower half is still hidden. I shoot her a heated look, wanting her to see what she’s doing to me. Her lips quirked up in a small smile, but I could tell that she was just as aroused as I was. I’d give anything to be able to spend the day with her, nothing but her and me and a large bed.

But Sara’s voice brings reality slamming back into us.

“Thanks for breakfast, Dad. That was delicious.”

I smile and take her plate from her, adding it to the dishwasher.NôvelDrama.Org © content.

“I’m glad you liked it. So what are your plans today?”

“Well, since my best friend decided to take a double shift today,” she says, shooting Ashley a fake angry look, “I guess I’ll hang out here until tonight.”

“What’s happening tonight?”

She gives me a big smile. “I’ve got a date.”

“With Gavin?”

“No, this is someone I just met last night.” She looks at Ashley and lets out a laugh that I don’t understand and probably don’t want to.

“Okay, well, just be careful. I’ll probably be home late again.”

“No worries, Dad. I’ll be fine.”

When she heads back upstairs, Ashley follows. She looks back at me and I give her a wink before she disappears around the corner. God, this is going to be a long fucking day.

I was feeling impatient and frustrated as all hell, so I decided to take my Ferrari to work. It’s my favorite car, and it always puts me in a good mood. Even though I can’t go as fast as I’d like, the drive still manages to make me feel better, and by the time I pull into my reserved parking spot, I’m ready to focus on work and put my dick and all thoughts about Ashley to the side. At least for a few hours.

Thanks to a few hectic work emergencies, the day passes fairly quickly. I’d be in a damn good mood if it wasn’t for that stupid work dinner I need to go to. Jennifer Ryan has been contemplating using my company for all her advertising needs for a few weeks now, and it’s becoming painfully obvious that she’d like me to take care of some other needs as well. If her company wasn’t worth so much damn money, then I’d pawn this off on someone else, but this would mean millions for my company, and she insists on only doing business with me.

When she texts me asking if we can meet at Alfonso’s, I groan and suggest a different restaurant.

Her reply makes me want to throw the whole damn thing off.

Nonsense! I hear it’s the best place around. Plus, how can I pass up an opportunity to hear you speak Italian? I’ve already made reservations.

See you there at 8!

I let loose a long line of obscenities in Italian. Too bad she isn’t here to hear that. Although, it’s probably not quite what she’s envisioning.

I have just enough time to run back to the house to get ready. Alfonso’s isn’t the kind of place you show up to in jeans. I pick out a black Armani suit and pair it with a subtle, striped tie. I’m not thinking about Jennifer as I’m getting ready, though. All I can think about is seeing Ashley again.

The drive to the restaurant doesn’t take long at all. I leave my keys with an excited-looking young valet driver and walk inside. The cheery hostess gives me a big smile and a look that I easily recognize, but I’m not interested in her, not in the way she wants me to be.

“I’m meeting someone here,” I tell her. “The reservation should be under Jennifer Ryan.”

The young girl hides her disappointment well and looks down at her list.

“Ah, yes, sir. She’s already been seated. Please follow me, and I’ll show you to your table.”

I thank her and follow her deeper into the restaurant. It’s packed tonight, and I try to scan the waitresses for Ashley, but I don’t see her. As soon as I’m close to the table, Jennifer sees me and gives me a huge smile. She’s gone all out. Her blonde hair is loose, falling to just below her shoulders, and she’s wearing a very low-cut black dress that leaves very little to the imagination. Too bad for her I have no desire to imagine anything.

Right as she stands up and gives me a very unprofessional hug, I look over her shoulder and see Ashley heading straight for our table.

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