Devoted Love, Mr. Hayes’ Darling Wife

Chapter 89: Not allowed to enter the contest

“Get out!”

Adán Rouco said again with a frown and a stern voice.

Estrella Berrocal put the food on the table: “I’ll go out if you eat this, otherwise I won’t be able to explain it to Paulita”.

Adán Rouco does not move and Estrella Berrocal asks him kindly and shyly: “You’re not still angry, are you? How about this, that I know that the person you like is Olivia Montes, and that I will confess to the old man when he gets better?

The man raised his eyes and looked at her coldly, “What do you want to confess to the old man?”.

“Confess to the Lord that we are a pretend couple, I know you started because…”

Before she could finish the sentence, Adán Rouco grabbed her wrist and pulled her violently into his arms, Estrella Berrocal dropped into his lap and blushingly asked, “What are you doing?”

The man sneered and his dark eyes bore into hers, “If you’re pretending to be a couple, why are you still sleeping with me? In bed?”


He had seduced her first!

“I… I had no intention of putting you in charge.”

This woman, how dare she say such things!

Adán Rouco did not know if it was because he was angry or because he had been in the hospital for two days, watching the old man and eating irregularly, his stomach hurt vaguely.

When Estrella Berrocal looked up, she noticed that Adán Rouco was pale and put her hand to her forehead: “Aren’t you feeling well?

Adán Rouco glared at her, “What, are you hurt?”.

Estrella Berrocal remembered Paulita’s comment that it hurt when she was hungry, and remembered that Adán Rouco’s stomach might not be very well, and she touched her hand to the pit of her stomach, “Does your stomach hurt?”

She stirred in his arms and he, more irritated at that moment by his own stomach pain and mood, held her and whispered a warning in her ear, “Don’t move!”

Estrella Berrocal was tightly embraced, like a heater for him, and for the sake of her stomach ache, she let him hold her for a while. Do you have any medicine at home?”.

Adán Rouco said nothing, Estrella Berrocal couldn’t just watch her stomach hurt, she struggled a couple of times. “Put me down, I’m going to get you some medicine.”

Adán Rouco did not let her go: “There is no medicine at home”.

And then what?

Estrella Berrocal remembered that on the balcony there were jars of aloe vera and suddenly an idea came to her, she smiled slightly and said: “Wait for me”.

He got off her lap and quickly left the studio.

When he returned, he had a glass of water in his hand.

Estrella Berrocal handed the glass of water to Adán Rouco: “Drink it, it won’t hurt anymore”.

The tone of her voice was that of a child, which would have been better used to cajole Paulita.

A glass of water, and you can drink it and it won’t hurt?

But Adam Rouco drank it anyway, took a sip and frowned.

The water was cold.

This woman, didn’t she think her stomach hurt enough to make her drink cold water?

Was she purposely trying to take revenge on him?

“Estrella Berrocal.

“Why are you looking at me like that? I’m not hurting you, just drink it, I promise it will soon stop hurting, it’s very effective.”

Adán Rouco, for some reason, believed his nonsense and drank the cold water in one gulp.

Estrella Berrocal gave him a good look: “Rest here for a while while I go make you some porridge”.

In a few moments, when Estrella Berrocal came back up, Adán Rouco’s face was much better, not as pale as before, and he had recovered a little blood.

“Isn’t that better? I told you it was working.”

How could he dare to hurt her, when Adán Rouco, with his unpredictable character, would have skinned her three times?

“What have you given me to drink?”

“Cold boiled water with aloe vera gel, this method is very useful, my father’s stomach was damaged by the drink because he was always socializing, a doctor told me, whenever my father’s stomach hurt, I drank it. It’s that …”

He lowered his eyes slightly, a trace of dejection creeping into them, “now I don’t have the possibility to make him aloe vera water to drink.”

Adán Rouco pursed his lips slightly and kept silent without speaking. Estrella Berrocal didn’t want the atmosphere to be so uncomfortable and changed the subject: “By the way, the porridge won’t be ready for a while, so go to work, I’ll be outside”.

Just as she turned around, the man’s hand grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her back into his arms, “Who told you to leave?”

Estrella Berrocal fell back into his arms, blushing, “Have you, have you finished your work?”.

It was weird to be dry-hugged like that.

“Well, now there’s something else to do.”

Estrella Berrocal did not react and followed her words with a puzzled question, “What?”

As soon as the words were out of her mouth, the man’s large, slightly cold hand went under the hem of her skirt.

Estrella Berrocal’s mind went blank for a few seconds and she reached out her hand to stop him.

This man, didn’t he have a stomachache? Why did he have the heart to do something like that?

She would not let herself be forced by him a second time!

She blushed, “You get out.”

The man’s dark eyes bore into her, and his voice was calm as he said the meat. “How can you get out before you’re inside?”

He had that forbidden… He was so serious, but his words were so colorful.

She simply wondered if he was faking a stomachache right now, otherwise how could he still have the strength to think about such things with a stomachache?

“Don’t you have, don’t you have a stomachache?”

“Well, I need to do something else to distract me.”


Overcome a stomachache by doing something like that?

Estrella Berrocal always felt that Adán Rouco was trying to get under her skin!

On the other side of the door, Paulita’s little voice rang out, “Daddy!”.

Estrella Berrocal took the opportunity to get off Adán Rouco’s lap and the studio door was flung open by the little girl just then.

“Dad, are you still in pain?”

Paulita ran and got into the arms of Adán Rouco, who caressed the little girl’s head. “It doesn’t hurt anymore, Paulita don’t worry about daddy.”

“Daddy, you have to eat right from now on so it doesn’t hurt, you always teach Paulita to eat right and you have to eat too! Dad is healthy so he can protect Paulita!”.

Adán Rouco raised his hand and pinched the little girl’s little nose: “Paulita taught you well”.

Estrella Berrocal’s eyes watered for a moment to see her father and daughter getting along so well, remembering all the good times she had spent with her father.

When Paulita left the studio, Adán Rouco handed Estrella Berrocal a stack of car magazines.

The man’s handsome face was arrogant, “Pick one.”


Isn’t it obvious? Why ask?

Adán Rouco frowned slightly: “Choose the one you like”.

Estrella Berrocal shook her head, “No, it’s too expensive, you already gave me back the Berrocal family villa and I thank you, I’d rather buy my own car.”

What, Jonathan Tasis gave her a car and she accepted it, but he gave it to her and she didn’t want to accept it?

The man coldly questioned, “Where did you get the money?”.

“I forgot to tell you that I entered the Yawar contest, and then if I get the prize money, I can go buy a car.”From NôvelDrama.Org.

Adam Rouco’s brow furrowed and his voice grew even colder at the mention of Yawar. “Who gave you permission to enter Yawar’s contest?”.

Estrella Berrocal froze, “Yo … How come I can’t participate in the Yawar contest?”.

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