Dirty And Dangerous Obsession

Chapter 18;


I stepped out of Candy’s home and entered his car which was already waiting outside. And the car zoomed off almost immediately.

Shocking I was sitting close to Derek, who didn’t care to spare me a glance while he focused all his attention on his cell phone and I also pretended as if he wasn’t in the car either.

We both minded our business and pretended like a completely strange which at the same time, didn’t sit well with me and I began to steal a glance at him at every slight second.

Suddenly I was lost in his beauty, as I helplessly stared at him dreamily.

_His so cute! God is really a wonderful creator! _

Immediately he veered just in time and caught me staring at him lostly which prompted him to chuckle softly, which exposed his cute set of white teeth and I drowned even more.

He suddenly leaned forward and locked his wet lips with mine. He slowly sneaked his hands behind and grabbed my wrist pulled me over him, and sat on his lap.

I hastily tried to pull away when it dawned on me that I was sitting on his lap and kissing him at the same. But his hands tightened around my waist, holding my ass firmly in his palms.

My gaze stared at his and he slowly leaned over my neck and rested his jaws on my neck, inhaling my body scent without kissing.

I tried to move away, “Let’s stay like this for a moment.” His voice stopped me midway and I was stunned at how calm his voice sounded in my ear.

After some minutes, the ride finally came to an end, and he slowly unwrapped his arms around me and gestured for me to get down.

I stepped out of the car and my eyes wandered around. The magnificent building, standing in front of me was the first to catch my attention, and I knew instantly that it was a different location. Not his clubhouse.

The surroundings looked so calm and dry, without any guards or gunmen. Unlike Dominic’s home was surrounded by heavily armed men at every corner of his building.

Even though everywhere was dark, I could still see how everywhere was looking so alluring with different cars everywhere.

“Doven, Take her inside. I have to be somewhere at the moment.” He gestured to one of his men who ran toward him the moment we stepped out of the car to lead me inside the building. He began walking away.

But I stood glued on my spot, wondering where he was going at this time of the night. Suddenly he halted and veered around with furrowed eyebrows, “What?” He asked.

“Why did you bring me here,” I asked, wondering why he brought me here instead of the club.

He flashed me a smile and began striding toward me. He stood in front of me gazing into my eyes, as his cold gaze melted like ice filled with care and admiration.

He leaned over and locked his lips with mine, slowly kissing me so passionately which instantly made my knees jelly, and I fucking hate how his touch and kisses made me feel. I hate how my whole body grew weak just by his touch.

Unexpectedly my lips began to move along with the rhymes of his lips, as he pushed his tongue deep into my mouth. His mouth tasted like vodka mixed with a cigarette but it was still addictive.

Just when I began to drown deep into the kiss, he suddenly pulled away, “I will be right back.” He whispered, as his forehead rested on mine.

I nodded and watched him get into the car and zoom off. I stood there wondering what kind of mess I got into. Was this kind of a game? What exactly does Derek take me for? Next few minutes, he is cold and treats everyone around him like trash and in the next few minutes, he acts all loving and suddenly cares.

How could I’ve forgotten the ear-deafening slaps I received from him, for a few minutes? I guess the kiss in the car washed away all the anger I felt.

_This man. This man. Will surely be the end of me. _

“Let’s go inside.”

I veered around and noticed the guy Derek referred to as Doven standing close to me with his hands grasped behind his back. He flashed me a smile.

He began walking away, rolling my luggage with his hands. While I trailed behind him slowly. Soon, we got into the main building and I was bewildered at how amazing everywhere was.

Every single thing was made of gold and silver and was beautifully decorated. Not to talk about how huge the building was.

“Who the hell are you!!!”

I veered in the direction of the voice and I saw a young slim lady standing a few steps away from me with an apron hanging loosely on her neck.

She held an unpleasant expression as she sent me a murderous glare. Resentment and hatred were clearly seen in her eyes. “Are you deaf?!” She yelled.

I maintained my calm expression, and surprisingly I wasn’t scared of her. Suddenly, Doven leaned close to my ear, “Her name is Diane. She is our cook and she takes care of everything in this building.” He informed in a whisper.

“Mind how you talk to our guest!” He veered and fired back at her.

Her lips curved into a smirk, and she began sauntering toward me, “Are you his new plaything? Don’t worry he will—–”

“Enough, Diane!!!” Doven thundered. “Now get out of here. I don’t want to see you anywhere close to her.” He warned streaming, with his finger pointing at her.

“She will still find out the truth anyway.” She hissed loudly and walked away.

I couldn’t comprehend what she meant by that, and I became curious to know what she meant by that.

“What was she talking about,” I asked.

Doven smiled, “It’s nothing. She’s just jealous because she felt intimidated by your presence.”

But I felt there was more to it because I felt he was hiding something But what is that? I must find out.

“Come let me show you your room.” He gestured me to follow him and he walked me through the stairs. He pushed a door made of gold and we strode inside.

The room was simply beautiful, just to my taste. The Queen’s size bed was big enough to contain 5 people. And the wall was painted purple just my favorite, and every side of the room looked so girlish that made me wonder if someone had lived here before.

I veered around to ask Doven, but I quickly dismissed the thought of that. “Where is Derek?” I asked instead.

“He won’t be back tonight.” He informed. “If you need anything just tell and don’t go close to Diane, avoid her at all costs.” He quickly added.

“Why?” I furrowed my eyebrows.

“Mob Derek won’t like that.” He muttered. “I will take my leave now.” He began walking away.

I sighed and slowly slumped down on the bed. First thing first, I sluggishly dragged myself off the bed and walked into the bathroom to run a quick bath.

After some minutes I came out, feeling as fresh as ever. I quickly put on my nightie and slumped on the bed again. All my muscles and bones felt relaxed as my mind drifted back to Candy and Idris.

I still felt my soul locked up in her home. These past few days in her home, made me realize there is a chance of being loved again.Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

Candy and her son are my only source of light, and I owned them every breath I breathed today. Because not everyone would take that bold risk to accept a stranger into her home.

She came into my life and filled that space in my heart which lacked love, care, trust, and protection.

She made me feel those things, which I was deprived of, for the past 13 years of my life. Her constant care and trust kept me going.

Even when I thought I could survive all by myself but deep down, I was weak and was on the verge of breaking down, then she came as a light into my life. She sheltered me and showered me with love.

I hope to see them, soon. Because I’m missing them already.

My eyes weakly slide close.

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