Dangerous Lycan: Claim Betrayed Luna’s Second Chance Mate


“I mean with what the guards said and the location that they described, it still doesn’t sit right to me that the Crimson pack is in on this. What if someone captured my guards and sent a text using the Crimson logo? This person knows very well that I would retaliate and hit on the Crimson pack. Which indeed will breed war.”

“But the war is like a distraction,” I said.

“Yes, exactly. Whoever is doing this knows very well what my actions will be. They have studied me closely. Hence the need for the spies.”

“Yeah, that’s right. So what you are saying is that it’s someone that is using the Crimson logo as a cover. This is Ryan.”

“I don’t fucking care who it is. All I know is that I’m going to find my guards. Tall brick walls, if it’s not the Crimson pack then I think I know where that is. I need to get to Alex.”

“I’m coming with you.”

“I don’t think that it’s a good idea. You shouldn’t be seen out there especially at a time like this.”

“Kieran, I know that you want to protect me for the reason we both know but I want to do this with you.”

“It’s not something we should go back and forth about.”

“I’m not a kid. I’m coming with you and its not negotiable.”

“Clara, if this people are at this location that I think that they are, then we would be invading their hideout. It is too dangerous.”

“You think I don’t know that?”

“Oh fuck this,” he said and walked on as I followed him behind.

On a normal day, I would have just listened and stayed back anticipating his return and what would happen next. But this time, I just felt that it was time that I finally got involved and so I just followed behind.

Surprisingly, Kieran was right, we found three men holding the guards captive within the tall brick wall. Kieran, Alex and the rest of the warriors were able to overpower them as they were not expecting the invasion. Kieran had let me come along but he had only left me to stand by a distance. Soon, we were all back to the palace. Kieran could recognise them. They were men from the town.

“So what next?” I asked as we got back to the palace.

“We interrogate these sons of bitches. We know the source of this.”

“Its Ryan.”

“I know, but we just need to be sure. We can’t rule out other options.”

“Yeah, you are right. The doctor said that your guards would survive. Their injury wasn’t very severe. I’m glad that this is finally over,” I said.

“No, its not, Clara. Call on a meeting with the people. And alert the palace executioner,” he instructed Alex.

Just as we had predicted, it was all masterminded by Ryan. Turned out that the day that he had come claiming to want to see me, was the day he began the execution of his well-cooked plan. I always knew that his presence in the palace wasn’t just to see me.

“Come with me,” Kieran showed me his hands and I took it. He led me outside. The people were already outside by the time we got there. They still looked pissed but I knew that it was just a mask to what they truly felt_ worried, everyone would be. Even I had become worried but not for the same course.© NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

The executioner already stood ready to pull the lever so that these men would breath their last.

“What are you doing?” I whispered to Kieran as we stood and watched the people while they watched these men. I could hear the wailing of some women and children trying to reach out to these men.

“What I should have done a long time ago,” he said. He didn’t look at me. I wished that he had.

These men were fathers and husbands they didn’t deserve to be there. I had been with Ryan for so long to know what he was really capable of doing. He had used these men, just as he had used me. But one thing was different about us, I had a second chance to right my wrongs and they didn’t. Kieran wasn’t going to give them that. Not when he had a legacy to protect.

“A few days ago, a powerful and renowned werewolf paid us a visit here. I wasn’t really aware of his intentions because it wasn’t quite clear. But I just discovered that on his way out, he spoke with some men here. Turning my people against me by making them spread fake words. He made those men a spy in their own town. He wanted to cause war using these men. I’m not sorry for this werewolf because his plans failed but I am sorry for this men and their families. I have ruled this town with the people’s interest as my sole priority. And at the slightest opportunity, you want to turn against me.”

“Kieran…” I called out but I knew that my words would mean nothing.

“These men has committed treason and so they would face the capital punishment which is death by hanging.”

There was an uproar amongst the crowd.

“I’m not doing this because I’m the king or I can. But rather to warn you all. Just in case a friendly werewolf comes into town to speak into your ear.”

The wails had increased amongst the crowd. Kieran raised his hands up as the executioner awaited his signal. My heart raced, I have never been faced with such cruelty before. I could have helped this men. Given them other choices so they would live their lives with their families again. But I couldn’t blame Kieran. I understood that he needed to do this. What I didn’t quite get was why he needed me by his side. Perhaps he wanted to show me a part of him that I never knew existed. Although I had always suspected it was in him. After all he was called ruthless for a reason. I couldn’t help but wonder how many people he had ordered their execution.

As soon as he dropped his hand, the executioner pulled the lever. And just immediately, I took my hands away from him. I could feel his eyes on me but my gaze did not leave these men. The men only struggled for a bit. Their very last hustle for survival. This was the point were the toil and struggles finally came to an end. Most of them had only given up on life but their bodies still needed to try. And then it just stopped. They had given up. Their soul roamed free now. Perhaps they were at a much better place. We never knew. The wails from the women increased and then, it just stopped. Everyone turned and left. Leaving their boards and weapon behind. Tears flowed down my chin.

“You know it was Ryan that did all this right? These men were just his prey just like me. That’s what he does He uses people. Now, you just ended their lives for nothing because he will strike again. Ryan would never give up.” I said as I turned to him.

“The people needed to know that I was still their king.”

“By killing them?”

“By executing offenders found guilty of treason.”

“This is not just about Ryan is it? You just couldn’t stand the fact that your people could turn against you. So proud and arrogant. I have always known. These was just a way to feed your pride.”

“Clara, you know nothing of ruling people. I’m the Alpha King I can’t just do what you feel is right. It doesn’t work that way.”

“I always knew you were ruthless didn’t just know what level,” I said and walked away.

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