Dangerously Yours Till Eternity

Chapter 49 : If Only They Knew

It’s been what now? A week, two weeks? Three? A month?!

Ivy couldn’t accurately tell but she knew that time had gone by quickly since her and Chris got into a relationship.All content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

They’ve been to different places together on dates, gone to see the movies, the park, restaurants, gone on walks.

They’ve done different little things.

Chris schedule had been tight ever since that night in the restaurant and that had really been affecting all their dates but nevertheless, it had been great.

Also, her parents came back like a week ago. They didn’t mind her going out all the time, she had always been like that with Elsa. So they didn’t suspect a thing. Although, they, her mother specifically, wished that she was hanging out with someone else, someone that could end up being a groom and a husband.

Could her daughter just find a man already and get married.

Her phone buzzed with a text and Ivy had to stop applying her makeup to pick it up.

Displayed on her screen was a name that brought a smile to her face, just as it had been doing for the past few weeks now.

My Christopher.

Some weeks ago, she had found that really annoying but not anymore. She inputted her password to open the message.

It read;

“We are waiting outside for you, my love.”

We, meaning, he, Elsa and Jett.

She quickly applied the finishing touches to her makeup, pulled her purple mini gown down a little, while the patted her hair that was in a messy bun.

Then she rushed down the stairs, her heels clinking loudly against the floor.

“Ma, Pa! I’m going out. Don’t wait up.”


Her hand still around the doorknob at that, she walked off to the kitchen, not making the mistake of allowing her mother to call her once again. She just hoped this wasn’t about her mother wanting her to stay for dinner.

Her mother hadn’t cooked in a long time and she was cooking today, in fact, it wasn’t any small meal, because Father was helping too.

Normally, the only person that usually cooked in this house was her Father.

So what was different about tonight?

What could be the occasion?

Wait, was today their wedding anniversary?!

But her reminder hadn’t reminded her of that at 12am today. So it most likely wasn’t… but what if it was.

Ivy’s heart raced at the thought.

Oh no.

“What, Ma?” Ivy asked, her voice a little shaky.

“Did you see the pictures?” Her mother asked, her focus on what she was slicing by the counter.

“What pictures?” Ivy asked, looking at her Father who was tending to a bowl of something Ivy couldn’t see, for help.

He only shrugged, a light smile on his face.

Okay, he didn’t looked tensed, so it wasn’t their anniversary then.

But what could it be?

“The pictures of your potential husbands.”

Ivy pulled out her phone, scrolling and tapping, then her eyes went wide and she was hitting delete repeatedly.

Was her mother trying to render her single? Chris would lose his mind if he were to see any of these. Although she didn’t think this was enough to snap what they had but still…

“You can’t just send me pictures of half naked guys, Ma?! Pa, tell her.”

“They are rich and handsome, billionaires, ceos, name your pick,” her mother listed, dropping the knife on the cutting board. She turned confidently to Ivy who was still standing by the kitchen door, “Just your type.”

“How are you sure of that?” Shs folded her hands across her, ready to argue this out. “What if my type is a creature that sucks blood and never gets old.”

Her mother’s confident stance dropped down to horrified so quickly.

“There is a creature like that?!” Her gaze snapped to her husband, “that’s horrifying.”

Satisfied with the reaction she was getting, Ivy added, “They are called vampires,”


She could hear her Father chip in at that, but she zoned them out.

As much as Ivy was enjoying this, she could feel her phone vibrating with endless messages. She quickly checked it, reading the lastest message.

“Yo princess! Get your ass down here, we are waiting.”

Ivy smiled.

It was wonderful that Elsa (sometimes) still stayed herself despite everything.

She could hear her Father’s voice again, trying to convince her Mother of something, trying to put her at ease.

“She is only joking, sweetheart, they don’t exist.”

Ivy scoffed internally.

If only he knew.

“What are you trying to do?” he asked, walking over to his wife, and wrapping her in a warm embrace from behind, “Give my wife a heart attack?” Even without her Mother wearing heels, he still looked a little shorter. “We can always sue her for emotional damage, Sweetheart. Send her all the pictures you want.”

“Pa, don’t encourage her. Why are you so much on her side tonight? You used to support me.”

“My hands are tied, you will understand when you grow up.”

“Grown up? No, I think I’ll just remain five. Thank you.”

An evil grin crossed her mother’s lips and she looked away from her husband to her daughter.

“Well, on that note, you will be getting more of those pictures, until you finally settle down with one. I have to get rid of you.”

“You know you can be sued for that that though,” she said with a smug look on her face. “I’m only five.”

“Then maybe you should go back to your room. You are five, you shouldn’t be going out this late. I’m sure you have homeworks and things to do. We will get a new nanny to help you out—”

That had started out as a joke but her Mother’s voice was starting to make it sound really serious and she knew how crazy her mother was.

She could do anything.


“I’m not five, Ma!”

“Good,” her evil grin widened. “You will be getting more of those pictures. You have to leave my house.”

“Ain’t you going to say anything, Pa?”

“I love you but my hands are really tied.”

“Ouch,” she declared dramatically, “my heart will never recover from this.”

Feeling that she had been dismissed, she turned to leave.

“How long will you be staying out?” Her mother’s question stopped her.

“Just the night.”


“Make sure you call,” her Father held after her. “I want to make sure my angel is okay.”

“Awwn, trying to buy me back just after you broke my heart? You will have to work harder, Pa.”

“Will you call?” He insisted.

“I will,” she replied but before she shut the door, she could hear her mother saying.

“I have a feeling one of these days she is going to get into someone’s bed and get hooked for life. I hope the person will be rich enough to–”

The door close shut as Ivy witnessed another moment of “if only they knew”.

She chuckled and strolled out of the gate.

Chris was waiting.

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