Dangerously Yours Till Eternity

Chapter 58 – Sneaky Links?

That call lasted for hours.

Ivy had waited to try out her gowns for him but seeing that he wouldn’t be getting off the call anytime soon, she had given up on the idea.

Instead, she called her parents, having her usually fun filled conversation with her Father and hardly two dialogue exchange with her Mother who had been increasingly busy these days. The way her mother still found time to send her those pictures was beyond her.

When she retired to bed, Chris was in bed too. Thankfully, he was no longer on the call but he was still on his laptop, working.

“You should rest.” She said, settling herself comfortably in bed.

Without looking away from the laptop, he pulled the blanket over her, tucking her in.

“I will, once I’m done with this.”

“Are we still going to the Amusement Park tomorrow?”

“Sure thing. Goodnight.” He said, placing a chaste kiss on her lips.

It took her a couple of moments to fall asleep.

When she woke up once again, the room was simply lit and it was a little cold, just as it had been for a couple of days she had been here.

But tonight, there was something glaringly different about everything, and that was the empty and cold bed space beside her.

“Chris?” She called out, pushing the blanket aside and stepping out of the room.

After a short search, she quickly discovered that Chris had left.

To where?! She didn’t know, but it was certain that he wasn’t here.

She went back into the rooms, checking frantically to see if there had been any sighs of struggle, but there was nothing.

Then she quickly got her phone and dialed up his number, calling him.

It rang and rang but an answer never came.

Left with no other choice she had to check what she had inputted in his phone this afternoon.

A map appeared on her screen, accompanied by a blinking green light.

That blinking green light indicated Chris’s location. Specially, it indicated his phone’s location but since he was with his phone, that was most likely where he was.

In about a minute or two, she was settling into the ride that she had ordered to take her to where the blinking green light was.

Everything was easy here.

Including getting a ride to take you to wherever at 2:46am.

This place wasn’t called Small Paradise for no reason.

When she finally got to the location, she was surprised at where the place was. She even had to double check her GPS to ensure she was at the right place.

San Palace. This was a hotel.

The lights were bright and beautiful, the fences, low and see through. She could see the car park from where they were parked at the other side of the road.

Now, it was time to wait.

She could go in if she wanted to, but the thought of what she might find out terrified her.

There was also the thought that she might just be the one overthinking everything.

Although this didn’t look good, things weren’t always what they they seemed after all.

Maybe he had come here for business. Besides, Chris wasn’t like the other men she had dated in the past.Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

He was different. In every sense.

Just as she was thinking that, she saw someone coming out from the hotel.

It took her a while to recognize who that was and when she finally did, all she felt was absolute relief

It was Jett.


He certainly came here for Jett.

It was certainly Business.

Then terror, unwanted images filling her mind and she froze.

What if it wasn’t business?

She looked back quickly to see Jett stepping into his car but he didn’t zoom off, instead, it seemed like he was waiting for something.

Her breath hitched.

What if she had been right.

What if he was cheating on her with Jett?!

Her head became a volcano.

What if Chris was bisexual.

Her heart clenched.

They hadn’t seemed like the type.

Tears threatened to stream down her face, but she blinked it away.

To think that she had thought he would be different.

He was different alright!

The first man to ever cheat on her with a man.


“Just a little longer. I’ll pay for the time even if it takes all morning.”


“It will smudge my mascara,” she replied in default, before remembering that she had no mascara on.

She hadn’t even had time to make up.

“These? They are not tears. I just like bringing out water from my eyes sometimes.”

The Driver looked at her quizzically, before taking back his handkerchief, looking the absolutely baffled.

“Thank you,” she sniffled.

“You are welcome?”

Before she could say anything more, or languish in the awkwardness that settled in the car after, she saw a woman step out of the  hotel, looking a little bubbly.

She slipped into Jett’s car and he zoomed off after.

After that was a long wait.

She was picking everything together in her mind, waiting patiently to see if what she feared was what was going on.

After about 30 mins, Chris came out of the hotel, and slipped into his car.

A ding.

Chris just sent her a message.

It was a text apologizing that he had some really urgent matter of the House that he had to attend to.

Ivy didn’t respond to that.

He had just confirmed it all.

Jett hadn’t been the one Chris had been cheating on her with, thankfully.

But unfortunately, he was still cheating and she didn’t even know what was worse.

Jett had been the one to arrange a woman for him. He had brought the woman to him and taken her back when he was down with her.

Her stomach clenched painfully with betrayal.

Her and Jett weren’t the best of friends but this still hurt like a bitch.

The person’s action that hurt her the most though, remained Chris.

She watched his car zoom off.

After his car was long gone, her blurry tears-filled gaze still remained on the spot that had now been filled with another car.

What looked away, taking a deep breath and sitting back in her seat.

She had two options, wine or ice cream.

For what she was about to do, she needed be really calm and logical to carry it out effectively. Besides, one could be never go wrong with ice cream.

So, she told the driver to take her to the Ice cream shop.

Then she sat back in her seat, closed her eyes, allowing the breeze to fan her face gently as she got down to plotting her revenge.

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